Chapter 385 Medicinal Materials Plaza!

The heat in Cao Ying's beautiful eyes lasted for a while and then gradually faded away.

The next moment, she used the fire knife to carefully dig out the jade pit, and then used local materials to create a jade box using some earth core jade mother, and put the earth core soul marrow into it.

After doing this, Cao Ying just breathed a sigh of relief. This earth heart and soul essence cannot be taken directly, but needs to be blended with some other heaven and earth treasures to maximize its effectiveness.

But fortunately, although the other things are rare, at least you can find them if you work hard, and this alchemy world is a treasure land. Maybe if you are lucky, you can get the medicinal materials needed for blending in this alchemy world. .

At this moment, there were actually two or three people hiding nearby. They were very moved when they saw Cao Ying taking out the Earth's Heart Soul Essence.

However, due to the momentum Cao Ying had shown before, she did not dare to act rashly.

"This woman cannot have a good thing like the earth's core soul marrow. When we invite more people, we will besiege this woman!"

"She is from Danta!"

"What about the people in Dan Pagoda? This is the Dan Realm. People outside don't know what happens!"

"That's right. In this case, as long as we keep silent and those of us involved don't tell anyone, no one will find out!"

After some discussion, the few people hiding in the dark planned to conspire to set up an ambush against Cao Ying.

With Cao Ying's current soul state in the middle spiritual realm, she had already discovered the existence of this group of people, but she didn't care at all. A group of minions in the Douzong realm, no matter how many methods she had, she could kill them with her hands.

Cao Ying's first target is called Wanyao Mountain Range, and this mountain range is also one of the three red circles.

The area of ​​​​the Dan Realm, if you really want to talk about it, may be due to its gradual decline, so it is only less than one-third of the size of the Dan Realm, but don’t underestimate this one-third. With the natural resources and earth in this space, Treasure, there is probably no force on the continent that would not be tempted by it. Having such a space is equivalent to having an inexhaustible warehouse of rare medicinal materials.

With Cao Ying's current six-star Dou Zun speed, no one among the contestants can match her speed.

A few ten minutes later, she arrived in front of the Ten Thousand Medicine Mountains, leaving the other contestants far behind.

On the way, I also encountered many magical beasts. These magical beasts, perhaps because of the violent factor mixed in the energy of heaven and earth, seemed to be more violent and fierce than the magical beasts in Dou Qi Continent.

Of course, no matter how ferocious it was, there were only some seventh-level monsters that appeared, which could not affect Cao Ying's progress at all.


Wanyao Mountain Range, just from the name alone, it can be seen that this mountain range is extraordinary.

The energy of this mountain range is much richer than that of ordinary places.

The mountains are like giant dragon coils, winding and entrenched, and the mountains are in the air, filled with thick mist. These mist are not natural fog, but formed by the condensation of rich energy.

The mountains are dangerous, and there are continuous undulating roars of beasts resounding through them, and the roars are filled with violence.

"I remember that there are many magical beasts in the Ten Thousand Medicine Mountains, and the one who leads these monsters is a peerless ferocious beast whose strength has reached the peak of the seventh level, and even half-footed into the eighth level. This ferocious beast has conquered the Ten Thousand Medicine Mountains Many of the treasures of heaven and earth were moved into his cave with special techniques, including many required mission items!"

With a murmur in her heart, Cao Ying entered the mountains without hesitation. If she could rob the treasure house of the monster master of the mountains, then this mission could be completed quickly, and she might even be able to find the medicinal materials to prepare the Earth's Soul Essence.

Soon after, Cao Ying arrived at the center of the mountain range, at the top of a very high mountain.

Here, there is a huge stone palace. In front of the door, there are two huge monsters. Judging from the situation, they seem to have reached the peak of the sixth level.

After Cao Ying approached, a strong figure like an iron tower walked out of the stone hall. It was obvious that this strong man had discovered Cao Ying's arrival. "Such a young and powerful Dou Zun!"

The strong man was very surprised when he discovered Cao Ying's aura.

"Are you the boss of the Ten Thousand Medicine Mountain Range?"

"That's right! My name is Xiong Zhan!"

"In that case, open the treasure house of medicinal materials. I need to go in and select some medicinal materials!"

Although Xiong Zhan's strength was somewhat beyond expectations, Cao Ying didn't react much. She explained her purpose straightforwardly.

"How can I enter my treasure house of medicinal materials at just a moment's notice!"

After hearing what Cao Ying said, Xiong Zhan shook his head violently. He felt that Cao Ying didn't take him seriously.

His strength is no longer at the peak of Douzong as rumored by outsiders, but a real Douzong cultivation level.

Moreover, the dragon bear of his race.

Dragon Bear, this kind of ferocious monster, is rarely seen nowadays, because it is also an ancient beast, and it also has some dragon blood hidden in its body, and its strength is extremely terrifying.

According to ancient records, this kind of dragon bear is also known as the Nine-Pattern Demonic Dragon Bear. The silver hair patterns on their chests are not for viewing, but to measure their strength. It is said that if this kind of dragon bear is used When one can possess nine dragon patterns, the dragon bloodline in his body will be completely awakened.

And when the time comes, the dragon bear will undergo a transformation. If the transformation is successful, it will evolve into the supreme dragon bear.

When the time comes, breaking mountains and cracking ground will be just a matter of raising a hand.

Therefore, this kind of hair pattern is also called dragon pattern.

And this Xiong Zhan now has eight dragon patterns. If one more appears, this big guy will become the supreme demon bear with a great reputation even in ancient times. Therefore, he is very interested in himself. Very confident in his strength.

"I'm still talking to you nicely now, but if you don't understand, you won't be so polite later..."

Seeing Xiong Zhan's refusal, Cao Ying immediately unleashed her full momentum.

"This breath..."

The aura of Cao Ying's high-level Dou Zun immediately made Xiong Zhan's complexion change drastically.

"Senior please!"

The next moment, Xiong Zhan directly invited Cao Ying into the stone palace.

Follow Xiong Zhan all the way into the stone hall, walk through several corridors, and then arrive at the spacious square in the hall.

As soon as Cao Ying stepped into the square, a medicinal scent that was so strong that it was almost sticky rushed towards her.

The medicinal materials arranged extremely neatly in front of me are extremely rare things in the outside world, but here, they are placed here like cabbage, haphazardly.

The medicinal materials in this square are almost the entire collection of the Wanyao Mountains. The variety of medicinal materials is enough to dazzle anyone. Cao Ying began to quickly select the medicinal materials she wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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