Chapter 357: The Soul Slave Takes Action!

Even some powerhouses of the Douhuang rank became extremely ugly when they felt that breath.

Because they found that the majesty of this breath was far better than theirs.

It has reached the level of being compared with Jia Xingtian and Xie Biyan, and at this time, the appearance of such a heavyweight powerhouse is enough to reverse the outcome of this battle.

Above the sky, Jia Xingtian and Xie Biyan also stopped.

"Haha, Jia Xingtian, I want to see if your Jia Ma Empire can resist another Dou Zong!"

Xie Biyan stomped the void with his crutch in his hand, and said with a cold voice.

At this moment, from the depths of the Ten Thousand Scorpions Gate, a thick black smoke suddenly surged out, and immediately flew towards the battlefield like a monster flying through the clouds, and within a few flashes, it stopped directly in the sky , the black mist slowly shrunk, and finally turned into a shadow whose face could not be seen clearly.

"It's this kind of breath again!"

Seeing the person coming, Jia Xingtian immediately remembered the two soul palace guardians who broke into the palace on the night of Chenfeng's wedding.

"Hehe, Xie Biyan, I didn't expect your hostile country to have such strength and push you to this extent!"

The black shadow monster laughed.

"Heh, Guardian Tie, the Jia Ma Empire has developed rapidly in the past few years... I hope you can help me win this war. After this war, I will definitely launch another war, and I promise to satisfy you!"

Xie Biyan said politely.

"it is good!"

"With your words, this protector can rest assured!"

As soon as the words fell, the iron protector's palm moved violently, and the two black chains hovering around his body shot out suddenly, piercing the sky in an instant, and the speed was so fast that it was dazzling.

Two chains shot out violently, and many Poison Sect powerhouses hurriedly dodged in horror, but the black chains seemed to possess intelligence, spinning strangely in the sky a few times, and then viciously shot from the two Jia Ma Empires. The Dou Wang powerhouse pierced through his chest.

The black chain shook slowly, and finally lifted the two wide-eyed, terrified corpses high. The chains were surrounded by black mist, and they directly forcibly sucked out two illusory soul bodies from the bodies of the two fighting kings. In the end, it was swallowed into the chains, and the soulless corpse was thrown away at will.

"The soul of an ordinary strong man is indeed not as good as that of a pharmacist. If it weren't for the person with the "Pill Tower" in the central part of the mainland, if he went there to massacre them, I'm afraid the task would be completed soon!"

After sucking his soul into the chain, the Iron Guardian shook his head and said with regret.

"Tie Guardian, you are really a coward!"

At this moment, there was another burst of sinister laughter in the sky, and at the same time, an aura ten times stronger than that of the Iron Guardian permeated the sky.


Sensing this breath, Guardian Tie was shocked.

The person who came was also like him, his whole body was covered in black mist.

"Guardian Vulture!"

With just one glance, Guardian Tie recognized the person coming, but at this moment, Guardian Eagle has reached the strength of the Nine Star Douzong, which made Guardian Tie very puzzled.

"How could you have progressed so fast in the past two years?"

Guardian Tie said in surprise, because the last time he saw Guardian Eagle, Guardian Eagle was weaker than him.

"You can go to the Underworld and ask these questions!"

Guardian Eagle gave a strange laugh, and then shot out a chain, which instantly came to Guardian Tie and pierced him.


"You dare to attack me privately, the Venerable will not let you go!"

Facing the current strength of the Nine Star Dou Zong, the eagle protector, the iron protector was basically powerless to resist, and was directly hooked away by the chain, making a shrill scream.

Immediately afterwards, the eagle protector actually swallowed the iron protector directly.

Many powerhouses did not expect that the reversal would come so quickly.

Soon, Guardian Eagle devoured the soul of Guardian Iron, and his aura increased slightly.

"How is this possible, the Iron Guardian couldn't survive a move in that person's hands!"

Seeing this scene, Xie Biyan was horrified.

Fortunately, after the eagle protector killed the iron protector, he didn't continue to attack, but disappeared quickly.

It turned out that when Chenfeng ordered Jia Xingtian to lead the army to expand the territory, he arranged for the guardian eagle, the soul slave, to follow secretly.

As a result, Guardian Eagle has now become a soul slave. Like Yaochen, it can directly devour souls to increase its strength. When the two armies fight, the souls produced must be huge. Chen Feng ordered that Guardian Eagle be the general of the Jia Ma Empire. The souls of the fallen are devoured.

Secondly, the guardian eagle followed, and at critical moments, it could also help Jia Xingtian to clear up some troubles for him.

Now, after the eagle protector dealt with the iron protector, he didn't continue to make a move, also because the situation was under control.

He only needs to harvest his soul in secret. After this battle, he can directly break through to Dou Zun.

"Xie Biyan, let's see what cards you have now!"

Tie Guardian was killed, Jia Xingtian was overjoyed, and looked at Xie Biyan very proudly.

"If that person doesn't intervene in this matter, do you think you can win the old man so quickly?"

Xie Biyan laughed angrily, and immediately stomped on the void with his cane, tearing his robe apart.

The robe was torn, and a blood-colored giant scorpion tattoo appeared on his chest. This blood scorpion was like a living thing, filled with a fierce aura. Judging by its fierceness, it seemed to be stronger than the previous four-winged demonic scorpion.

And it's just a tattoo, if it were replaced by the deity, it would be even more terrifying.

"And get a tattoo, who are you scaring?"

Jia Xing Tian looked at the bloody tattoo that didn't seem to be much different from ordinary scorpions, and didn't care.

"Hey, not long after I joined the Dou Zong, I was lucky enough to meet a blood demon Scorpion Emperor who was seriously injured and was about to break through to the level of the Dou Zong. The soul is sealed in my body, after so many years, it can be regarded as gradually refining it, today, I will let you be the first to try, the power of my Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect "Blood Soul Art" after the completion!"

Xie Biyan sneered at Jia Xingtian's ridicule.

With a sneer, the seal in Xie Biyan's hand suddenly changed, and the blood scorpion tattoo on his body suddenly squirmed.

Immediately, the blood scorpion tattoo penetrated into his body bit by bit, and as the tattoo entered his body, the body of Xie Biyan suddenly became much wider, and his hands turned into two giant blood-colored tongs.

The changes were still going on, and when it gradually stopped, the scorpion Bi Yan had already turned into a half-human, half-scorpion monster.

Blood was dripping all over his body, and a violent and evil spirit shot up into the sky.

The current Xie Biyan was already able to rival a five-star Douzong.

(End of this chapter)

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