Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 282 Han Xue: Fortunately, there is a brother-in-law!

Chapter 282 Han Xue: Fortunately, there is a brother-in-law!
The silver thunder gun pierced Hong Tianxiao's body in an instant, and the majestic thunder force raged at that moment. Before Hong Tianxiao could react, his whole body was already wrapped in the thunder force.

"Chuck! Chuck!"

Under the raging power of the thunder, Hong Tianxiao's body was instantly blown to a bloody mess, and then a raging fire ignited. Under this kind of devastation, Hong Tianxiao had already lost his breath, and his burning body smashed to the ground like a fireball.


Seeing this flashy scene, almost everyone present could not help but gasp.


Hong Li's eyes were red, and he roared in pain. He simply couldn't believe that his ancestor would be instantly killed by a young man.

Many members of the Hong family felt a wave of despair at this moment, even the patriarch Hong Tianxiao, who had a five-star Douzong cultivation base, was not the enemy of the young man, so what did they have to fight for?
At this moment, apart from Hong Li roaring and rushing towards Hong Tianxiao's burning corpse, the rest of the people were silent. Hong Chen stood there stupidly, and Elder Shen from the Fenglei North Pavilion did not dare to breathe.

The strength displayed by Chenfeng was almost the same as that of Fei Tian, ​​the master of Fenglei North Pavilion. Even, in a certain way, Chenfeng was stronger than the master of Bei Pavilion. After all, even if the master of Bei Pavilion took action, he couldn't kill a five-star Douzong expert so cleanly.

Originally, Shen Yun planned to let Chenfeng keep Beige disciple Hong Chen's life at the last moment.

But at this moment, Shen Yun no longer had any thoughts in this regard, offending Chen Feng for the sake of an ordinary disciple, the gain outweighed the loss.

"The old man fought with you!"

The silence lasted for a while, and below, in the Hong Family Manor, Hong Li, the Patriarch of the Hong Family, suddenly brandished a big knife in his hand, and crazily rushed towards Chen Feng in the sky.

Although this kind of behavior is heroic and fearless, in the face of absolute strength, it is just a joke.


Such a person, if let go, would be a disaster, Chen Feng did not hesitate at all, and once again made a move to finish Hong Li.

"They're all dead, they're all dead..."

In the manor, Hong Chen saw this scene, and his mental state was close to madness. He roared and rushed towards the gate of the manor.

And just when Hong Chen rushed out of the gate of the manor and came to the empty street, a white figure appeared in his sight.

"Han Xue?"

"It's really a road that never ends!"

Seeing the figure appearing in the field of vision, Hong Chen, who was in a state of madness, regained a trace of sobriety in an instant, with a ferocious face on his face, he rushed towards Han Xue quickly.

As long as the hostage in front of him can be caught, then he may have the possibility of surviving today.


Han Xue, who just ran over here, saw Hong Chen rushing towards her, she looked very flustered on her delicate face, and she backed away quickly.

However, her cultivation base is really far from Hong Chen's, and the distance between the two is getting closer.


"Why is Cher there?"

Hearing Han Xue's shout, Han Yue, Han Chi and the others instantly became tense, and rushed down in unison.

"Brother-in-law save me~"

On the street, Han Xue realized that she couldn't run Hong Chen, so she shouted again nervously.


Just when Hong Chen's palm was about to grab Han Xue, a foot with a silver lightning arc kicked him swiftly, kicking Hong Chen flying tens of meters away, and smashing it heavily in front of the gate of Hong's manor.

"never mind!"

Looking at the terrified Han Xue, Chen Feng reached out and touched her head, comforting her.

"Woo~ brother-in-law, I was scared to death just now! It's a good thing you came, otherwise... I can't even imagine..."

Thinking of Hong Chen's ferocious and ferocious face before, Han Xue was terrified, and then threw herself into Chenfeng's arms, buried her jade cheeks in Chenfeng's chest, and let out crying sounds.

With such a close contact, Chenfeng could not only smell the faint fragrance of the girl, but also feel a special softness. Regarding this, he was also quite helpless, and couldn't push the frightened sister-in-law away at this time.

After that, Han Chi, Han Yue and others rushed over.

When they saw Han Xue fluttering in Chenfeng's arms, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't care about the ambiguous movements between the two of them.

"Senior Han Chi, from now on, the members of the Hong family will be handed over to you!"

Chen Feng turned his head and said to Han Chi.

Now, the Han family's Dou Huang Dou Zong experts are almost dead and injured, and they are not a threat at all to the Han family.

"Well, leave the rest to me!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Han Chi nodded and said, and then led a group of strong Han family members into the Han family manor again. Those Han family members who wanted to escape were quickly cleared away by them.

In the Han family manor, there were also sounds of various fighting sounds quickly, and battle qi of different colors splashed out.

However, it was obvious that the Hong family, which had lost its top powerhouse, was doomed to be suppressed and beaten by the members of the Han family, and it could even be said to be a one-sided massacre.

"Xue'er, it's great that you're fine!"

Han Yue came to Chenfeng and Han Xue and said with concern.

Hearing Han Yue's words, Han Xue raised her head slowly, and seeing Chen Feng's handsome face, a blush gradually appeared on her small face.

The next moment, Han Xue slowly came out of Chenfeng's arms, and said to Han Yue with some embarrassment: "Sister, I'm fine, fortunately my brother-in-law is here!"

"It's fine!"

Han Yue caressed Han Xue. Han Yue didn't care about Han Xue's ambiguous behavior towards Chenfeng just now. As long as Han Xue was fine, Han Yue would be very happy.

"Little friend, who is your teacher?"

That Elder Shen Yun from Fenglei North Pavilion did not intervene in the scuffle in Hong's manor, he came to Chenfeng's side and asked very politely.

Hearing Shen Yun's words, Chen Feng frowned slightly, but did not respond.

"Hehe, little friend, don't get me wrong, since you don't want to talk about it, it's okay!"

Seeing the expression on Chen Feng's face, Shen Yun quickly apologized with a smile.

The strength that Chen Feng showed just now is completely stronger than that of Shen Yun, therefore, Shen Yun's reply here is not at all like the elder of Fenglei Pavilion.

At the same time, because the Dou Qi attribute that Chenfeng showed just now was of the Thunder attribute, the fighting skills of the first-hand Thunder attribute were superb, and even seemed to be more exquisite than the fighting skills of the Fenglei Pavilion, which aroused great curiosity in Shen Yun's heart.

"Elder Shen Yun..."

Looking at Shen Yun who was smirking in front of him, Chen Feng asked suspiciously: "How do you think I killed these people today?"

"This one……"

Hearing Chen Feng's question, Shen Yun was stunned for a moment, and then replied in a positive tone: "Little friend killed very well, these people have no strength, and they deserve to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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