Chapter 241 Little Beauty Han Xue!
This is a lush and vast plain. In the middle of the plain, there is a gravel square. On the ground in the center of the square, there are many mysterious sigils. There is a hint of space fluctuation.

In the very center, there is a stone platform. On the stone platform, a ten-foot-sized space wormhole slowly rotates.

Suddenly, the space wormhole rotated at an accelerated rate, and several figures swept out of the space wormhole.

"Brother Feng, we have arrived in the Northern Region of Zhongzhou now!"

Glancing at the environment on the square, Han Yue said with a smile: "Here, there is still a day or two to go to Tianbei City where my family is located!"


Hearing Han Yue's words, Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

Next, the Purple Demon Vulture changed back to the form of a monster, carrying the four of Chen Feng and flying across the sky at high speed.

Two days later, the outline of a huge city appeared again in the sight of Chenfeng and the others.

"Brother Feng, this is Tianbei City!" Seeing the looming outline of the huge city, Han Yue said excitedly.

She left home this time, thinking it would take four or five years, but now she has returned before the end of the second year.

However, this time she returned early this time, and she didn't panic at all, because, according to her previous cultivation speed, using the Sky Burning Qi Refining Pagoda at Canaan College would at most give her a chance to break through to the King of Fighting in three or four years, but Now, she has reached that goal ahead of schedule.

This kind of cultivation speed can be said to be the best among the younger generation of the Han family, and she can also be among the best among the geniuses near Tianbei City.

The scale of Tianbei City can be said to be larger than any city that Chenfeng has stayed in before. Perhaps because of the proper planning, the whole city gives people a majestic feeling. On the spacious streets, there is a constant flow of people, revealing With the huge popularity of the city.

The Han family is located in the south of Tianbei City, while the opposite is the Hong family occupying the north. These two families are like the two rulers of this city. The two sides divide the city into two halves .

Of course, there are other small forces in the city, but compared with the Han Hong family, they are insignificant, and they can only survive in the cracks, like floating, looking up at the two behemoths in the city .

In this northern region of Zhongzhou, unlike the Northwest Continent, a family can rule a huge empire, because here, an ordinary city has a strong Douzong sitting in the town, and not many families are willing to have an emperor on their heads. keep it.

After approaching Tianbei City, Chenfeng didn't stop the Purple Demon Vulture, but rushed over the city wall and headed towards a huge manor in the south of the city.

"This is Tianbei City, all flying beasts need to stay outside!"

"A sixth-order monster!"

On the city wall, a guard leader with the strength of a fighting king saw a flying monster breaking into the city, and immediately flew into the city.

Soon, several Dou Huang's aura shot up to the sky in the city, blocking the Purple Demon Vulture, and the Purple Demon Vulture stopped immediately.

"It's actually a sixth-order monster!"


"Aren't you at Canaan Academy, why are you back now?"

Four figures appeared in the sky, and one of them, a middle-aged man who seemed to be only about 40 years old, immediately showed surprise when he saw Han Yue on the back of the Purple Demon Vulture.

"Second uncle, I have something to do this time, so come back early!"

Han Yue replied to the old man very politely.

"Brother Feng, this is my second uncle, Han Tian! The three old men over there are the elders of the Hong family!" Han Yue introduced to Chen Feng again.


Hearing Han Yue's introduction, Chen Feng nodded slightly. He also knew that the Han family and the Hong family had never dealt with each other.

"Junior Chenfeng, I have met Senior Han Tian!" Chenfeng greeted with cupped hands, completely ignoring the three Hong family elders in the sky over there.

"Well, you are really young and promising!"

"What is the reason for being able to ride a sixth-order monster on the road?"

"Also, the girl in the purple dress looks less than 20 years old, but she already has the aura of a fighting emperor!"

Han Tian nodded politely in reply to Chen Feng, and then a lot of doubts arose in his heart.

"Second Uncle, these are the descendants of my teacher's family. These two are my sisters...I'll introduce them to you when I get back!" Han Yue said quickly.

"Okay, let's go back and talk about it first!" Han Tian recovered from his surprise, nodded and said.

"This Miss Han brought so many strange young geniuses to Tianbei City, as well as flying beasts with sixth-level strength. This matter must be reported to the Patriarch as soon as possible!"

Knowing that Han Yue had returned, the other three elders from the Hong family also left the sky with doubts at this moment.


The purple magic eagle landed on the Han family manor, and many Han family members were alarmed and rushed here.

Among them, a middle-aged man in a brocade robe came to the front of the Purple Demon Vulture with a few flashes. Judging by his aura, he seemed to have reached the peak of the Nine-Star Douhuang. The realm of sect.

"Father, I'm back!"

On the back of the Purple Demon Vulture, Han Yue saw the middle-aged man appear, and a pair of white fighting spirit wings emerged from behind, flew to the ground, and saluted the middle-aged man respectfully.

"Yue'er, your cultivation has reached the level of Dou Wang!"

Seeing the scene where Han Yue flew down with her fighting spirit, the middle-aged man's face suddenly revealed a look of surprise.

He didn't expect that within two years after sending his daughter to Canaan Academy, he would be promoted from being a great fighting master to becoming a fighting king.


With a smile on Han Yue's face, she nodded confidently.


On Han Tian's side, he quickly told the middle-aged man what happened before.

At this time, Chen Feng, Zi Yan, and Liu Fei also got off the Purple Demon Vulture.

After putting down the hand around Liu Fei's waist, Chen Feng straight to the point and said to the middle-aged man in brocade robe: "Senior Han Chi, junior Chen Feng, you are here today to propose marriage to the Han family!"

"Propose marriage?"

Hearing Chen Feng's abrupt words, Han Chi froze for a moment, then frowned.

Because Chen Feng's behavior with Liu Fei just now was very ambiguous, and now he said that the Han family proposed marriage, which made Han Chi very unhappy.

"Sister, you are back!"

At this moment, a clear and pleasant voice came running from behind Han Chi and the others, and then directly jumped on Han Yue.

The woman who ran over was wearing a purple shirt and looked only 16 years old.

With slender eyebrows like willows, skin like snow, and a rather tall figure, but under the yew wrap, the bumpy figure looks extraordinarily plump, with a beautiful face as delicate as Han Yue's.

(End of this chapter)

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