Chapter 398 Ancient Holy City!
"Master, according to our current speed, we should be able to reach the Eastern Territory tomorrow, the entrance to the ancient world, in a city called the Ancient Holy City in the center of the Eastern Territory!"

On the body of the huge Void Thunder Eagle, Yao Chen sat cross-legged on it, holding a map in his hand and speaking to Chen Feng beside him.

"The ancient holy city..."

Chenfeng nodded slightly, he had heard of this name.

In the Eastern Region, this city's reputation is even more famous than that of Holy Dan City in Danta.

Because here is the entrance to the ancient world.

"The ancient holy city is a city that strictly prohibits outsiders from entering. There are many strong men from the ancient clan guarding it. If you want to enter the ancient world, if you don't have an invitation card, I am afraid that even the strong men at the peak of Dou Zun will not be able to break in. .”

Yao Chen explained: "But this is not a problem for us. In the Eastern Region, many large cities have space wormholes that lead directly to the surroundings of the ancient holy city. When the time comes, as long as they pass through the space wormholes, If we can reach the Ancient Holy City, if there are no accidents, we will be able to appear outside the Ancient Holy City in two days."


Morrowind nodded slightly. The distance was so far that even he chose to let the Void Thunder Eagle enter the established space channel and rush on its way.

The journey was smooth, and in the early morning of the third day, Chen Feng and Yao Chen truly entered the territory of the Eastern Region of Zhongzhou.

The two of them did not stop, but directly searched for a large city, found the space wormhole leading to the surroundings of the ancient holy city, and then got into it again without stopping.

This space wormhole seems extremely lively. In the space passage, there are streams of light passing by from time to time, and some strong people can even be seen walking directly through the air.

Among them, the person with the lowest strength that Chenfeng saw also had the strength of the Douzong level.

Obviously, these people should be heading towards the ancient holy city.

The Void Thunder Eagle that Morro Feng and Yao Chen rode on undoubtedly earned them enough face, as the Void Thunder Eagle quickly shuttled through the space passage.

In the space passage, many strong men only saw a huge silver shadow flashing past, and the Void Thunder Eagle disappeared again. The speed was so fast that it was simply staggering.

Two days later, Chen Feng, who had been closing his eyes tightly, slowly opened his eyes and stared at the end of the silver space passage.

The space energy there fluctuated violently, and a silver light group emerged vaguely.

"Is it finally here..."

Looking at the light group, Chen Feng also let out a breath, but a touch of fire quietly climbed up in his heart.

It was like a beautiful figure walking out of a painting. The mother of his children was about to meet him.


Here is a vast and endless grassland, the lush green fills the eyeballs, releasing extremely rich vitality.

In one part of this grassland, a majestic and majestic boulder square stands tall.

The Stone Square is about a hundred feet above the ground and is supported by countless huge stone pillars.

From a distance, it looks like a giant standing between heaven and earth, giving people a sense of grandeur.

Above this megalithic square, the space presents a distorted color, with silver lights flickering from time to time.


The space in mid-air was violently distorted again at this moment.

Immediately, the figures of Chenfeng and Yaochen swept out from it and landed steadily on the boulder platform.

"Master, we have arrived at Ancient Stone Square now!"

Looking at this magnificent and majestic boulder platform, Yao Chen cupped his hands and said.Outside, he maintained this relationship and did not call Morrowind Master directly, but changed his name to Young Master.


Morrowind smiled and nodded, glancing at the huge platform.

With his eyesight, he could naturally detect that there were many powerful Dou Zun warriors on this platform. This was the most powerful Dou Zun warriors he had ever seen in his life.

This is just a space square. If there were more powerful Dou Zun warriors in that city, or even among the ancient clans.

"As expected of an ancient clan..."

Chenfeng sighed slightly, and then flew up to the sky with Yaochen, flying towards the distant city outline.

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers among the strong men in Zhongzhou, and many Dou Zun strong men fly by in the sky, but even so, the combination of Yao Chen and Chen Feng attracted a lot of attention.

After all, the speed of the two of them could not match that of some peak Dou Zun experts, which made many people speculate on their identities.

Although the grassland is vast, it is nothing to Chen Feng and Yao Chen. In less than a minute, the huge and looming city clearly appeared in their field of vision. .

When Chen Feng first saw this city, he felt that this city was not as domineering as he imagined.

The city is built of light blue rocks. Perhaps due to the erosion of time, the city looks a bit decayed.

An unusually ancient atmosphere permeates the city, giving people a slight taste of that ancient flavor.

After getting closer, you can see that this ancient city is wrapped in a slightly transparent light shield.

The mask seems weak, but it gives everyone a sense of coercion that seems to come from the soul.

"Is this the power of Emperor Dou..."

Feeling the energy in the light shield, Chenfeng murmured in his heart, with a trace of yearning on his face. Only by becoming a Dou Emperor can he truly sit back and relax in this Dou Qi Continent.

"Young Master, in order to show respect to the powerful Dou Di, the ancient clan prohibits anyone from flying within a thousand feet of the ancient holy city. We have no choice but to walk there, otherwise, the pressure will become stronger and stronger."

Yaochen introduced with a smile.

Although Morrowind is not afraid of this kind of coercion, he does not want to act independently at this moment.

He chose to fall to the ground and walked slowly towards the ancient city gate.

At the gate of the Holy Ancient City, Chen Feng and Yao Chen also slowly paused. The Holy Ancient City is not a city that can be entered at will. Unless invited by the ancient clan, ordinary people are generally prohibited from entering.

Although the procedures for entering the city are quite cumbersome, due to the ancient clan's resounding name, no one dares to act wild here.

On both sides of the city gate, nearly a hundred figures in black armor stood upright, holding spears, and kept scanning the surroundings with sharp and cold eyes.

But when Yaochen approached and exuded some saintly aura, one of the younger commanders, who was upright and tall, immediately came over and said in a rather polite manner: "Junior Black Annihilation Army Commander Lingquan, I don't know senior Name taboo?"

"The world calls me the Medicine Sage!"

"It turns out to be Senior Medicine Saint of Xingyun Pavilion, please come in quickly!"

Yao Chen raised his head and said slowly, while Ling Quan made a gesture of invitation with a smile on his face.

Strong fighting saints, even in this ancient clan with so many strong men, are extremely rare.

Therefore, although Lingquan was arrogant, he did not dare to be arrogant in front of Yao Chen, a veteran fighting saint.

(End of this chapter)

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