Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 40 Xiao Xun'er: I promise you anything!

Chapter 40 Xiao Xun'er: I promise you anything!
As soon as Chen Feng's words fell, Ling Ying immediately made a move, and the movement was very fast.

Before Xiao Xun'er could react, there was a red slap on the other side of her face.

At this moment, on Xiao Xun'er's originally flawless, delicate and pretty face, the two red palm marks looked extremely dazzling.

After being slapped twice, blood overflowed from the corner of Xiao Xun'er's mouth, her black hair was messed up, she looked extremely embarrassed, she didn't look like a noble lady at all.

Xiao Xun'er covered her face, feeling the burning pain, the humiliation and anger in her heart mixed together, she couldn't help the corners of her eyes getting wet.

As the eldest lady of the ancient clan, she was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and she is surrounded by stars, how could she have suffered such grievances.

But at this moment, no matter how wronged and angry she is, she dare not continue to be presumptuous.

The two slaps just now finally made her realize the reality and understand her current situation.

Looking at Ling Ying's indifferent face, Xiao Xun'er had no doubts that if he said something rude again, he would strike without hesitation.

Seeing Xiao Xun'er covering her face with fear and frailty, Chen Feng finally showed a smile on his face.

Yes, it does look much more pleasing to the eye this way.

"Ling Ying, lift the restriction on your ring, take it off and give it to me."

Afterwards, Chen Feng looked at Ling Ying and said.

He had some expectations in his heart, the net worth of a nine-star Douhuang powerhouse should be pretty good.

"Yes, Master."

Hearing that, without any hesitation, Ling Ying lifted the restriction on the ring in her hand, and handed it to Chenfeng respectfully.

Chen Feng took the ring, sank into the soul force to examine it, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face after a while.

Although the treasures in the Ring of Ling Yingna were not as good as Xiao Xun'er, Xiao Xun'er, the eldest lady of the ancient clan, it was still a huge sum of money for Chen Feng.

The training resources, martial arts and fighting skills inside are all complete.

With Xiao Xun'er and Ling Ying, the two treasures in the ring, Chen Feng basically didn't have to worry about training resources before breaking through the Dou Zong.

"This guy actually took my Naring away."

Seeing Chen Feng's actions, Xiao Xun'er also found that the ring in her hand was gone, and she couldn't help but secretly hate it.

That's all of her net worth, and the training resources provided by the family are all cheap for this bastard now.

However, seeing the "money fan" smile on Chen Feng's face after checking Ling Ying Na Jie, Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but have an idea in his heart.

"Mi..., brother Chenfeng, what exactly do you want to let me go, as long as you let me go, I will agree to any conditions."

After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Xun'er suddenly spoke.

She slowly came to Chen Feng's body, this time her attitude was completely different from before, she was very humble, for fear of angering Chen Feng.

Although Xiao Xun'er is arrogant by nature, she is not a fool. After learning two lessons, she has learned to behave well this time. Now she is under the control of others and can only bear the burden of humiliation.


Hearing this, Chen Feng put away Ling Ying's ring, looked at Xiao Xun'er with great interest, his eyes wandered over the other's exquisite and graceful body, and said jokingly: "Really, you can ask for anything. agree?"

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiao Xun'er's fair and tender face.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Feeling Chen Feng's undisguised, aggressive gaze, Xiao Xun'er suddenly felt as if she had been stripped naked, and her complexion changed.

Then her delicate body trembled, and she couldn't help taking a step back, avoiding Chenfeng's salty hands.

"Is it not obvious enough that I mean?"

Feeling the smooth and tender feel of her hand just now, Chenfeng's heart skipped a beat, this chick's skin is so tender, it must be very comfortable to touch.

"As long as you play with me, I'll let you go when I'm having fun, how about that?" Chen Feng laughed.

" wishful thinking!"

Hearing Chen Feng's request, Xiao Xun'er's pretty face showed anger, feeling that she had been greatly insulted.

She is the daughter of the ancient clan, with a noble status, pure and pure, how could she commit herself to such a shameless scum.

Her innocent body can only be left to her beloved brother Xiao Yan.

"Hmph, it's not up to you."

Chen Feng sneered, in his small world, this chick can't escape his Wuzhishan no matter what.

"Brother Chen... Chenfeng, apart from this request, I can promise you anything, whether it is a heaven-level exercise or a heaven-level fighting skill, I can get it for you. With my father's love for me, no matter you Whatever request is made, he will oblige.”

Although extremely annoyed in her heart, Xiao Xun'er tried her best to keep calm and continued to beg Chen Feng.

After being slapped twice, she also knew that if she provoked Chen Feng again, she would only be the one to suffer.

However, although she showed weakness on the surface, she secretly vowed in her heart that if she escaped this time, she would never let Chen Feng go.

Today's encounter made Xiao Xun'er feel extremely ashamed. This is a stain in her life and must be erased.

As long as she is allowed to leave here alive, Chenfeng will surely regret coming to this world.

As for the Mittel family, the Misty Cloud Sect...even the entire Jia Ma Empire!

As long as it is related to Chenfeng, everything will be destroyed and disappear from this world.

Only in this way can the trauma she suffered today be healed.

"Hmph, do you think I'm a fool?"

And at this moment, Chen Feng made a sudden move, grabbed Xiao Xun'er's white neck directly, and said coldly, "Let you go out? Can I go out as you?"

"If you get out of trouble and have revenge in your heart, with the strength of the ancient clan, will I still have a chance to survive?"

Xiao Xun'er's thoughts, Chenfeng is not clear.

The weakness shown so far is just to paralyze himself.

No matter how many benefits you promise, can you get it yourself?
When Xiao Xun'er is out of his control, with this woman's character, she will never let her go.

Besides, Chen Feng didn't care much about the heavenly-ranked exercises and the heavenly-ranked fighting skills.

As long as Xiao Xun'er has a few children, are you afraid of lacking these things?
It has to be said that although Xiao Xun'er is the proud daughter of the ancient clan, she may have been protected too well since she was a child, and she has never experienced the dangers of the world, so she thinks things too simply.

Since Chenfeng chose to expose the secrets of the small world and the Puppet Pill to her eyes, she should understand that the former would never let her go.

"No, absolutely not, Brother Chenfeng, I will never do this."

Seeing that Chen Feng suddenly turned his face, and also revealed his own thoughts, Xiao Xun'er's face turned pale immediately, and his heart was extremely terrified.

"It's easy for me to trust you."

Chen Feng pinched Xiao Xun'er's fair neck, pulled her in front of him, and whispered in her ear.

"As long as you obey me obediently, I can consider letting you go."

(End of this chapter)

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