Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 277 Everything went well!The shock of the Cao family!

Chapter 277 Everything went well!The shock of the Cao family!
It was past noon.

Chen Feng and Cao Ying got up and put on their clothes, then removed the seals arranged in the room, and walked towards the Cao family's mansion in Shengdan City hand in hand.

"I heard that Tianjiao Song Qing of the Song family died at the hands of that man yesterday, but Danta didn't hold her accountable at all in the end!"

"What is the identity of that person? It is said that the aura of one of the three giants came down at that time, but none of them could stop him from killing Song Ya!"

"The Song family has suffered a big loss this time. With Song Qing's talent, he will definitely be able to become an eighth-rank alchemist in the future, but now he died directly. The Song family will definitely retaliate!"

"This is the inner domain. Even if the Song family really wanted to take revenge, they would not choose to take action here, but if they leave the inner domain, there is no guarantee!"

On the way to Cao's house, many people recognized Cao Ying and Chen Feng.

One after another voices of discussion came from those people.

Most of what they talked about was the result of yesterday's incident and the Song family's reaction.

Chenfeng didn't care about these discussions.

The strength of the Song family is only one or two Dou Zun's ancestors at most, and it is impossible to be a high-level Dou Zun, just some Dou Zun below six stars, and they have not been regarded as a threat by Chen Feng.

Chenfeng followed Cao Ying all the way through the inner domain for more than half an hour, and finally arrived outside the Cao family's mansion.

"come in!"

When they came here, Cao Ying took Chenfeng's hand and walked in.

She knew that Chen Feng would not be nervous just because he came to see the elders of his family, because even when he met Xuan Kongzi before, Chen Feng seemed very calm.

Soon, under the guidance of Cao Ying, Chenfeng met the Patriarch of the Cao family, Cao Lin, a middle-aged man with the peak cultivation of Dou Zong, who was wearing a gold medal representing a seventh-rank senior alchemist. badge.

In this alchemy domain, the number of pharmacists is really terrifying. Seventh-rank pharmacists, which are rare in ordinary places, have as many as seven or eight people in the Cao family alone. There will be more.

In a place like the Northwest Continent, a sixth-grade pharmacist is already awesome, and a seventh-grade pharmacist is even worshiped as an ancestor.

"Brother Feng, this is my uncle, Cao Lin, and the head of the Cao family!"

Cao Ying introduced to Chenfeng in a low voice.

"Senior Cao Lin!"

Because of Cao Ying, Chenfeng still had some respect for his elders in his words.

"Uncle, his name is Chenfeng, he is the man I like!"

Cao Ying introduced Chenfeng generously.

When Chenfeng just arrived, Cao already guessed the relationship between Chenfeng and Cao Ying.

"Cao Ying, you know, the family seldom cares about you, but I still hope that you will carefully consider this matter!"

Cao Rin didn't say that he disagreed with their relationship, but reminded them tactfully.

The next moment, Cao Lin looked at Chenfeng and asked, "Little friend Chenfeng, you met the president yesterday, what did the president say?"

"Xuan Kongzi meant that Song Qing and Song Ya were to blame themselves!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng said bluntly.

"It really is the result of this treatment!"

Hearing Chenfeng's confirmation, Cao Lin was a little surprised, and looked at Chenfeng with surprise.

He was thinking in his heart, the young man in front of him was actually able to kill the Tianjiao of the five major families in the Dan domain without being questioned by the Danta.

"Senior Cao Lin, in fact, Chenfeng came this time to propose marriage for Cao Ying!"

Chenfeng didn't say any other nonsense, and directly pointed out the purpose of coming.

After speaking, he took out a brocade box and opened it. Inside the brocade box were six delicate jade bottles.

"These are some of my betrothal gifts!"

Chenfeng explained.

"Little friend, if I'm not mistaken, the small bottle like this is filled with pills!"

Cao Rin did not directly refuse, but shot directly and opened one of the jade bottles.

As the jade bottle was opened, a huge energy immediately overflowed.

"Hey, it's actually a seventh-grade high-grade pill!"

Sensing the huge energy in this pill, Cao Lin was a little surprised, and directly judged the grade of the pill.

After all, he has been a seventh-rank senior pharmacist for many years, and he knows this level of elixir very well.

Next, Cao Lin took a quick shot, opened the remaining five bottles and looked at them, and found that the other five jade bottles were also filled with the same seventh-grade high-grade medicine.

"Hehe, little friend Chenfeng, you are indeed sincere in being able to take out six high-grade seventh-grade pills, but you also know that in my Cao family, there is never a shortage of such seventh-grade pills."

Cao Rin chuckled and said politely.

"Oh, I don't know if the seventh-grade pills of the Cao family can stably increase the cultivation level of the Douzong powerhouse by one star like my pills? And can they be taken many times?"

Chenfeng asked back.


Hearing Chen Feng's words, Cao Rin's face suddenly became solemn, and Cao Ying who was beside him also showed great surprise.

"Little friend Chenfeng, are you saying that your elixir can make people at the Dou Zong stage steadily increase their cultivation by one star, and can you take it multiple times?"

Cao Rin asked again with doubts.

"That's right! Senior Cao Lin is a seventh-rank senior pharmacist. You'll know if the pill is effective or not!"

Chen Feng nodded without thinking.

Hearing this, Cao Rin took out a elixir and put it in his mouth, sniffed it lightly, then scraped out a little powder very gently and put it in his mouth to taste.

"This seems that what he said may be true!"

Feeling the effect of the scraped elixir powder in the body, Cao Lin had already confirmed Chen Feng's words in his heart.

"Little friend Chenfeng, this elixir has such power, it is much better than ordinary seventh-rank high-level elixir!"

"Since you agree with Cao Ying, it seems that our Cao family has no reason to reject this marriage!"

After thinking for a while, Cao Lin directly accepted the dowry gift from Chen Feng, and agreed to Chen Feng's marriage proposal.


Hearing Cao Rin's words, Cao Ying was very happy. She never expected that today's affairs would go so smoothly. As expected, the cross-examination of Chen Feng by Cao's parents did not happen.

"Thank you Senior Cao Lin!"

Chen Feng also smiled, and cupped his fists at Cao Lin.

Next, Chen Feng stayed at Cao's house for a while, preparing to set a date for marrying Cao Ying.


"Old Ancestor... During the day, the young man who killed two Song family members in a row came..."

In the evening, in a secret room in the basement of Cao's house, Cao Lin respectfully reported what happened during the day to a white-haired old man sitting in mid-air in the secret room in front of him.

"The young people in the Northwest Continent can actually have such achievements, they really have a bright future!"

Hearing Cao Lin's report, the white-haired old man uttered an old voice.

In the tone, one can hear the obvious meaning of appreciation.

(End of this chapter)

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