Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 396 Xun'er Chapter Ancient World!

Chapter 396 Xun'er returns to the ancient world!
With the fighting field, the fun in the wind world suddenly increased a lot.

But in this relaxed and happy atmosphere, Chenfeng's monitoring compass suddenly and continuously sounded the alarm.

Two waves of people broke into the northwest continent.

These two parties represent the strongest forces in Dou Qi Continent now, the Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan.

The leader of the Ancient Clan was an old man whose cultivation had reached the peak of the Nine-Star Dou Zun, while the wave of people from the Soul Clan who rushed to the northwest continent had the highest cultivation level of the Three-Star Dou Saint.

Of course, with Morrowind's current strength, he doesn't care at all about the three-star fighting saint from the Soul Clan.

"The person from the Ancient Clan who came this time is actually not Gu Fei!"

By monitoring the compass, Chenfeng was able to clearly observe the strong man from the ancient tribe.

At first, Chenfeng was worried that the matter of imprisoning Xun'er would be exposed, so he used the intermediate puppet pill to control Gu Fei, the elder of the ancient clan who was in contact with Xun'er.

Now that someone else is here, Chenfeng guesses that this time, the ancient clan must take Xun'er back.

"Xun'er, your family members are probably preparing to take you back!"

The next moment, Chenfeng didn't hide anything and directly informed Xun'er about the matter.

"Someone from the clan has come to pick me up!"

Hearing Chenfeng's words, Xun'er had a strange expression on her face. For more than four years, she had indeed missed the ancient tribe.

"The adult ceremony should be about to begin. If I don't go back this time, my father may come to pick me up in person!"

Xun'er thought.

"In this case, Xun'er, you go back with the elders of the Jin tribe first. When your tribe's coming-of-age ceremony is held, I will go over and propose marriage, tell the world, and marry you back..."

Chenfeng touched Xun'er's cheek and said softly.


Hearing this, Xun'er nodded slightly, but her eyes were a bit resentful. Speaking of which, their children were all over the place, but they were not officially married yet.

"Then I'll take you there now!"

Morrowind smiled awkwardly, and then used the space conversion flag to send Xun'er to the central area of ​​the northwest continent.

Xun'er's current cultivation level has reached the level of Nine-Star Dou Zun, and he is in the process of nine-turn sainthood. The return of such a cultivation level will definitely surprise the ancient clan leader and many elders.

After sending Xun'er away, Chenfeng began to turn his attention to the group of people who broke into the Soul Palace in the northwest continent.

"Three-Star Dou Zun... It seems that this person should be the deputy master of the Soul Palace. What does he want to do when he goes to the northwest continent in person?"

Chenfeng murmured in his heart. He did not alert the enemy, but used a ray of soul power to observe the picture displayed on the monitoring compass at all times.


"The clan's big plan is about to begin, and the Xiao clan's ancient jade must be obtained as soon as possible!"

In the middle of the northwest continent, on the top of a certain mountain peak, seven or eight men in black robes gathered here, which was very mysterious.

The person with the strongest cultivation among them replied politely to the person next to him: "During this period, the Soul Palace has suffered many setbacks. I will apologize when I get back!"

"Now is not the time to talk about this... Xiao Clan Ancient Jade, Xiao Clan Ancient Jade, we must arrange for someone to rob it. Maybe we can ask the Tu Emperor of the Northwest Continent for help!"

The man in black robe, who only had the strength of a two-star fighting saint, said.

"Hunyu, that person seems to have some relationship with Danta. I'm afraid it might be troublesome to cooperate with him!"

Hearing this, the deputy master of the Soul Palace shook his head and disapproved.

This man named Hunyu was recently sent from the Soul World. He has very senior qualifications. When he came to the Soul Palace, he took the position of Great Heavenly Lord. Even the Deputy Master of the Soul Palace did not dare to deal with him. What's the point? "What should I do? I heard that the entire northwest continent is now under the control of the emperor!"

Hunyu frowned.

"It is precisely because of this that we can act more unscrupulously... Think about it, the most powerful force in the entire northwest continent is the Nagama Empire. If something happens to the Xiao people, the first thing others will suspect is The emperor of Jia Ma Empire?”

The deputy master of the Soul Palace raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile.

"Although it's a bit risky, this is what we have to do for the present. Otherwise, if the delay is too long, I'm afraid the clan elders will blame him..."

Hunyu nodded heavily.


"It turns out that the Soul Palace has started to jump over the wall in a hurry!"

Monitoring the conversation between the deputy master of the Soul Palace and others, Chenfeng gradually became clear.

The Void Swallowing Flame has most likely broken through to the Emperor Realm Soul at this time, otherwise, the Soul Palace would not be so impatient.

Because once they are exposed, other ancient races may be wary.

Chenfeng remembered that during the time when the Ancient Clan was holding its coming-of-age ceremony, the Soul Clan sent people to launch a plan to exterminate the Spirit Clan.

"People from the Xiao clan, you can't move yet!"

Knowing the purpose of these people from the Soul Palace, Chen Feng also had murderous intent in his eyes. After all, Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei are his women, and the Xiao family is his in-laws. The people from the Soul Palace want to attack the Xiao family. How could he just sit back and do nothing.

"Drug dust!"

With a thought, Chen Feng used the communication stone to contact Yao Chen.

Chenfeng didn't want to expose himself, so he had to let Yao Chen take action to disrupt the Soul Palace's plan.

Because, if he takes action to kill the deputy master of the Soul Palace, I am afraid that the Soul Clan will be in chaos, thinking that his plan has been discovered, and the person sent to the northwest continent will probably be a powerful being like the Void Swallowing Flame.

It was quite normal to send Yao Chen to intercept. After all, Chenfeng was married to Mu Qingluan, the young pavilion master of Xingyun Pavilion.

If this relationship is made public, it will become reasonable for Yao Chen to take action against the deputy master of the Soul Palace in order to protect the power of the Jia Ma Empire.

"Yao Chen obeys!"

After receiving the message from Morrowind, Yao Chen acted quickly.

His current cultivation level, under the heavy impact of Morrowind's Dou Sheng Ascension Pill resources, has entered the early stage of the Four Star Dou Sheng. Even if the soul is destroyed, it is difficult to deal with the soul without exposing his true strength. The deputy hall master and the new Great Heavenly Lord are more than enough.


"The rats in the Soul Palace have mobilized so many people to come to the Northwest Continent. What kind of dark deeds do they want to do..."

Not long after, Yaochen came directly in front of the strong men of the Soul Palace headed by the Deputy Master of the Soul Palace.

"Medicine dust?"

"This northwest continent is so vast. Do we have to report to you where our Soul Palace is going?"

Seeing Yao Chen quietly appearing in front, the deputy master of the Soul Palace was secretly shocked, but he quickly calmed down.

Because they had a mission, they didn't even mention Yao Chen's previous destruction of a branch of the Soul Palace.

"Haha, it seems that you still don't know that the emperor of the Northwest Continent is the husband of my young master of Xingyun Pavilion, that is, the son-in-law of Xingyun Pavilion. You came here sneakily from the Soul Palace, so of course you have to talk to this Holy News Be prepared!”

Yao Chen laughed loudly and revealed his relationship with Xingyun Pavilion and Morrowind, and scolded the deputy master of the Soul Palace in an extremely domineering manner: "I advise you to get out of the northwest continent quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude..."

(End of this chapter)

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