Chapter 248 Advance to Dou Zun!

Under the powerful effect of Fuyuan Pill, the little fairy doctor recovered from the exhaustion and birth trauma in a very short period of time.

"Brother Feng, I feel much better, this elixir is amazing!"

Perhaps because of the difference in personality, the little doctor is not very good at acting like a baby, so she didn't lie down like Ya Fei and Nalan Yanran after giving birth, but sat up from the bed immediately after her body recovered.

Afterwards, the little fairy doctor went straight out of the bed and hugged the child from the maid.

"Sister Xian'er is really amazing, she came down and left just after giving birth!"

"Actually, it's alright that I was able to walk away after taking the elixir my husband gave me at that time... It's just that I wanted to appear weaker and let my husband love me more!"

"Yao Ye, were you also like this at the time?"

Seeing the little fairy doctor's actions, Nalan Yanran, Yafei and the others began to communicate softly, Yaoye's face suddenly turned rosy, and she lowered her head shyly.

"Brother Feng, have you decided on the child's name?" The little doctor looked at the child for a while, then looked at Chen Feng with beautiful eyes, and asked with a smile.

"After thinking about it, let's call her Xianle!" Chen Feng replied with a slight nod of his head.

"Xianle, what a nice name!"

Hearing the name that Chenfeng gave the child, the little fairy doctor's ethereal face couldn't help but joy, and the child also cried at this moment, as if responding to Chenfeng.

Next, Chenfeng asked Nalan Yanran, Yafei, and Yaoye to bring their children over. Looking at the children carved in pink and jade, Chenfeng's heart became very peaceful at this moment.


After arriving in the secret room, Chenfeng began to check the rewards for the little doctor's fairy birth.

He said directly to the system: "System, open the gift bag!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for increasing the lifespan by 100 years!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, everyone recorded in the genealogy of Wanshi, the cultivation speed has increased by [-]%!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the three-turn Dou Zun peak experience card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the space expansion pack!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining two space jade tubes!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining one hundred Dou Zong Shengxing Pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an intermediate puppet pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an intermediate experience pill!"

"All the above rewards have been distributed, please pay attention to the host to check."

As the words fell in Chen Feng's mind, several system prompts sounded in his mind continuously.

"Very good, this reward basically hasn't shrunk!"

Listening to the system's notification tone, Chenfeng was very satisfied.

Among them, some rewards are basically fixed, and Chenfeng skips them directly.

Space Expansion Package, this is the second time Chenfeng has obtained such a treasure, it can expand the range of space treasures, the space jade tube, that thing is also very practical, the space jade tube obtained before, put it in Yunyun , this time I got two more, which will be very practical.

Dou Zong Xing Xing Pill, the effect is similar to the previous Dou Zong Xing Xing Pill, which can help practitioners in the Dou Zong stage to break through a star level. It can be used up to three times, and it will fail after three times.

Now, beside Chenfeng, Jia Xingtian is a strong Douzong, and Lingyou has also broken through Douzong. They are in the Douzong stage, and they can use Douzong Shengxing Pill to increase their strength and reach the three-star Douzong in one fell swoop.

At that time, even if Chenfeng is not in the palace, the defense force of the palace will be very strong.

"Intermediate experience pill, this time, breaking through to Dou Zun, there should be no problem!"

Looking at the last reward, Chenfeng couldn't help but look forward to it.

The next moment, he sat cross-legged in the center of the secret room, intending to use the intermediate experience pill, but before that, he took out the space blocking talisman to seal the space in the secret room.

Not long after, when a huge golden dragon flew out of Chen Feng, a vast aura emanated from him.

If it wasn't for the barrier of space, all the people in the entire imperial palace and even the imperial capital would be crushed to the ground by this momentum.

In the secret room, Chen Feng lazily stretched his waist, his body skin squirmed at this moment, and the bones in his body were like a complex mechanism that had been turned on, and there were crisp sounds of bones rubbing and colliding.


Feeling the sense of comfort that diffused in the body, a breath of thunderous power flowed down his throat and spit out from Chenfeng's mouth.

"It's finally Dou Zun!"

Chen Feng shook his hands slightly, feeling the ocean-like dou qi in his body, with a smile on his face.

This kind of power has the power of crazy temptation, and countless people have devoted their lives to this kind of power.

Although Chen Feng had experienced the power of the peak Dou Zun of Rank Nine, it was just an experience after all, not something he really owned. Now he no longer needs to use the experience card, he has already reached the cultivation level of Dou Zun.


After digesting the reward brought by the fairy doctor's childbirth this time, Chenfeng used the space teleportation flag to return to Liu's house in Tianhuang City.

Now, the marriage proposals for Han Yue and Liu Fei have all been settled, and Chenfeng plans to go to other places in Zhongzhou before the big wedding.

"Brother Feng, I'll wait for you to pick me up!"

In the Liu Family Manor, Liu Fei waved her little hand to bid farewell to Chen Feng and Zi Yan who were standing on the back of the Purple Demon Vulture in the sky.

"Fei'er, don't worry, my wedding party will come here on time!" Chenfeng stood on top and responded.

Soon, the huge figure of the Purple Demon Vulture turned into a small black dot and disappeared over the Liu Family Manor.

This time, when Chen Feng left, he left a space jade tube for Liu Fei, and if there was any urgent matter, Chen Feng would rush to her side immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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