Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 435 Entering the Underground World!

"The Nine Netherworld's Underworld Python Clan's Nine Netherworld!"

Morrowind touched Queen Medusa's charming face and said softly.

"Nine Nether Land Underworld Python Clan?"

Queen Medusa was shocked when she heard what Morrowind said.

That clan can be said to be the origin of their Tagore Desert snake people clan.

Jiuyou Huangquan is located deep in the earth. It is usually the territory of Jiuyou Underworld Python, and they also regard it as a holy land.

Generally, any Jiuyou Underworld Python that wants to advance will go to Jiuyou Huangquan and soak in it, which will make the breakthrough much smoother.

The spring water in Jiuyou Huangquan is extremely dark and cold. If the properties are inconsistent, even a strong fighting saint will have difficulty entering. However, for the snake-shaped monster that is already biased towards coldness, it is one of the best body-refining miracles in the world. land.

Therefore, it is also a sacred place for Queen Medusa.

The seven-color sky-swallowing python is a divine species of snakes, and the nine-color sky-swallowing python is even more powerful than the ancient heavenly snake king.

If Queen Medusa can successfully evolve in the Nine Netherworld, her strength will undoubtedly increase by leaps and bounds.

If it really evolves into a nine-color sky-swallowing python, it will transform into a snake body and be able to swallow a mountain range in one bite, and even the sky can be swallowed by it.

"Brother Feng, when will we go there?"

Queen Medusa asked.

"Let's go now!"

Chenfeng smiled and replied, with his current strength, he can conquer all the world.

"it is good!"

After receiving Morrowind's answer, Queen Medusa showed a delighted smile on her face.Chenfeng had gone to the Beast Realm once before to search for the dragon and phoenix origin fruit for Zi Yan, and left a space transformation flag there. Going back this time was just a matter of seconds.

After entering the Beast Realm, Morrowind and Queen Medusa did not stop too much and rushed directly to the area where the Netherworld Python Clan was located.

The real base camp of the Nine Nether Earth Python Clan is deep underground.

Of course, on the ground, they also have many branches. The number of this race can be regarded as the largest among the three major races, but the large number naturally leads to the impureness of their blood.

According to the estimation of the elders of the Nine Nether Earth Python Clan, if this situation continues, the ancient blood of the Nine Nether Earth Python Clan will be exhausted after a hundred years.

And by that time, the Nine Nether Underworld Python clan will also be reduced to a situation similar to that of ordinary monsters.

Because of this kind of thing, there are quite a lot of quarrels and differences among the Jiuyou Earth Nether Python Clan.

However, if there is no supplement from the ancient bloodline, and according to their crazy reproduction speed, that day will come sooner or later.

Soon, Morrowind and Queen Medusa came to the Nine Netherworld Abyss. This was a main passage into the underground world. It was also occupied by the Nine Netherworld Python Clan, so the defense was quite tight.

However, this kind of strictness is only for ordinary strong people. With Morrowind's current strength, this kind of defense can't even detect his figure.

The two figures of Morrowind appeared on a mountain peak not far from the abyss. He glanced at the seemingly strict defense, smiled and shook his head, and then used the power of space to join Queen Medusa. He entered this underground world quietly.

The terrain of the underground world is extremely complex, but Morrowind came out this time well prepared and had a detailed map.

In just a few minutes, the two of them reached the underground world, and passed through numerous snake tribes along the way.

About half an hour later, we finally arrived at the base camp of the Nether Python Clan in the Nine Netherlands, the Nether Snake Earth Line.

(End of this chapter)

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