Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 252 Zi Yan, this guy is so fickle, why are you still willing to follow him?

Chapter 252 Zi Yan, this guy is so fickle, why are you still willing to follow him?
Continuing to walk inside, Chenfeng discovered that the fire attribute energy in Fenyan Valley was still as strong as in the scorching mountains outside, but the berserk factor in these fire attribute energies had completely disappeared. It has been completely purified.

The entire Fenyan Valley is shrouded in a layer of distorted space barriers. This method is somewhat similar to the inner courtyard of Canaan College, but the spatial barrier here is far stronger than the inner courtyard.

Suddenly, the sound of breaking wind resounded in the mountains and forests around the stone staircase, and more than a dozen vigorous figures flashed over and quickly landed around the stone staircase.

"I have seen the Valley Master!"

"I have seen the Valley Master!"

When these people saw Tang Zhen and Tang Huo'er, father and daughter, the guard on their faces dissipated, and they bowed respectfully to Tang Zhen.

These figures are all wearing red clothes, and they are not very old, but the traces of fighting spirit permeating from their bodies are quite vigorous, and they are basically at the level of fighting kings.

Those who are a little older have the Douhuang cultivation level, and this is only the younger generation, and they can all have such strength, which shows the strength of Fenyangu.

"Who are these two people, why have they never met before?"

"Both of them have reached Dou Huang, yet they look less than 20 years old? Are they genius disciples from other sects?"

"That man's age looks a few years younger than Miss Huo'er, but his cultivation and aura are stronger than Miss Huo'er's!"

These young disciples of Fenyan Valley, after saluting Tang Zhen, subconsciously noticed the unfamiliar Chen Feng and Zi Yan, each with suspicion and envy in their eyes.

"Little friend Chenfeng, let's go!"

After Tang Zhen nodded slightly, with a movement of his body and the soles of his feet stepping into the void, he flew towards the depths of the valley.

Afterwards, Chen Feng, Tang Huo'er, and Zi Yan spread their fighting spirit wings and followed Tang Zhen closely.

After a while, several people gradually lowered their figures and landed in front of a fiery red hall.

In the belly of the valley, there are many buildings, among which there are many disciples of Fenyan Valley dressed in red. Occasionally, the sound of chatting and shouting makes this huge valley burst with vitality.

Chenfeng's soul power checked a little bit, and he sensed the aura of at least some twentieth-level fighting sect powerhouses in the valley. Such a background is worthy of being one of the three valleys.

However, during this investigation, Chenfeng didn't sense the aura of the fighting saint powerhouse Patriarch Huoyun hidden in Fenyan Valley.

"It seems that this old guy's retreat has a more powerful seal!"

While watching, Chenfeng murmured in his heart.

Soon, Tang Zhen led Chenfeng and the others into the main hall, and sent people to fetch the medicinal materials for refining the Fire Bodhisattva Pill.


"Little friend Chenfeng, this Fire Bodhisattva Pill is a seventh-grade high-grade pill. You should also know how precious the recipe and ingredients are. I hope you take good care of it!"

In the main hall, Tang Zhen handed a fiery red scroll to Chen Feng's hands. Although his words were peaceful, they carried a hint of threat.

"Don't worry, Valley Master Tang, I will definitely keep such a precious elixir safe, and when the elixir is successfully refined, the elixir will be returned together!"

Chen Feng smiled and took Dan Fang over, without seeming nervous at all.

"Okay, then I will wait for the good news from my little friend!"

Seeing Chenfeng's performance, Tang Zhen nodded with a smile and said, he made a big gamble this time. After all, he didn't know the details of Chenfeng. The loss is too great.

While Chen Feng was talking with Tang Zhen, Zi Yan and Tang Huo'er chatted together at another place in the hall.

The two women's cultivation bases are both three-star fighting emperors, and their appearance and temperament are somewhat similar, so when they talk, they have a little bit in common.

"You mean, that guy has several wives?"

After hearing Zi Yan talk about Chen Feng's family situation, Tang Huo'er's pretty face could not help but reveal her astonishment.

"Well, they are easy to get along with, we had fun together before!" Zi Yan nodded very seriously.

"Why, he has so many wives, such a playful man, you still follow him?"

Tang Huo'er asked Zi Yan suspiciously. According to her original personality, she would be very angry when she learned that a man has so many wives and wants to marry her. But now, she is not angry, and there is still some curiosity in her words .

"I just like Brother Chenfeng, there are so many reasons!"

" it that simple?"

Zi Yan smiled playfully, and gave an explanation that didn't count as an explanation, Tang Huo'er was stunned for a moment.

"What is the charm of this guy... Is it because he is handsome?"

Tang Huo'er gazed beautifully at Chen Feng who was talking with Tang Zhen over there, and murmured in his heart.

After all, Zi Yan is not an ordinary woman. She is top-notch in terms of beauty, temperament and cultivation talent. Such an excellent woman hardly cares whether Chen Feng has so many wives, which greatly arouses Tang Huo'er's curiosity.

"Master Gu, all the herbs you want are here!"

Soon, an elder of Fenyangu presented a ring to Tang Zhen and Chen Feng.

"Little friend Chenfeng, now, I will leave all the prescriptions and medicinal materials to you!"

Seeing this, Tang Zhen didn't hesitate, and directly handed over the Najie containing the medicinal materials needed to refine the Fire Bodhisattva to Chenfeng.

"Master Gu trusts so much, Chenfeng will not let Master Gu down. This elixir will be my betrothal gift to marry Miss Huo'er in the future!"

Chen Feng took Na Jie with a smile, and then took out a jade bottle from his Na Jie and handed it to Tang Zhen.

"bride price?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Tang Zhen couldn't help being stunned. When he was about to speak, Chen Feng interrupted: "The efficacy of this elixir is recorded in the jade bottle. Guzhu Tang will check it out later. Chenfeng first Farewell!"

After saying this, Chen Feng turned around and walked up to Zi Yan.

"Why is this woman's eyes a little strange?"

Noticing that Tang Huo'er had been staring at him with strange eyes, Chen Feng felt puzzled.

"Zi Yan, let's go, come back in a few days!"

However, Chen Feng didn't think too much at this time, and directly took Zi Yan out of the hall.


After Chen Feng left, Tang Zhen checked the jade bottle, and then opened the jade bottle. Tang Zhen was a little startled by the rich fragrance of alchemy overflowing from it and the surging energy.

"The energy of this elixir is so huge, could it be that it has reached the eighth rank?"

Surprised in Tang Zhen's heart, he quickly checked the information Chen Feng left in the jade bottle.

"A cultivator at the Dou Zun stage can be raised by one star! How is this possible?"

Seeing the effect of the medicine described by Chen Feng, Tang Zhen's pupils suddenly dilated, and it was as if a huge wave was set off in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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