Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 299 Make a bet and take Zi Yan away!

Chapter 299 Make a bet and take Zi Yan away!
Zi Yan, who was held in her arms, had a long and delicate body, and her long purple hair poured down like a waterfall, spreading over the small waist that was tightly grasped, and then hanging down to her perky buttocks.

Her beautiful face was very delicate, and her pair of purple eyes added a sense of mystery and temptation to her.

This is obviously a familiar and charming body, but it is always showing off a playful girl like a girl, which makes Chenfeng's heart ablaze, wishing to immediately...

"Zi Yan, it's been a while since I've been to Long Island this time, I'll take you back!"

Chen Feng temporarily suppressed the heat in his heart, and said with a smile.

"Okay, I want to go back too!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Zi Yan nodded happily.

"Zi Yan, this Ancient Dragon Island is your home. Only here can you grow up as quickly as possible. In the future, you will inherit the Dragon Emperor and lead our family out of the haze..."

Seeing that Chen Feng was going to take Zi Yan away, Zhu Li became a little anxious and asked to stay.

Zhuli's tactful attitude did not make Chenfeng angry, he knew that Zhuli was kind.

"Elder Zhuli, Zi Yan doesn't have to stay on Long Island to grow up..."

Chenfeng turned his gaze to Zhuli and said bluntly.

"Little friend Chenfeng, the inheritance and resources of my dragon clan will definitely allow Zi Yan to grow up at the fastest speed, so..."

"Elder Zhuli, how about we make a bet?"

Seeing that Zhuli was still persuading, Chenfeng interrupted him with a word.

"What bet?"

"Elder Zhuli, Zi Yan's cultivation is now a high-level Douhuang. If she cultivates in Longdao, what is the highest level she can reach after half a year?"

"In half a year, if Zi Yan can seriously accept the inheritance of Long Island, she will definitely be able to become a Douzong!"

Hearing Chenfeng's question, Zhuli replied confidently.

"Dou Zong, if half a year later, I can bring Zi Yan who has reached a high-level Dou Zong, Elder Zhuli can rest assured that Zi Yan will follow me!" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"High-ranking Douzong!"

"Is this the bet that little friend Chen Feng made with me... Then if half a year later, if this requirement is not met, Zi Yan will have to stay in Long Island forever!"

Regarding the bet proposed by Chen Feng, Zhu Li thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

For one thing, only half a year is nothing to the Gu Long clan.

Secondly, Chen Feng's various mysterious performances, as well as the self-confidence revealed in the words just now, made Zhu Li feel a little bit of expectation.

He really wanted to see if Chen Feng really had such an ability. If Zi Yan had really advanced to the level of a high-level Dou Zong within half a year, then it would be a great opportunity for their Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. A happy event.

"Okay, then it's settled, I will take Zi Yan away!"

Seeing that Zhuli agreed, Chenfeng didn't stay any longer, took Zi Yan's hand, and left in an instant through the space left here.

"What a mysterious little guy!"

Looking at the place where Chen Feng and Zi Yan left without any spatial fluctuations, there was a trace of strangeness in Elder Zhuli's old eyes.

Of course, after finally finding the blood of the royal family, Zhuli naturally wouldn't take any precautions. On Zi Yan's body, she carried two space jade tubes.

One of them was refined by Zhuli himself. As long as Zi Yan shreds that space jade tube when he is in danger, he can travel through the space channel to rescue him in a short time.


This time, after Chen Feng took Zi Yan away, he did not return to the Han family in Tianbei City, but took her directly to Jia Ma Palace.

"Wow, you're back so soon! It's amazing!"

Walking out of Chenfeng's training room, Zi Yan looked at the familiar palace scene in front of her, a hint of excitement appeared in her purple eyes, and she stretched lazily immediately.

The concave and convex curves released a strong temptation.

The next moment, Chen Feng's hands couldn't help embracing the graceful and delicate body full of girlish temptation.

"Zi Yan, this time I made a bet with Elder Zhuli to break through to a high-level Dou Zong within half a year, don't be lazy..."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Zi Yan's pretty face immediately blushed.

After accepting the inheritance for so long, she also missed the warmth of Chenfeng very much. When Chenfeng hugged her, her body became hot.

"Okay, I must beat that old man in this bet, otherwise, I will be fed that nasty medicinal solution and accept that long inheritance every day!"

Zi Yan turned around and threw herself into Chen Feng's arms, with a playful smile on her face.

Such a smile is not only playful, but also has a charming charm.

"Look at your performance..."

Chen Feng lowered his head slowly, and blocked Zi Yan's Yin Tao's small mouth.

"Brother Feng, Zi Yan is back too!!"

The two came to the harem hugging and kissing. When Yunyun, Nalan Yanran, and the little doctor saw Ziyan and Chenfeng returning, they couldn't hide their joy in their eyes.

Soon, under their eyes, Chen Feng carried Zi Yan into the boudoir.

Not long after, Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran, the master and apprentice, also entered the room to check the situation.

"come together!"

Seeing the two of them coming in, Chenfeng stretched out his palm, and a gentle force immediately lifted them up, and then pulled them into his arms.

This time, Chen Feng planned to give Yun Yun some more gifts.

Let Yunyun, like Nalan Yanran, be able to conceive a second child and have more children.

Of course, the Little Doctor Immortal, Yao Ye and others who are still watching outside cannot let go of any of them.


Not far from the door, the little fairy doctor was about to check the movement in the room, when her delicate body was suddenly lifted up by a gentle force, and then, it began to float into the room uncontrollably.

Next, Yaoye encountered the same situation...

In that luxurious room, a spring scene quickly filled the air.

After a cool night, Chen Feng took Zi Yan to practice Dragon and Phoenix.

In fact, with Chen Feng's current cultivation level, he and his women can practice Dragon and Phoenix Art together. Under the huge gap in cultivation level, the benefits they can obtain are very great, which cannot be compared with any kind of bloodline talent.

After one training session, Zi Yan's cultivation level increased by one star. Such a terrifying speed immediately made Zi Yan feel that winning the bet with Elder Zhuli seemed to be a very easy thing.

Four days later, Zi Yan ushered in a breakthrough. A huge vision of heaven and earth appeared in the overweight palace, attracting countless people to wait and see.

"This is a sign that someone from Jia Ma Palace has broken through the Dou Zong again!"

The Misty Cloud Sect is only a hundred miles away from Emperor Jia Ma, and when Zi Yan's breakthrough appeared, Yun Shan immediately sensed it.

(End of this chapter)

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