Chapter 286 Han Xue is Pregnant!
"Meet the teacher!"

"I have seen the pavilion master!"

As soon as Tianleizi and the woman in the colorful skirt entered the top space of the Lei Tower, they saluted the middle-aged man.

The two called this, which means that this middle-aged man is the master of the Fenglei East Pavilion, Venerable Lei.

"No need to be polite!"

Venerable Lei stood up, glanced at the two of them with some thunderous eyes, with a warm smile on his face: "Qing'er, it seems that you have gained a lot from this experience. According to this speed, within three years, you will be qualified to challenge the realm of the Douzong! Very good!"

"Teacher, just now Senior Tianleizi said that there is a young man in the Northern Territory who is several times better than me. My cultivation level is nothing at all!"

The woman in the colorful dress slenderly opened a strand of black hair in front of her forehead, and there was a little light shining in her purple-brown eyes, she said respectfully.

"Oh, is that true?"

Hearing the slightly unconvinced words of the woman in the colorful dress, a strange look flashed in Lei Zun's eyes, and he turned to Tianleizi.

"Haha, I knew this would make people feel exaggerated!"

Seeing this, Tianleizi laughed out loud, and he also knew that Feng Qing'er had the kind of character that refused to admit defeat.

After a laugh, Tianleizi's expression became serious, and he explained: "Pavilion Master, Elder Shen Yun under my command, pledged his life. That young man is about 20 years old, but his cultivation has already reached the high-level Douzong!"

"High-ranking Dou Zong! 20 years old?"

Hearing Tianleizi's explanation, both Venerable Lei and Feng Qing'er had surprise in their eyes, feeling unbelievable.

"How is this possible? Even in my clan, before accepting the inheritance, there are very few people who have cultivated to a high-level Douzong at this age!"

Feng Qing'er said very excitedly, obviously, she still didn't believe Tianleizi's words, and felt that he was exaggerating.

Both Venerable Lei and Tian Leizi are very clear about the race that Feng Qinger mentioned.

In the World of Warcraft, there are three behemoths, and Feng Qing'er's race is the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan.

The strength of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan is far stronger than that of Fenglei Pavilion. The reason why Feng Qing'er came here is because her dual attributes of wind and thunder are indeed very suitable for Venerable Lei's inheritance.

On the other hand, it is because the big family of monsters like the Sky Monster and Phoenix Clan seldom go out, and the Fenglei Pavilion is equivalent to the spokesperson for the Sky Monster and Phoenix Clan, helping the Sky Monster and Phoenix Clan to complete some things that are inconvenient for them.

"Tianleizi, according to what you say, that young man is probably among the top geniuses in the entire Zhongzhou!"

Venerable Lei knew Tian Leizi's character, and Tian Leizi would never say something that he was not sure about. Therefore, he finally chose to believe what Tian Leizi said.

"I can't estimate this, but it is said that this person is not from Zhongzhou, but from the Northwest Continent!" Tianleizi continued to explain: "Because I met the Miss Han family in Tianbei City at Canaan College, and I came to the Northern Territory because the Han family proposed marriage! Not long ago, this person killed Hong Tianxiao alone!"

"Oh, even Hong Tianxiao died at the hands of that young man! It seems that the young man does have the strength of a high-level fighting sect!"

Venerable Lei had a slight impression of Hong Tianxiao, and was surprised again at this moment.

"Is it possible to achieve such an achievement from the Northern Territory?"

The corner of Feng Qing'er's mouth curled up slightly, implying that she still didn't want to believe that the person Tian Leizi said was really such a genius.

"Pavilion Master, Qing'er, that person's battle qi attribute is still thunder attribute, and his thunder attribute fighting skills make him superb, and he has nothing to do with my Fenglei Pavilion!"

Ignoring Feng Qing'er's doubts, Tianleizi continued to talk.

"Since that's the case, I really want to meet this young man. If he doesn't have a sect, it would be a good thing to recruit him into my Fenglei Pavilion!"

Knowing that Tian Leizi said that the person he was talking about was fighting spirit with thunder attribute, Venerable Lei's eyes flashed with intense interest.

"Teacher, I want to see it too!"

Feng Qing'er said a little unconvinced, she wanted to know what kind of young man it was that Tian Leizi admired him so much.

"Okay, let's go together!"

Venerable Lei nodded with a smile, and immediately a flash of thunder burst out from the palm of his hand, and his hands quickly formed seals. Not long after, a dark space crack appeared in the top space of the Lei Tower.

As the space crack appeared, Venerable Lei stepped on the sole of his foot and walked in. Later, Tian Leizi and Feng Qing'er did the same, stepping into the space crack without any hesitation.


Tianbei City, Han family.

Ever since Chenfeng broke through that relationship with Han Xue, the joy between the two has been conducted in an open and aboveboard manner.

Regarding this, the members of the Han family learned that none of them had any objections, but they were secretly happy in their hearts. After all, both Chen Feng and Han Xue had already set a date for their marriage, and with Chen Feng's potential, all members of the Han family hoped that Han Xue would be able to conceive with Chen Feng's blood sooner, so as to further consolidate this relationship.

During the three or four days of staying at the Han family, Chenfeng took the time to use the primary experience pill and the miniature soul origin rewarded by Cao Ying's pregnancy system.

The primary experience pill, which increases one year's cultivation base, can play a very weak role in today's Chenfeng.

However, it was better than nothing, and Chenfeng didn't dislike it. After using it, the initial cultivation of Chenfeng's four-star Dou Zun improved slightly.

After Chenfeng digested that miniature soul source, there was a great breakthrough.

Long before, Chenfeng's soul realm had entered the late stage of the spiritual realm, and he practiced the Yunling Jue later. This time, he washed his miniature soul source again, directly allowing his soul realm to enter the peak of the spiritual realm.

As long as you take another step, you will be able to touch the heavenly realm.

Among those alchemists, if anyone's soul can enter the heavenly realm, it is surprising that he already has the ability to refine ninth-grade pills.

But in today's Dou Qi Continent, ninth-rank pharmacists are rare, and they are extremely difficult to hear. This shows how powerful the soul of the heavenly realm is.

"It would be great if there were more copies of this soul source!"

Feeling the current state of the soul, Chen Feng murmured in his heart.

Suddenly, Chenfeng thought of one thing. He remembered that those people in the Soul Temple wantonly captured souls in order to extract the soul origin of those soul bodies.

Among the many branch halls of the Soul Palace, there are many soul origins that have not been transported to the soul world. If those soul origins can be plundered away, then his soul realm will be qualitatively improved.

"It seems that if you have a chance, you can go to the branch hall of the Soul Palace to fish for a wave!"

Thinking of this, Chen Feng secretly made a decision in his heart.

"Ding! It is detected that Han Xue is pregnant, reward the host with a big gift bag!"

"Ding! May I ask the host if you want to open the gift bag!"

At this moment, another system notification sounded in Chenfeng's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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