Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 366 Big Wedding!The army is attacking the Black Horn Domain!

Chapter 366 Big Wedding!The army is attacking the Black Horn Domain!

"It's just a high-level Dou Zun, it won't be long!"

After hearing what Zi Yan said to Feng Qing'er, Chen Feng showed a confident smile.

He has a huge number of Dou Zun Shengxing Dan, but he didn't give it to the girls before.

If all the girls use the Dou Zun Sheng Xing Pill, their strength will skyrocket.

Of course, before that, Chen Feng will double-cultivate with them again, and improve their strength again. For the pills like Dou Zun Shengxing Pill, the higher the cultivation level, the more effective it will be.

As time passed, soon came the day when Chen Feng married Cao Ying.

The scale of this big wedding is bigger than the previous ones.

Because the land area of ​​the Jia Ma Empire is already more than ten times larger than before. Under such circumstances, Chenfeng's tax reduction and exemption will undoubtedly make the whole country rejoice.

Countless strong men gathered in the Jia Ma Imperial Capital, among which seven or eight of the Dou Zun masters came.

Among them, there is also Xuan Kongzi, the head of the three giants of Danta.

In the eyes of these guests, Chen Feng married a wife and Xuan Kongzi could come to watch the ceremony, which was something that countless people envied.

In the palace, many strong men who came to congratulate Chen Feng took the initiative to greet Chen Feng, wanting to get acquainted with Chen Feng.

After all, Chen Feng married Xuan Kongzi's apprentice.

Moreover, there are recent rumors that Cao Ying has subdued Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo, who has been imprisoned in the Dan Pagoda for a long time, which shocked the hearts of many powerful people in the mainland.

Sanqian Yanhuo was imprisoned for many years, during which time there were many powerful alchemists who wanted to subdue it, but none of them succeeded in the end. Cao Ying was able to subdue it, there must be something special about it.

Everyone has no doubt that in more than ten years, Cao Ying will have the strength to succeed the Big Three of Danta.

"Chenfeng, I haven't had this ordinary drink for many years, I'm happy today, I want to drink a few more glasses!"

At the banquet, Xuankongzi took Chenfeng to drink happily, and the Zhongzhou powerhouses related to Xuankongzi also gathered at Chenfeng's side.

Of course, not all of the many powerful people from Zhongzhou who came to the Jia Ma Empire came to congratulate them, and some of them had bad intentions.

It is estimated that these people will be truly exposed when Xuan Kongzi returns.


Two days later, the guests who came to Jia Ma Empire dispersed one after another.

Because Xuan Kongzi wanted to sit in the alchemy tower, he couldn't stay for long, so he left the next day.

On the night of the third day, just like the old ghost picking stars, a black shadow quietly slipped into the palace.

This person's cultivation base is much stronger than that of the old ghost who picked up the stars back then.

"The old man wants to see what secrets this kid from the barren land has!"

The black shadow murmured softly, and within a few steps, he came to the depths of the palace.


When he sensed the space seal in the palace's original harem, he was stunned for a moment.

The seal was so strong that even he couldn't even peek at it.

"Did that old guy Xuan Kongzi arrange a seal here?"

Perceiving the strength of that seal, the old man felt a retreat in his heart.

Because, Xuan Kongzi's seal, he might not be able to break it, if Xuan Kongzi was lured out because of this, the gain would outweigh the loss.

"Since you're here, why don't you sit down and have a drink!"

Just when the black shadow was about to retreat, Chen Feng's voice suddenly rang in his ears.


The next moment, the black shadow was hit hard and fell directly from the sky to the ground.

"With the strength of Nine Star Dou Zun, let's just be an obedient puppet!"

After shooting down that person, Chenfeng's expression was very calm. With his current one-star Dou Sheng cultivation level, it is really easy to deal with such a small character.

Soon, this powerful Nine-Star Dou Zun, who was well-known in Zhongzhou, was fed an intermediate puppet pill by Chenfeng and became a puppet who obeyed orders.

"With this puppet, Jiaxingtian can speed up the progress of the invasion!"

After controlling this Nine-Star Dou Zun strongman, Morrowind gave him the code name, Puppet No. [-]. He will serve as a sharp blade sent by Morrowind to get rid of those who dare to resist Morrowind in the northwest continent.

In the next few days, Jiaxingtian, who led troops to guard the border, started making big moves again.

He personally led an army of [-] Dou Wangs and more than [-] Dou Kings, and began to cross the Black Territory Great Plain and march towards the Black Horn Territory.

In the Black Angle Domain, many forces quickly learned about the movements of Jia Ma's army, and all of them became a little nervous.

"Everyone, the Jia Ma Empire's army has moved again, and this time it's obviously targeting our Black Horn Region!"

"You also know the strength of the Jia Ma Empire. It is impossible for any of us to compete with the Jia Ma Empire! If we don't unite, we will be defeated one by one!"

"Combining together...that's a good idea. With everyone's strength, we will definitely have no problem driving out the Jia Ma Empire's army!"

Many power leaders gathered together and finally decided to form an alliance to resist the Garma Empire army.

Among them, the Black Emperor Sect is the leader. Mo Tianxing, the suzerain of the Black Emperor Sect, is a strong four-star fighting sect, and his Black Emperor Sect is powerful. This time, Mo Tianxing served as the leader of the alliance.

In terms of the number of Douhuang powerhouses, this new alliance has unexpectedly gathered more than [-] people. Among them, there are six Douhuang powerhouses in one sect of the Black Emperor Sect.

"Since everyone has recommended me, then I, Mo Tianxing, will definitely not live up to the expectations of the public, and I will definitely fight back the Garma army... This territory in the Black Angle Region is not something that those empires can touch."

Facing so many strong men, Mo Tianxing also showed his courage.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Although the number of Douhuang powerhouses in the Black League is about the same as that in the Jia Ma Empire's army, after all, they are only hastily united, with their own ideas, and not many people really give their best. There are a large number of fighting kings at the level, so the black alliance army was defeated again and again, and finally all retreated to the black imperial city, the headquarters of the black alliance.

"All the officers and men listen to the order, attack the Black League lair tomorrow, and eradicate the Black League in one fell swoop!"

Jia Xingtian chose to pursue the victory and not give the Black Alliance a chance to breathe. He led the army and drove to the Black Imperial City in a mighty manner.

Two days later, the silhouette of a huge city loomed at the end of the Jia Ma Empire's army's field of vision.
As they approached, the huge city at the end of the avenue gradually appeared in their field of vision.

Looking at the towering city wall like clouds in the distance, Jia Xingtian's eyes flashed with admiration.

This Black Imperial City is indeed as its name suggests, and its grand scale does not make it lose the color of the emperor character. The pitch-black city wall that stretches to the end has a icy smell, and the sun is pouring down, which even makes the city wall look cold. The black city wall is like a mirror, reflecting a faint light.

(End of this chapter)

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