Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 43 You don't want anything to happen to your brother Xiao Yan, do you?

Chapter 43 You don't want anything to happen to your brother Xiao Yan, do you?
"Master, please don't kill brother Xiao Yan, I will obey you in everything, I promise you in everything..."

For Xiao Yan's safety, Xiao Xun'er went all out.

Regardless of her own dignity, she hugged Chenfeng's thigh and begged extremely humblely.

Looking at Xiao Xun'er, whose disheveled hair, delicate and pretty face was covered with tears, and desperate expression, Chen Feng's heart softened, and he squatted down slowly, stroking her head, and said softly: "Okay, I promise you , leave Xiao Yan alive."

Hearing this, Xiao Xun'er was stunned for a moment, then he breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly to Chen Feng, "Thank you...Master."

Chen Feng held the hem of his clothes and helped Xiao Xun'er wipe away the tears on his face. With a smile on his face, he said: "Okay, don't cry, your face will be blurred by crying, Master, I will feel sorry for you."

"As long as you are obedient and obedient, if I am happy, maybe I will let you go."

Looking at Xiao Xun'er who looked so fragile at this moment, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a little pity in his heart, and wanted to hold her in his arms and caress her.


Seeing Chen Feng, who was like a demon, squatting down and wiping his cheeks suddenly, his movements were so gentle, his tone was gentle, and he promised to let him go. For some reason, Xiao Xun'er suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart. Staring blankly at Chen Feng in front of him, he was actually bewildered, and there was even a touch of blush on that delicate and pretty face.

Perhaps because of being used to the rough treatment by Chen Feng just now, Xiao Xun'er was already numb and desperate.

And the gentleness suddenly revealed by Chen Feng at this moment, like the dawn of despair, touched Xiao Xun'er's heart inexplicably.

"Of course, as long as you are obedient and obedient, I will let you go when I am in a good mood." Chen Feng caressed Xiao Xun'er's fair and tender face, feeling a little restless in his heart.

"Well, I will be obedient and obedient. Master, I can do whatever you ask me to do."

Hearing this, Xiao Xun'er nodded hastily, a gleam of light finally appeared in her moist eyes, as if she really saw the hope of going out.

At this moment, Xiao Xun'er's face could no longer see the slightest aloof and aloof attitude from before.

With low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, with tears in the corners of her eyes, one would think she was a little maid in a certain family who was bullied all day long.

Facing such a lovely and pitiful Xiao Xun'er, Chenfeng couldn't help but feel a little itchy.

"Little beauty, you said this yourself. Do whatever I ask you to do."

Hearing Xiao Xun'er's words, a smirk appeared on the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, he stretched out his hand to pinch Xiao Xun'er's white and tender chin, rubbed it lightly, and said slowly: "In this case, then you can play with me, right? "

"Play... play?"

Hearing this, Xiao Xun'er saw the bad words on Chen Feng's face, and finally came to her senses, and understood what Chen Feng said about Wan Wan.

"Master... no, this can't..."

The pretty face turned pale, Xiao Xun'er shrank back, couldn't help but move back, her delicate body trembled, the brilliance in her beautiful eyes disappeared again, only despair remained in her crystal eyes.

"Master, can you let me go out first, and then... promise you after I go out." Xiao Xun'er said cautiously, fearing that Chen Feng would be angry again.

"Go out and do it again?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng came to his senses, looked around, and said with a smile on his face, "You think it's inconvenient here, right?"

"That's right, there isn't even a bed here, it's really wronging you, it's because I didn't think carefully."

In this small world, Chenfeng didn't prepare so much in advance, naturally there was nothing, and doing it on the ground really made Xiao Xun'er a little embarrassed, and Ling Ying was still on the side?

Chen Feng patted his forehead, was he a bit confused.

"Ling Ying, I'll take you out first, find a place to hide and wait for me."

With a thought, Chenfeng sent Ling Ying out of the small world directly.

"Little Xun'er, look, your master, I'm feeling a little uncomfortable right now. Since you feel the ground is tight, how about we change the game?"

At this moment, Chen Feng only felt that his body was a little dry and hot. Although the environment here is bad, he could only make do with it. He leaned into Xiao Xun'er's ear and said, "You just need to be like'll be fine."

Hearing his request, Xiao Xun'er's eyes widened immediately, her pretty face showed a hint of disbelief, and Chen Feng's words seemed to have had a great impact on her.

How could it be so?

She was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and she was aloof. No one had ever told her about the relationship between men and women.

The request made by Chen Feng completely refreshed her three views and made it difficult for her to accept it.

"No, this is even worse..."

Afterwards, she shook her head frantically, her face turned pale, and her delicate body couldn't help trembling.

Seeing Xiao Xun'er's performance, Chen Feng's expression darkened immediately, and he said with some displeasure, "Didn't you just promise to listen to me in everything?"

"This doesn't work, and that doesn't work. Why, you want to break your promise?"

"If you are not obedient, how can I let you out?"

Chen Feng got up, and slowly approached Xiao Xun'er, finally put his hands on her soft fragrant shoulders, and said slowly: "Besides, you don't want your brother Xiao Yan to have an accident, do you?"

"I'm really angry that you broke your promise over and over again. If you can't satisfy me with this little request, I'll let Ling Ying take Xiao Yan's head." Chen Feng said coldly.

Chen Feng's words sounded like a devil's voice in Xiao Xun'er's ears, making her face even paler.

"No, master, you must not hurt brother Xiao Yan!"

"I promise you, I promise you everything...I'll help you..."

Facing Chen Feng's threat, Xiao Xun'er broke his defense again, tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes, Xiao Xun'er agreed to Chen Feng's request with a wry smile as if a pot had been smashed.

"That's good."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Chenfeng's face.

Seeing Xiao Xun'er's face full of despair and helplessness, Chen Feng felt more and more itchy.

He came in front of Xiao Xun'er who was kneeling on the ground, bent down and whispered in her ear: "Good Xun'er, then I'll leave it to you."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Xiao Xun'er only felt a rumble in his mind.

Afterwards, she took a deep breath, and with a sad smile on her delicate and pretty face, she slowly stretched out her jade hand.

Next, there was a rustling sound.


After a while, Chenfeng showed a comfortable smile on his face, feeling refreshed for a while.

Seeing Xiao Xun'er who was lying on the ground silently, Chen Feng walked over slowly, patted her fragrant shoulder, and said softly: "Good Xun'er, thank you for your hard work."

"You take a good rest here, Master, I'll go out for a while." The heat in his heart had been released, and Chen Feng thought about going out to see Sister Yafei.

If she didn't go back all night, she should be very worried.

(End of this chapter)

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