Chapter 301 Flip Tang Huo'er!
"Imperial Palace? Sister Yinger, what do you mean, this is already in the Northwest Continent?"

Hearing Cao Ying's words, the surprise in the eyes of the rest of the girls became more and more intense, and more of them couldn't believe it.

The distance between these two places is tens of thousands of miles, how could it be possible to arrive in an instant?
Even the legendary Dou Sheng powerhouse is absolutely impossible to do it!
"Hehe, if you don't believe me, just go out and have a look!"

Looking at the doubts on the faces of the crowd, Chen Feng smiled, without any explanation, and walked out of the secret room first.

Seeing this, Han Yue, Liu Fei and the others quickly followed.

"It's true, we have really arrived at Brother Feng's palace!"

Looking at the familiar scene outside the secret room, Han Yue and Liu Fei were very excited.

Feng Qing'er, Han Xue, and Tang Huo'er had never been to the Jia Ma Palace, but after seeing the fierce reaction of Han Yue and Liu Fei, the three of them no longer doubted it, and believed that this was where Chen Feng was in the northwest. The mainland's imperial palace is located.

It's just, how to reach here instantly across 10,000+ miles.

Feng Qing'er and Tang Huo'er were full of doubts, feeling that Chen Feng's body was covered with a layer of mystery.

The naive Han Xue didn't think about so many things, she followed behind Han Yue, looking at the surrounding scene with a pure smile on her face.

"Ding, it is detected that Yunyun is pregnant, reward the host with a big gift bag!"

"Ding! Since Yun Yun is pregnant with a second child, all rewards from this gift package will be doubled!"

"Ding! May I ask if the host has opened the big gift bag?"

Just as Chenfeng was leading the girls towards the harem, a system notification sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Yun'er is pregnant again, that's great!"

Hearing the notification tone from the system, Chenfeng had a smile on his face.

The crazy hard work some time ago has finally paid off.

And in the following time, the system continued to send similar notification sounds.

Ya Fei, Little Doctor Immortal, Qing Lin, and Yao Ye are also pregnant.

Perhaps it was because the timing of Chenfeng's gifts to several people was similar last time, so they were all pregnant at about the same time.

While walking, Chenfeng opened all the gift bags this time.

Because Yunyun, Yafei, Xiaoyixian, Qinglin, and Yaoye are all second-born, the system's rewards are double the normal amount.

After opening all the gift bags, Chenfeng ushered in a bumper harvest.

A total of 12 yuan of communication stones were distributed this time, plus the previous few pieces, for the time being, basically one piece can be distributed to every woman, so as to facilitate communication with Chenfeng.

There are ten elementary experience pills. These ten experience pills are superimposed and used, which is equivalent to the effect of one intermediate experience pill.

Miniature soul origin, six copies, this reward can be said to be the biggest surprise this time. The miniature soul origin used by Chenfeng in the past few times did not have so many. Perhaps, these six miniature soul origins can be used together to make Chenfeng's soul with a perfect spiritual state broke through the bottleneck and stepped into the soul of the heavenly state in one fell swoop.

Space expansion packs, four copies. With these space expansion packs, the space inside the Qiankun treasure box will be doubled.

In addition, there are four Transformation Pills, [-] Fighting King Instant Pills, and two volumes of Heaven-level Elementary Fighting Skills...

This time Yun Yun and the others conceived a second child together, which can be described as a bumper harvest. The only fly in the ointment is that there are no new props.

After Chenfeng checked the rewards, the figures of their group also gradually came to the harem.

Han Yue, Liu Fei, and Cao Ying were all acquainted with people in the harem, so there was no embarrassment, while Han Xue, Feng Qing'er, and Tang Huo'er were somewhat unfamiliar with this.

"Husband is really amazing. He actually brought back three beautiful younger sisters!"

Looking at the three Feng Qing'er who were following behind Chen Feng, a hint of resentment flashed in the eyes of Yun Yun and the girls.

"There are so many people!"

Compared to the calmness of Yun Yun and the others, Feng Qing'er and Tang Huo'er were obviously flustered.

They all knew that Chenfeng was a playful person, but it was completely beyond their expectations that she was a playful person to this extent.

Even though Feng Qing'er is a strong Dou Zong, when facing Chen Feng's wives, she still seems a little at a loss, feeling extremely nervous.

Fortunately, Yun Yun and Ya Fei were very active, they came over to say hello, and introduced Feng Qing'er and Tang Huo'er. Under their warm reception, Feng Qing'er and Tang Huo'er soon became indifferent It was so restrictive before.

"Huo'er, you are the first sign to turn over tonight!"

When everyone started to get acquainted with each other, Chen Feng directly took Tang Huo'er's hand and said seriously.

"Ah, the flop?"

"Sisters, what does the flop mean?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the innocent Tang Huo'er showed a hint of doubt on his face, and immediately questioned Yun Yun and Ya Fei.

"Huo'er, you'll know about this kind of thing if you go in with Brother Feng!"

Seeing Tang Huoer's pure girlish reaction, the rest of the people couldn't help laughing.

"All right……"

Tang Huo'er followed Chen Feng into the room suspiciously.

When she saw Chenfeng take off all the clothes on her body, even if she didn't understand these things, she understood what Chenfeng meant, and her face immediately turned red with embarrassment.

"Brother Chenfeng, are you going to do that?"

Tang Huo'er said shyly.

"Huo'er, what do you think?"

Seeing Tang Huo'er's shy appearance, Chen Feng's desire to conquer became stronger. He wanted Tang Huo'er, the heroic Miss Fenyangu, to feel his might.

"'s just that I'm not ready for this. If you don't behave well, don't be angry with me!"

"No, how could I be angry?"

Tang Huo'er replied to Chen Feng in a low voice, then stretched out her snow-white jade hand, and gently unbuttoned the dress.

Although Tang Huo'er had been living in a hot place like Fenyan Valley, her complexion was astonishingly white, with icy muscles and fine bones, almost like a jewel in the snow, clear, translucent and beautiful.

Tang Huo'er, who had taken off her dress, looked very slender, her face was as elegant and delicate as a jade tree blown by the wind, which didn't seem to match her previous personality at all.

Moreover, that well-developed figure, with exquisite curves, plump breasts, slender waist, and perky buttocks, exudes the alluring charm of a girl in every part.

"Tsk tsk..."

Looking at the dazzlingly white and hot body in front of him, Chen Feng was full of praise in his heart.

"Brother Feng, do I look good?"

Because it was the first time to show her figure in front of a man, Tang Huo'er was a little shy at first, but after seeing Chen Feng's admiring eyes full of desire, she felt a burst of joy in her heart, and then she straightened her chest and raised her head, acting like Big and generous.

"You're a little elf..."

Seeing Tang Huo'er's performance like this, Chenfeng couldn't wait to reach out and lift her up, and gently put her on the soft couch...

————Thank you Brother Mo for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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