Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 250 My request is that Miss Huo'er marry me as my wife!

Chapter 250 My request is that Miss Huo'er marry me as my wife!
"Huo'er, you've just gotten better, it's better not to walk around!"

On the spacious stone platform, after the woman in red appeared, a crack appeared in the space barrier behind her, and an old man in red stepped out slowly.

This red-clothed old man did not look amazing, with a thin and small figure, but there was a faint coercion that only a strong fighter could have.

The woman in red turned her head, glanced at the thin old man, curled her lips and said, "Father, I haven't been out for more than half a year, what you say this time is useless!"

After finishing speaking, the woman in red suddenly spread out a pair of red fighting spirit wings behind her, planning to fly out.

However, at this moment, the eyes of the father and daughter suddenly looked at the huge purple monster that appeared at the end of the sky in the distance.

"A flying beast at the peak of the sixth level! Who could it be?"

The red-haired old man narrowed his eyes slightly, with some doubts in his eyes.

Soon, under the watchful eyes of these two people, the huge purple magic vulture gradually approached the huge fiery red mountain peak. in sight.

"Five-Star Fighting Emperor! Three-Star Fighting Emperor!"

Chenfeng's current cultivation through the Hidden Spirit Stone, in the five-star Douhuang, he and Zi Yan's cultivation was instantly seen by the red-haired old man. , so that the eyes of the red-haired old man showed surprise again.

"Dou Zun's cultivation level, it seems that this person is Tang Zhen, the owner of Fenyan Valley!"

While the father and daughter were observing Chenfeng, Chenfeng was also observing them, and soon confirmed their identities.

"Who are you two, why did you come to Fenyan Valley?" the red-haired old man asked calmly.

"Hehe, next to Chenfeng, you must be Tang Zhen, Tang Guzhu!" Chenfeng replied with a smile: "I have no intention of coming to Fenyan Valley this time, I just want to visit it!"


Hearing Chen Feng's words, Tang Zhen couldn't help frowning.

At this moment, the woman in red next to Tang Zhen put her hands on her hips and said loudly, "You are so brave to visit my Fenyan Valley."

"Hehe, I, Fenyan Valley, rarely have the habit of entertaining outsiders, you two should come back!"

Tang Zhen also turned down Chen Feng. Although he was the owner of Fenyan Valley and his cultivation had reached Dou Zun, he didn't put on airs and spoke quite politely.

Chen Feng didn't pay attention to the words of Tang Zhen's father and daughter. He looked at the woman in red and said with a smile, "Miss, do you have some hidden disease?"

"Hidden disease?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the woman in red looked suspicious and turned to look at Tang Zhen.

"This young man can actually see the hidden dangers in Huo'er's body at a glance. His soul power must be very strong. Could it be that he is an alchemist?"

Tang Zhen thought quickly in his heart, and then said without changing his face: "Little friend Chenfeng, what did you see?"

Seeing Tang Zhen answering the words, Chen Feng's figure flashed, and he came directly to the stone platform from the back of the Purple Demon Vulture.

"I heard that Fenyan Valley inherits the No.12 Nine-Dragon Lightning Fire on the Alien Fire List. The hidden dangers in Miss must be caused by the failure to integrate the Nine-Dragon Lightning Fire!" Chen Feng looked at the slim red dress The woman explained slowly.

This red-clothed woman has a beautiful face with some rosy cheeks. Chenfeng has seen many beauties. This Tang Huo'er's appearance may not be as enchanting as Queen Medusa's, but she also has a The temperament that belongs to her, between looking around, looks graceful and heroic, with an alternative charm.

"That's right, little friend, you can actually see Huo'er's hidden dangers at a glance. Could it be that you are a pharmacist?" Tang Zhen asked in surprise.

"No, but I know a seventh-rank pharmacist!" Chen Feng shook his head.

"Your Excellency is not a pharmacist, but the soul power can be so powerful, it is also very good!"

Tang Zhen was quite surprised and said that he is not a pharmacist himself, but with his own soul power and ability to control flames, he can actually control different fires to refine some pills, but the grade is not high However, if you want to refine some high-level elixir, you need to ask other high-level alchemists to assist you.

To cure Tang Huo'er's hidden dangers, he needed to refine the seventh-grade elixir, Huo Bodhisattva, and the efficacy of that elixir was to treat the sequelae of the failure of the fusion of different fires.

If the Huo Bodhisattva could not be refined, Tang Huo'er might not have a few years to live.

"Little friend Chenfeng, to be honest, the little girl is indeed in some physical condition because of the failure to fuse the different fire... I wonder if the seventh-grade pharmacist I know can invite Tang to help him refine the pill. Medicine, of course, Tang will pay the corresponding reward!" Tang Zhen directly informed Chenfeng of the situation.

Hearing Tang Zhen's words, Chen Feng responded directly: "Guzhu Tang, the seventh-grade elixir you need, my friend who is a pharmacist can refine it alone!"


Hearing Chen Feng's confident words, Tang Zhen suddenly became a little excited, and Tang Huo'er beside him also had a brilliant look in his eyes.

"Little friend Chenfeng, if you can help the old man make the Fire Bodhisattva Pill, what reward do you want?" Tang Zhen asked.

"Guzhu Tang, my request is very simple, I just hope that Miss Huo'er can become my wife after she recovers!" Chen Feng put forward his conditions without hesitation.


Hearing Chen Feng's request, Tang Zhen, who was still cheerful just now, was a little annoyed, but he didn't do anything else.

Tang Huo'er was not angry, she slowly pulled out the fiery red whip wrapped around her waist, and said softly: "Hehe, it's not impossible to want me to be your wife, let's see if you can beat the whip in my hand! "

Tang Huo'er is very confident in herself. Her cultivation is at the top among the younger generation in Fenyan Valley. Now she has reached the three-star Douhuang. Chen Feng's age seems to be several years younger than her. Therefore, She concluded that Morrowind would not be her match.

"Miss Huo'er, what do you mean, as long as I defeat you, you will agree to the condition just now?"

Seeing Tang Huo'er's character, Chen Feng's interest also grew stronger.

"Yes!" Tang Huo'er nodded her snow-white chin, and said with certainty.

"Huo'er, don't mess around!"

Hearing the conversation between the two of Chen Feng, Tang Zhen hurriedly dissuaded him. The cultivation base of Chen Feng he found out was five-star Dou Huang, two stars higher than Tang Huo'er.

"Daddy, don't worry, I can still lose to a guy younger than me!" Hearing Tang Zhen's words, Tang Huo'er still didn't care. She held the whip and looked at Chen Feng with full fighting spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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