Chapter 257 Yunyun is born!

"Huo Bodhisattva, I didn't expect it to be refined. I really didn't misunderstand the person!"

Looking at the green and red two-color pill in his hand, Tang Zhen couldn't hide the smile on his face.

This time, the three elders of Fenyan Valley were completely slapped in the face, each and every one of them showed shame.

Tang Huo'er, who was standing next to Tang Zhen, looked at Chen Feng with a pair of beautiful eyes, and she was also full of splendor.

Next, Chenfeng was warmly invited by Tang Zhen and others to Fenyan Valley.

"Chenfeng, since you brought the Fire Bodhisattva, I, Fenyangu, will never go back on what I promised earlier!"

In the main hall, Tang Zhen announced directly in front of many Fenyangu elders and disciples that he would betroth Tang Huo'er to Chen Feng.

"Guzhu Tang really has courage!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng smiled and nodded, he was very satisfied with Tang Zhen's behavior.

"Miss Huo'er was betrothed to this guy, what is his background!"

"It doesn't matter what his background is, he got the Fire Bodhisattva, and the owner of the valley has already made a decision, so what can we do!"

"That's right, no one can change Guzhu's decision!"

The elders and disciples present were discussing in low voices one by one, and some people cast envious eyes on Chen Feng, and because of Tang Zhen's majesty, no one dared to object to this matter.

"Huo'er, take your future husband-in-law to have a good tour of our Fenyan Valley!"

Afterwards, Tang Zhen even arranged for Tang Huo'er and Chen Feng to spend time alone to cultivate their relationship.


Hearing Tang Zhen's words, Tang Huo'er nodded slightly without showing any shyness.

"Come with me!"

Tang Huo'er walked directly in front of Chen Feng and led him out of the hall.

Although Fenyan Valley is built in the mountains and surrounded by space seals, its internal area is very large.

Tang Huo'er and Chen Feng walked in the valley for a long time without reaching the edge.

Along the way, Tang Huo'er behaved generously, and was always able to introduce some scenery very well, but the two of them did not have the kind of transcendence between men and women.

"Miss Huo'er, let's go here first, now that the Huo Bodhisattva has been refined, you should treat your hidden dangers first!"

As the sky darkened, Chenfeng ended the relationship between the two of them today.

"it is good!"

Tang Huo'er smiled slightly, then turned and left. He had a very good impression of Chenfeng during the conversation today, and he had already confirmed the marriage in his heart.

That night, after Chen Feng came to the room Tang Zhen had arranged for him, he directly entered the small world and taught Xiao Xun'er a bit.

I haven't seen her for several days, Xiao Xun'er also misses Chenfeng very much, and wants to learn about Chenfeng's stick education.

As expected, she had completely activated her divine blood, and practiced Dragon and Phoenix Jue together with Chenfeng, her cultivation speed gradually increased, and now she has reached the level of Dou Ling, and it is estimated that she will be able to cultivate to the level of Dou Wang in a while.

Therefore, Xiao Xun'er's level of education this time is obviously better than before, and Chenfeng also appreciates her progress very much.


The next day, at noon, Chenfeng came out of the small world.

After sensing a breath outside, he slowly opened the door and walked out.

Outside the room is a garden. The garden is full of colorful flowers. When the breeze blows, the whole courtyard is filled with a faint fragrance of flowers, which makes people feel peaceful.

"After waiting for so long, you finally woke up!"

Just as Chen Feng pushed open the door, a crisp and pleasant voice suddenly sounded. Looking in the direction of the voice, Tang Huo'er was sitting cross-legged in the garden, with a long upper body. It just happened to extend a moving curve from the slender jade neck to the delicate buttocks.


Chen Feng nodded with a smile, and asked, "When did you come, why didn't you just come and knock on the door?"

Tang Huo'er stood up, and Xin Chang's figure was even more slim. She walked quickly towards Chen Feng, and then showed a bright smile at the latter: "Didn't knocking on the door just disturb your rest...Look, I took the medicine last night. After taking the Fire Bodhisattva Pill you brought, I'm already healed, isn't my complexion much better than before!"

Because the two were standing very close, Chen Feng could smell the faint fragrance coming from Tang Huo'er's body.

As soon as he looked up, he could just see Tang Huo'er's pretty cheeks with a little rosy in the white.

The beautiful woman in front of her looked graceful and heroic, with a different kind of charm, Chenfeng couldn't help but want to give her a stick education immediately.

"Your complexion is indeed much better, but I have a way to make your complexion even better than now!" Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

"What way?" Hearing this, Tang Huo'er approached Chen Feng curiously.

"Let's talk about it later!" Chenfeng replied seriously.

"Ah, what do you mean..."

"No, I will let you understand in the future!"

"Mysterious... always talking about the future, what day is the future?"

Seeing that Chen Feng didn't say anything, Tang Huo'er's tone of voice became resentful.

"Miss Huo'er, I will come to marry you in three months, and I will tell you of course in the future!" Chen Feng responded.

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

Hearing that Chen Feng was going to marry her, Tang Huo'er blushed once in a while.

"You take these pills first, they can help you practice!"

Before leaving, Chenfeng gave Tang Huo'er some gifts.

"Then where are you going next, back to the Northwest Continent?" Tang Huo'er asked after accepting the gift.

"No, before that, maybe I will go to Danyu... goodbye!"

After saying this sentence, Chenfeng left Fenyan Valley directly.


When Chen Feng flew away from the Scorching Fire Mountain Range and arrived at the space teleportation flag placed here, the blood spar fused in his body suddenly reacted.

Sensing the abnormal movement of the blood spar in his body, Chenfeng immediately canceled his plan to find Ziyan on Gulong Island, and quickly returned to Jiama Imperial Capital using the space teleportation flag.

Calculated according to the time, Yun Yun should be producing this time.

After Chen Feng came back, he immediately rushed to the outside of Yun Yun's palace, and sure enough, he saw Nalan Yanran and others waiting anxiously outside.


"Ma'am, try harder, you've already seen the end!"

It seems that things like having a child have nothing to do with the level of cultivation.

The little fairy doctor's cultivation level is not as high as Dou Shi's, and Yun Yun's cultivation level has reached the high-level Douhuang, but it is not as smooth as the little doctor fairy's delivery, and there are cries of pain coming from the room.

"Husband, don't worry, the teacher asked us about our childbirth experience before giving birth, and also learned some knowledge from Mrs. Wen, it will be fine!"

Seeing the worried expression on Chenfeng's face, Nalan Yanran came over to comfort her.

(End of this chapter)

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