Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 432: Spirit Transformation Successful!


A golden thunderstorm that was one-fifth the size of Jiuxuan Golden Thunder exploded on the surface of his body, and the golden thunder arc filled with destructive power moved crazily.

Facing this kind of backlash explosion from inside the body, even those as powerful as Jiuxuan Golden Thunder can only continue to struggle.

However, during that crazy struggle, some spiritual energy began to slowly emerge from the golden thunder dragon's eyes that were originally so cold and emotionless.

It made it look a little more alive, unlike before, which was as cold as a sculpture.

"Tsk! Looks like this guy is still going to fail in gathering souls!"

Seeing this scene, Chenfeng shook his head and sighed softly.

This Nine Mysterious Golden Thunder condenses spiritual intelligence and has to withstand such a fierce backlash, but as long as it can survive it, it will probably be a quite terrifying existence in the future.

There are all kinds of wonders between heaven and earth, just like the ancient Bodhi tree. Although it is just an ancient tree, in the heyday of the ancient tree, it once fought against the legendary powerful Emperor Fighter.

Similarly, the ancient Bodhi tree does not possess too strong spiritual wisdom.

The stronger the spiritual beings of heaven and earth are, the more difficult it is to condense their spiritual wisdom. This is the case with the ancient Bodhi tree, and the same is true with the Nine Mysteries Golden Thunder.


When some spiritual energy emerged in the eyes of the Nine-Xuan Golden Thunder Dragon, the backlash in its body became more and more intense, and the sound of low thunder explosions continued to rumble from its body.

Every time there was a horrific explosion, even Morrowind was a little moved. It was a burst of its own energy. No matter how high the defense was, it would still be severely damaged.

Under such a violent explosion, a lot of the spiritual energy in the eyes of Jiuxuan Golden Thunder Dragon was blown away.

"What a terrible backlash. No wonder the ancient Bodhi tree cannot condense spiritual wisdom. If it were like this, the power of the backlash would be so terrifying!"

Chen Feng sighed again when he saw some of the spiritual energy in the eyes of Jiuxuan Golden Thunder Dragon being blown away.

Just as this thought passed through Chenfeng's mind, the black magic thunder around him seemed to be aware of it instinctively.

At that moment, a strange and sad sound was heard throughout the sea of ​​thunder.

Immediately, countless black magic thunders surged out at once, one after another, towards the Nine Mysterious Gold Thunderstorms.

When countless black magic thunders come into contact with Jiuxuan Golden Thunder's body, they will turn into a tiny black current and invade the latter's body.

As they invaded, the violent explosion inside Jiuxuan Golden Thunder gradually became subtler.

It was as if these black magic thunders were using their own bodies to resist the backlash from the Nine Mysterious Golden Thunders.

And under the death-like impact of these many black magic thunders, the spiritual energy in the eyes of the Nine Mysterious Golden Thunder Dragons became more and more intense.

But at the same time, its body, which was originally as bright as gold, became increasingly dim, and the backlash made it weaker.


Amidst the shrill roar of the Nine Profound Golden Thunder, the black magic thunders in the depths of the sea of ​​thunder all went crazy, rushing towards his body without fear of death.

However, as the spiritual energy in the Nine Mysterious Golden Thunder Dragon's eyes became more and more intense, the explosions in the golden dragon's body became even more crazy.

If the ripples of destruction caused by the explosion happened to an ordinary Seven-Star Fighting Saint, he would probably fall within a few times.

"It seems that this big guy will fail soon!" Chenfeng glanced slightly and shook his head. The backlash in Jiuxuan Golden Thunder's body was almost doubling.

And once the black magic thunder cannot be suppressed, the spiritual wisdom finally condensed by the Nine Mysterious Golden Thunder will be exploded again.

I don’t know how many years it took for this Nine Mysterious Golden Thunder to take shape.

It would indeed be a pity if the spirit gathering failed now.

Although God gave it great power, it also deprived it of other rights.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the depths of the thunder sea, the Jiuxuan Golden Thunder was entangled dimly, like a body made of gold, it also became much more illusory.

When Jiu Xuan Jin Lei lay in the depths of the thunder sea as if resigned to his fate, the surrounding black magic thunder surrounded the former, making a low whine sound, and the sound was filled with sadness.


Seeing the Nine Mysterious Golden Thunder that had become extremely weak, Chenfeng shook his head, stepped on the void, and in a flash, he appeared in the depths of the thunder sea, looking at the thousands of feet at a close distance. A huge golden brontosaurus.

Immediately afterwards, Morrowind's handprint flashed rapidly, and his body began to grow in size visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye he transformed into a golden giant thousands of feet in size.

At this moment, Jiuxuan Golden Thunder glanced at the golden giant with a pair of extremely dim dragon eyes, but actually did not launch any more attacks.

"Give me your strength, and I will help you gather spirits."

The golden giant stood in front of Jiuxuan Golden Thunder, and his body was already about the same size as it.

That thunderous sound caused some fluctuations to appear in the dim eyes of Jiu Xuan Jin Lei.

"Strong power is the biggest obstacle to your spirit gathering!"

As the golden giant spoke, he stretched out his arm, pressed down on Jiu Xuan Jin Lei's body, and then gave it a sharp thrust. Suddenly, the bright golden lightning was directly extracted from Jiu Xuan Jin Lei's body.

Faintly, the golden thunder light gathered into a giant thunder dragon of about a hundred feet, which was caught in the hands of the golden giant.

The extraction was unexpectedly smooth. The Nine Mysterious Golden Thunder was now extremely weak, and it did not put up any resistance at all.

It seemed that it understood the words of the golden giant. For the sake of wisdom, it was willing to give up these powers. It was tired of this kind of confused existence all day long.

"What a terrifying destructive power!"

The golden giant tightly bound the golden thunder dragon. This was the power within the Jiuxuan Golden Thunder.

The destructiveness exceeded Morrowind's expectations. Even he couldn't refine it in a short time, and even had to activate his immortal golden body to resist it.


The golden giant continued to draw, and after a moment, his eyes turned to the Jiu Xuan Golden Thunder in front of him. Due to the drawn out power, the latter's body directly turned into a small golden dragon of about ten feet.

The golden giant's palm gently stroked the dragon head of Jiuxuan Golden Thunder. As soon as the handprint changed, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth quickly gathered.

Finally, it turned into a spiritual energy seed and slowly invaded the body of Jiuxuan Golden Thunder. The current Jiuxuan Golden Thunder is probably equivalent to a Dou Zun-level existence. If the spirit is gathered again at this time, the backlash will disappear immediately.

Looking at the sudden aura in the dragon's eye, the Jiuxuan Golden Thunder, the golden giant turned into by the morning breeze smiled slightly. It seemed that it was easy for the Jiuxuan Golden Thunder to give up its power and gain spiritual wisdom again. (End of chapter)

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