Chapter 268 Furious Song Qing!

"Third Elder, I have my own sense of proportion, you should go back first!"

While the old man in white robe was hesitating, Cao Ying spoke again with a very firm tone.

"Sigh... Cao Ying, I will inform the Patriarch and all the Supreme Elders about this as soon as possible!"

Knowing Cao Ying's attitude, the third elder of the Cao family could only sigh helplessly.

After all, Cao Ying's teacher is one of the three giants of Danta, and he is also the most powerful and majestic president Xuan Kongzi among them. Even if the three elders want to intervene in Cao Ying's affairs, they are powerless. After saying a word, he turned and left directly.

After the third elder of the Cao family left, the rest of the Cao family followed him back the same way.

"Okay, Brother Feng, these people who are in the way are finally gone!"

Seeing the third elder leading the people away, Cao Ying turned around, her jade arms spread out, wrapping around Chenfeng's neck, her beautiful eyes were full of charm, like a man-eating fairy.

"Is it hard to walk, let me carry you in!"

Seeing such a delicate beauty, Chen Feng considered her "injuries", so he moved his hands together, a princess hugged Cao Ying's soft and delicate body, and walked towards the house.

Coming into the room, Chen Feng gently put Cao Ying on the soft couch, and then said softly, "Ying Er, since you are not convenient for that one, let's do something else first!"

"what to do?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, a charming smile appeared on Cao Ying's exquisite and enchanting cheeks, and she covered her mouth and said with a smile: "You must have some bad ideas, right?"

It's no wonder that Cao Ying said that, Chen Feng had a really fun time in the previous hour.

Eighteen kinds of martial arts, 36 ways of boxing, 72 ways of kicking, all greeted Cao Ying once, some difficult movements, Cao Ying still couldn't help feeling shy when thinking about them.

"You will know later, maybe you will become addicted!"

After Chen Feng said this, he immediately unbuttoned his robe.

Immediately afterwards, Cao Ying also followed Chenfeng's instructions, and slowly unbuttoned her palms, and once again had a frank meeting with Chenfeng.

"It turns out that you want to teach me how to practice the exercises... But, this exercise is too strange!"

After Chen Feng taught the Dragon and Phoenix Jue to Cao Ying, the expression on Cao Ying's alluring face was very surprised.

However, after she practiced with Chenfeng suspiciously, the expression on Cao Ying's face changed again. To put it simply, she became a little fanatical.

"Brother Feng, I didn't expect that you not only mastered such a powerful soul cultivation method, but also such a strange dual cultivation method..."

Cao Ying was very surprised to feel the improvement in her body that was almost visible to the naked eye.

The double-cultivation method of Dragon and Phoenix Jue, when the cultivation levels of both parties are similar, the cultivation effect is equivalent to the elementary method of heaven.

However, if the difference in cultivation between the two parties is too large, the cultivation effect obtained by the party with the lower cultivation base will far exceed the elementary cultivation method of the heaven rank.

Just like now, Chen Feng's cultivation is at the three-star Dou Zun, while Cao Ying is only a mere Dou Huang.

The two of them practiced Dragon and Phoenix Jue together, and Cao Ying was able to achieve the effect of a one-star Dou Zun powerhouse practicing the Heaven-rank Kung Fu with a high-level Dou Huang. That kind of cultivation speed can be said to be faster than her usual practice. More than a thousand times faster.

Such efficient practice continued until noon the next day.

With just one night of practice, Cao Ying's cultivation has already been raised by one star in the Douhuang stage, reaching the eight-star Douhuang.

Having tasted this kind of sweetness, Cao Ying is now really like what Chen Feng said before, she knows the taste by eating the marrow, and she is a little addicted.

When Chenfeng and Cao Ying were staying in the restaurant room.

In the outer region of the Holy Pill City, the story of Cao Ying, the witch of the Cao family, staying in a restaurant with a strange man has been thoroughly spread.

Many people were surprised and curious about this. Now, the restaurant where Chen Feng and Cao Ying are located is surrounded by people watching the excitement.

Of course, many people want to verify the truth of the matter.

Among them, some big families in Shengdan City were also included.

The Cao family has been in the limelight in recent years, especially the appearance of the witches of the Cao family, which once made the Cao family's reputation surpass that of the Dan family, which is the head of the five major families.

Now, when news of this kind of incident is reported by the proud daughter of the Cao family, it will naturally attract great attention from other families.


The inner domain of Shengdan City.

Generally, some forces related to Danta or high-level alchemists are allowed to stay here.

Therefore, the quality of the inner domain is not the same as that of the outer domain.

In the center of this inner domain, a black tower of nearly one hundred feet stands tall, like a small mountain peak, giving people a sense of majesty and majesty.

The spire of the giant pagoda goes deep into the clouds, and at a glance, it is almost impossible to see the top, surrounded by clouds and mist, it looks extremely mysterious.

This huge black tower like a pillar of the sky, if you compare it with the Thunder Tower in Fenglei Pavilion, it is simply like a child at the feet of a giant man.

At this moment, at the gate of the giant tower, a black figure slowly walked out of it, and came to the wide square in front of the giant tower.

The man looked about 24 or [-], and was wearing a black suit. He looked quite handsome. On his chest, there was a seventh-rank junior alchemist badge issued by Danta.

At such an age, he has become a seventh-rank junior pharmacist. This kind of talent is very rare even in Danta.

Not long after the man walked out of the Dan Tower, a young man quickly came to his side and said anxiously: "Cousin Song Qing, you finally came out, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Song Ha, you are in such a panic, what do you look like?"

Seeing the impatience of the young man who came over, the man in black frowned slightly and scolded.

It can be seen that this man called Song Qing by the youth is very personable on weekdays, and he never panics when things happen.

"Cousin Song Qing, I heard the news that Miss Cao Ying stayed in the restaurant with a strange man last night and didn't return all night!" The young man hurriedly explained.


As Song Ha's words fell, Song Qing's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and there was a creaking sound from his clenched fists.

Both Song Qing and Cao Ying came from a big family in the Dan domain, and both of them were able to practice in the Dan tower, so they had more or less contact with each other.

And in these years, during the contact with Cao Ying, Song Qing almost regarded the other party as her taboo, and would never allow other men to contaminate her.

In his mind, with Cao Ying's excellence, who else could be worthy of him besides him?

At this moment, hearing Song Ha's news, Song Qing even wanted to kill someone, so he didn't care about his demeanor.

(End of this chapter)

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