Chapter 284 Cao Ying is Pregnant!
The warm and fragrant soft jade in his bosom made Chenfeng a little hot and dry. However, thinking that it happened to Han Xue for the first time last night and his body hadn't recovered yet, Chenfeng held back.

"Xue'er, get dressed first!"

Seeing Han Xue hanging on Chenfeng like this, Han Yue worried that Chenfeng would not be able to bear it and continue to struggle, but Han Xue couldn't bear it, so she quickly reminded her.


Hearing Han Yue's words, Han Xue nodded obediently. Now, she no longer felt the same pressure in her heart, and she looked very lively.

"Ding! It is detected that Cao Ying is pregnant, reward the host with a big gift bag!"

"Ding! May I ask the host if you want to open the gift bag!"

Just when Han Xue got off Chenfeng, a system notification suddenly sounded in Chenfeng's mind.

"Is Cao Ying pregnant! It seems that these few gifts have worked!"

Hearing the notification sound from the system, Chenfeng didn't care about the people around him, and said directly to the system in his heart: "System, open the gift bag!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the miniature soul source!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a primary experience pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a pair of communication stones!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a space jade tube!"

"Ding! All the above items have been distributed to the system space, please pay attention to check the host!"

As the words in Chenfeng's heart fell, a series of system prompts sounded in his mind immediately.

"Finally, there is no Dou Zong experience card this time!"

Hearing the reward items prompted by the system, Chenfeng felt a sense of relief. Moreover, the four reward items from the system this time seemed very practical.

Among them, the soul source and the primary experience pill needless to say, these two things can respectively enhance Chenfeng's soul power and fighting spirit cultivation.

And the space jade tube is very practical, no matter how far Chenfeng is or what happens, as long as he crushes the space jade tube, Chenfeng can arrive in an instant. This is much more reliable than the communication jade talisman that Chenfeng made himself before, which integrates the power of the soul.

As for the Communication Stone, even though it was the first reward, Chenfeng had already guessed its general function from its name.

Mind sinking into the system space, Chenfeng discovered that the communication stone was two identical crystal stones, put together to form an elliptical sphere.

The cutting surface is very smooth, a bit like those technological screens on the Blue Star.

Communication stone: Each communication stone will have a unique number. Add the number of another communication stone to it, and then you can send information to it, including images, instant calls...

"This is a proper high-tech fantasy version!"

After reading the introduction of this communication stone, Chenfeng felt a little excited. The function of this communication stone exceeded his previous guess.

"Brother Feng?"

On the soft couch, Cao Ying put on her clothes before Han Xue, and saw Chen Feng who was a little absent-minded, with curiosity in her eyes.

"I'm fine..."

After being called out by Cao Ying, Chen Feng immediately came back to his senses and gave a dry laugh.

Now, the two sisters of the Han family have become his own, and he has to propose marriage to Han Chi again for Han Xue.

As a gift this time, Chenfeng intends to take out a few Dou Zong Xingxing Pills to help the old man improve his cultivation.


"Xue'er also..."

In the hall, after Han Chi learned of Chen Feng's intention, he couldn't help being a little stunned.

He didn't expect that his two daughters would fall in love with the same man.

And it's always the kind of cutting first and then playing, and then come to him to talk to him after the raw rice is cooked.

However, the son-in-law is still Chenfeng, and Han Chi has no dissatisfaction in his heart. He has seen the potential of Chenfeng, and he will definitely become a famous figure in the mainland in the future.

The two daughters are all married to Chenfeng, which makes the relationship between the two parties even closer.

"Senior Han Chi, here are some of my betrothal gifts, please accept them!"

On Chenfeng's side, as before, a brocade box was presented. Inside the brocade box were three exquisite jade bottles.

"Could it be that there are pills like Pozong Pill and Huangji Pill inside?"

With anticipation in his heart, Han Chi slowly accepted the brocade box.

"Senior Han Chi, this kind of elixir can stably increase people with Dou Zong's cultivation level by one star. You can take it three times, and it will have the same effect!"

After Han Chi accepted the brocade box, Chenfeng explained with a smile.


Hearing Chen Feng's words, Han Chi's palm holding the brocade box trembled slightly.

"Morning Breeze, what you said is true?"

Han Chi's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief.

"Of course, Senior Han Chi, have you ever seen Chen Feng tell a lie?"

Chen Feng nodded without thinking.

"Those who can raise Dou Zong's cultivation base by one star, can take it three times in a row and it will be effective... That is to say, I can raise my cultivation base to four-star Dou Zong in a short period of time!"

Han Chi calculated excitedly in his heart, if this is the case, then he will soon be able to reach the cultivation base of that Fenglei Beigeyun Elder who appeared yesterday, and the Han family will truly dominate.

"Senior Han Chi, go try it, this elixir works very quickly!"

Seeing Han Chi's fierce reaction, Chen Feng smiled and waved his hands.

"Okay... Then I won't waste the time of you young people!"

Han Chi also nodded with a smile, then put away the brocade box and left the hall.

Now, the members of the Han family have completely wiped out the Hong family in Tianbei City. Although the Hong family has not been completely killed, all resources have been emptied and the strong ones have been slaughtered.

It is very difficult for the remaining members of the Hong family to grow stronger again, and they are no longer a threat to the Han family.

In the following time, Chen Feng did not leave the Han family, he planned to stay here until Zi Yan finished accepting the inheritance.


The Fenglei Mountains are located at the edge of the Northern Territory.

The area here is quite strange, perhaps because of the high terrain, there are always thunderstorms, and the weather is unpredictable. The sun was shining brightly before, and maybe the next moment, it will be thunderstorms and rainstorms.

The entire Fenglei Mountain Range is within the sphere of influence of the Fenglei East Pavilion. This place is like their back garden, and other forces without strength dare not get involved here.

In the depths of this mountain range, stands a majestic and steep mountain, Thunder Mountain!
Leishan is so high that you can't see the end at a glance from the foot of the mountain. Above the mountainside, it is surrounded by dense fog.

This kind of cloud and mist is a bit dark, and within it there are faint flashes of thunder. From a distance, this mountain peak seems to be covered by countless thunder, which is extremely majestic and majestic.

And above that Thunder Mountain, stands the headquarters of Fenglei Pavilion, East Pavilion!
(End of this chapter)

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