"Master Morrowind, the place you are looking for is a place where thunder gathers. The space there is quite weird, exuding a natural suction force... Therefore, a lot of energy condenses here in chaos, and finally Countless thunders were derived and formed a thunder pool!"

Chen Feng and Zi Yan returned to Dragon Island together. After asking the third elder Zhu Li, Zhu Li led the way and rushed towards somewhere in the void space.


Soon, at the end of Chen Feng and Zi Yan's sight, a flashing silver luster appeared, and faintly, there was an unusually violent energy coming from a distance.



As it got closer, the silver luster rapidly amplified, and the rumbling sound of thunder echoed in Chen Feng's ears with earth-shattering proportions.

Chenfeng cultivates thunder-attribute fighting spirit, and the sound of thunder from heaven and earth sounds very beautiful to him.

Soon, a "lake" nearly a thousand feet in size appeared in front of Chen Feng and Zi Yan. However, the "lake" here was not ordinary water.

Instead, it was completely filled with bright silver thunder and lightning.

This is a pool of thunder truly formed by thunder!
Standing in front of the thunder pool, the rumbling thunderous sound continued to spread out from the thunder pool, making people's hearts tremble. Standing here, people looked particularly insignificant.

"What a strong thunder power!"

After a long time, Zi Yan slowly recovered from the shock and murmured.

The power of thunder contained in this thunder pool even frightened her, a powerful person in the late stage of the Five-Star Dou Saint.

"Zi Yan, please go back first, I plan to practice here for a while!"

Chenfeng smiled and said.

"All right!"

Hearing this, Zi Yan nodded obediently. In front of others, she was the majestic and aloof Dragon King.

But in front of Morrowind, she was just a little woman.

After Zi Yan left, Chen Feng took a step and walked directly into the Void Thunder Pond.


The moment Morrofeng rushed into the thunder pool, numerous thunderbolts rushed out like silver snakes and struck him like lightning. However, these thunderbolts did not attack Morrofeng at all, but surrounded Morrofeng's body. From time to time, a streak merges into Chenfeng's body.

The powerful thunder-attribute warriors in the later stages of the Seven-Star Dou Sheng looked like kings descending in front of these thunders.

Just standing here, Chenfeng is equivalent to practicing at high speed. Of course, with his current cultivation level, no matter how fast the training express is, it will not make much difference in just a few years or even decades. changing.

In the bright silver world, the thunder roared wildly like a giant dragon, and the sound of rumbling thunder resounded endlessly in this void. Such strange things, I am afraid, can only exist in this empty space.

Although these thunderbolts are already very powerful, not even comparable to those of ordinary seventh-grade elixirs, they are not the target of Morrowind's trip.

His footsteps walked deeper into the thunder pool without any pause.


A few minutes later, the space in front became pitch black, and a dozen thunderbolts like black dragons hovered in the field of vision.Who would have thought that the black magic thunder, which can only be attracted by refining ninth-grade elixirs, could have such a terrifying number here. It is true that there are all kinds of strange things in this world.


As Morrowind continued to walk into the depths of the thunder pool, he immediately attracted the attention of some black magic thunders as expected.

At that moment, a black thunderbolt about ten feet thick was like a giant python, slowly squirming and coiling around Chenfeng. Lightning flashes continued to emit from this black magic thunder. .

The power of this black magic thunder is such that even an ordinary five-star fighting saint would not dare to let it bombard the body at will.

But Chenfeng is not only a powerful thunder cultivator in the late Seven-Star Fighting Saints period, but his physique has reached a terrifying level.

These black magic thunders can only become his nutrients, enhance his strength and temper his body.

At this moment, circles of black thunder and lightning were flashing crazily around Chen Feng's body, and strange sounds came out one after another, which seemed particularly harsh in the depths of the somewhat silent void thunder pool.

Those extremely violent black demon thunder powers, after raging crazily in Morrowind's body, finally gradually integrated into his body. The violent energy penetrated Morrowind's muscles, bones, and cells bit by bit.


Being wrapped in so many black magic thunders, Moro Feng was not only in no danger, but felt a sense of relief.

Black magic thunder is an extremely powerful thing in the eyes of low-level fighting saints. Lei Dong, a young genius from the Lei clan, only has his fighting spirit attribute mutated into black magic thunder. He is able to easily leapfrog the level and fight with two-star fighting saints. In the later stage, fighting against three-star Dou Saints and even ordinary four-star Dou Saints were quite fearful.

It can be said that this black magic thunder is as good as any other fire that ranks below fourth on the list of strange fires. It is a true wonder of heaven and earth.

Now, such a wonder of heaven and earth has become the nourishment for Chenfeng to temper his body.

Deep in the thunder pool, loud and loud sounds continued to sound, and black magic thunders, like giant dragons, bit into the morning wind one after another.

However, whenever these black magic thunders came into contact with the latter's body, the black light flashed and disappeared directly. Then, the black lightning arcs flashing on Morrowind's body became more and more dense.

While closing his eyes and concentrating, Chenfeng could clearly hear that when the energy was integrated into the body, the countless cells in the body made sounds of desire and joy.

In the quiet depths of the Void Thunder Pond, there are now bursts of thunder, and countless python-like black thunders are roaring and moving.

Such momentum, overwhelming, and all thunders moving together, before such a spectacular scene, even the strongest fighters will feel their own insignificance.

In the sea of ​​black thunder and lightning, there were two whirlpool-like existences. Black thunder roared and entrenched, surrounding the two places tightly.

However, no matter how ferocious their impact was, those two areas were like a bottomless pit that couldn't be filled.

No matter how many black magic thunders come in, in the end, they all disappear in a flash of black light...

The Void Thunder Pond is hidden in the vast and endless void space, and there are few people there. Even some fighters who occasionally come here, they dare not enter it easily.

Soon, a week passed. Morrowind's physical strength was tempered by the huge number of black magic thunders and became even stronger than before, and his cultivation level also improved slightly. Of course, if he wanted to do this It is impossible to break through to the Eight-Star Fighting Saint.

Otherwise, those powerful Seven-Star Fighting Saints from the ancient races would not have been trapped in one realm for hundreds or even thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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