Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 279 Han Xue: "Hong Chen, you can't even match one of my brother-in-law's toes

Chapter 279 Han Xue: "Hong Chen, you can't even compare to one of my brother-in-law's toes!"

"Cabinet disciple of Fenglei North Pavilion?"

Hong Chen's words were like dropping a heavy bomb in the hall, causing the faces of many members of the Han family to change drastically.

Han Chi's eyes became more and more gloomy, but under this gloom, there was a bit of bitterness. He didn't expect that this Hong Chen could get mixed up in Fenglei North Pavilion to such an extent. The influence is extraordinary.

"How about this identity, can you change your Han family's mind?"

Seeing the reaction of everyone in the Han family, Hong Chen said very proudly.

"You should give up on this, my husband-in-law, I don't know how many times better than you!"

In the side room of the hall, a tall beauty with silver hair came out and replied unceremoniously.

Behind this tall silver-haired beauty, followed by a little beauty with a delicate face in a snow-white dress.

It was Han Yue and Sister Han Xue who came. At this moment, Han Yue had obvious signs of stomach. Han Chi told her not to come forward, but she couldn't help but come out at this moment.

Looking at the abnormality in Han Yue's stomach, Hong Chen seemed to realize something, and his face suddenly turned livid.

"Hmph, just relying on the emperor of the small empire in the Northwest Continent, that kind of small empire is also worthy of being compared with my Hong family and Fenglei Beige?"

Hong Chen snorted angrily, then turned his gaze to Han Xue, and said, "Now I've changed my mind, if your Han family marry your second young lady to me, then let's forget about today's matter!"

"Hong Chen, you are too much!"

Seeing Hong Chen targeting Han Xue, Han Yue couldn't help scolding again.

"You want me to marry you, just dream, you can't even compare to my brother-in-law's toe!"

Han Xue also replied very angrily that Hong Chen made her feel sick.

"Okay, very good, since your Han family didn't give my Hong family face today, then you can't blame us!"

Hearing what the sisters of the Han family said, Hong Chen's expression was gloomy. After leaving the last sentence, he led the strong Hong family away directly.

"Patriarch, this time you completely offended the Hong family to death. If the Hong family took advantage of this to retaliate, what should we do!"

"That's right, now that the Hong family has the relationship with Fenglei Beige, our Han family really can't compete with it!"

After Hong Chen left, many elders of the Han family showed worried expressions and talked a lot.

"Stop arguing!"

Looking at the people discussing in the hall, Han Chi gave a loud drink, and then explained: "The Hong family is ambitious, and has been fighting with our Han family for not a year or two. Take action! During this period of time, let the people of the family restrain themselves, and don't conflict with the people of the Hong family!"


Soon, everyone else in the hall dispersed, leaving only Han Chi, father and daughter.

Seeing Han Chi's worried face, Han Yueyu clenched her hands tightly, looked at Han Chi, and said, "Father, you don't need to worry too much about this, maybe Brother Chenfeng will have a solution!"

"Can Chenfeng resolve this crisis for my Han family?"

Hearing Han Yue's words, there was a trace of doubt in Han Chi's eyes.

Han Chi was really amazed by Chen Feng's talent for cultivation.

At that time, although Chen Feng's cultivation was only Dou Wang, his age was five or six years younger than Hong Chen's. In terms of talent, Hong Chen was definitely worthy of it.

Moreover, among the betrothal gifts brought by Chen Feng, there were two Po Zong Pills and two Huang Ji Pills. Such handwriting proved that Chen Feng's family was rich.

Based on what Han Yue revealed, the number of Dou Wang powerhouses in the palace of the Jia Ma Empire allowed Han Chi to judge that the family power owned by Chenfeng was worthy of their Han family.

"Yue'er, I know that Chenfeng's family is very good, even better than my Han family and that Hong family, but this time there will be Fenglei Beige involved in the guild, no matter how powerful Chenfeng is, he can't compete Fight against a behemoth like Fenglei Beige!"

Han Chi analyzed solemnly.

"Father, even though I said that, I always feel that Brother Chenfeng is far more than what we have seen!"

Han Yue shook her head, with a strange look in her eyes. At the beginning, when dealing with those monsters outside the inner courtyard of the Canaan Academy, Chenfeng showed a combat power stronger than that of Ziyan Douwang at the peak cultivation level, and , Chenfeng's cultivation skills and countless resources also made Han Yue feel strange.

"I also have this feeling. Brother-in-law always has a veil of mystery. I believe brother-in-law must have the ability to solve this matter!"

On the side, Han Xue also nodded her snow-white chin and agreed.

"Then can you contact him?"

Hearing this, Han Chi asked with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Father, Brother Chenfeng gave me a jade tube before he left. He said that a piece of his soul power was fused into the jade tube. As long as I crush it, he will feel it!" Han Yue took out a jade tube and explained.

"Then try and see if you can contact Chenfeng!"

"it is good!"

Han Yue nodded, and then directly crushed the jade tube in her hand.

The next moment, an invisible energy floated out from the shattered jade tube, and then quickly merged into the space between heaven and earth.


In the middle domain, somewhere in the space channel.

Chen Feng, who was sitting on the spaceship, suddenly frowned slightly.

"Brother Feng, what's wrong?"

Seeing the strange expression on Chenfeng's face, Cao Ying asked.

"Yinger, something happened to the Han family..."

Chen Feng explained briefly, and then, the violent power of space gushed out from his body, and the space ship also flew towards the wall of the space passage at this time.

Soon, Chen Feng and Cao Ying left the space channel and came to the void space.

Immediately afterwards, Chenfeng took out a space teleportation flag in front of Cao Ying, and after using it, the two disappeared in place in an instant.

When Chen Feng and Cao Ying reappeared, they had already arrived in a room in the Han Family Manor.

"Sister Yue, what happened?"

After arriving at Han's house, Chenfeng took Cao Ying out of the room directly, and then, using his soul power, he found Han Yue's location all at once.

"Brother Chenfeng!"


In the hall of the Han family, Han Chi, father and daughter were very surprised. They did not expect that Chen Feng would appear here instantly after crushing the jade tube just now.

"This kid! It's really weird that he appeared in an instant..."

Seeing Chenfeng's sudden arrival and such a strange and unpredictable method, Han Chi suddenly believed in his heart that Chenfeng really had the ability to solve this matter.

"Brother Chenfeng, people from the Hong family came to my Han family earlier and said they wanted me to marry him... The Hong family has Fenglei North Pavilion as a backer..."

Han Yue quickly told Chenfeng what happened before.

(End of this chapter)

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