Chapter 442 Nine Netherworld Staff!

"What a powerful battle wave!"

"Is it the clan leader who is fighting with others?"

"If someone breaks into my clan's territory, I want to see who has the courage!"

Soon, a large number of strong men from the Jiuyou Land Python Clan flashed towards Jiuyou Huangquan.

"Leaders of the various tribes, you go back today first, and let me settle the matter here in person!"

Upon noticing this situation, Yaotian Xiao's eyes flickered, and he suddenly turned his head and spoke in a deep voice to the leaders of the tribes who were coming.

"Yao Tianxiao, did you push them away because you wanted to join forces with the Great Elder to kill me? If you think so, you are too naive!"

Yao Ming laughed loudly, and the sound spread, making the leaders of the Jiuyou Diming Python tribe who came over were startled.

Looking at Yao Ming's face which was somewhat similar to Yao Tian Xiao's, all the members of the Nine Nether Earth Python Clan present were stunned.

After a while, some elders screamed in disbelief: "Clan Leader Yaoming? How is it possible? Didn't you go crazy in your cultivation and fall?"

"Yaoming Patriarch?"

"He seems to be the biological eldest brother of the Tianxiao clan leader, the previous clan leader!"

"But the leader of the Tianxiao clan said that he went crazy while practicing kung fu and died. He has disappeared for hundreds of years. How can he reappear now?"

Hearing the many whispers that echoed through the sky, Yao Tianxiao's face suddenly twitched. His eyes met with the old man who came over and had a red snake coiled on his shoulder, and he shouted coldly: "Everyone, please be quiet. , don’t be deceived by this guy, this person deliberately pretends to be my elder brother and wants to cause unrest in our clan. Elders, if you don’t move the formation, kill him!”

Hearing this, the elders were also taken aback, but the subordinates were somewhat hesitant.

"Elder Xian, Elder Ming, Elder Liu, you were the closest people to me back then. Could it be that you can't even recognize me?" Yao Ming laughed loudly.

Hearing this, among the crowd, the three pale-haired elders glanced at Yaoming, with a little excitement on their faces, and said, "He is really the patriarch of Yaoming. The three of us are quite familiar with his aura."


"You three are so thoughtful, do you want to rebel against the clan?"

The great elder scolded.

"Back then, my good brother and the great elder teamed up to severely injure me and sealed me at the bottom of the Nine Netherworld. If I had not been rescued this time, I would have been sealed in the Nine Netherworld until my death. When they saw that I was out of trouble, they naturally wanted to kill me and silence me!"

Yao Ming smiled lightly.


Yao Ming's words undoubtedly set off a huge wave, and many elders' eyes changed when they looked at Yao Tianxiao and the great elder.

"Okay, I won't say anything more. Leaders, do you recognize this thing?"

Yao Ming's mouth suddenly opened, and a black light shot out, finally turning into a half-foot-sized black scepter that appeared in his hand.

This scepter is completely black, and the top is made of two lifelike black poisonous snakes. Between the two snakes, there is a black bead the size of a fist, exuding a faint cold glow.

"Nine Nether Wands? It's actually the Nine Nether Wands that have been lost for hundreds of years!"

"This is the patriarch's token!"

Looking at the black scepter, the complexions of all the elders in the sky changed, and there was a frenzy in their eyes immediately.

From the scepter, they felt a blood pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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