Chapter 444: Huangquan Stone Tablet!

"Great Elder, next, it's your turn..."

After killing Yao Xiaotian, Yao Min looked up to the sky and let out a long breath.

Then he raised his head with a ferocious expression, looked at the great elder, and said solemnly.

Seeing Yao Ming's extremely ferocious gaze, the Great Elder's body trembled.

He understood that if he fell into the hands of Yao Ming, his fate would be countless times more miserable than that of Yao Tianxiao.

"The Devil Snake Explodes!"

The Great Elder quickly glanced at Yao Ming and Chen Feng, then suddenly gritted his teeth and formed a strange handprint with lightning speed.

The next moment, his body suddenly swelled, and his skin squirmed rapidly, as if something was about to burst out of his body.

"How dare you blow yourself up!"

Seeing the extremely decisive move of the great elder, Yao Ming was also shocked. He quickly retreated backwards. A one-star Dou Sage expert revealed that even he did not want to face the huge impact. .


The Great Elder's body exploded with an earth-shattering explosion, and the terrifying energy impact flattened all the mountains within a thousand feet.

"This old guy is so cunning. He actually abandoned his body and hid his magic core in a split body!"

After the explosion, Yao Ming also reacted and shouted coldly: "We must search for that old ghost within ten thousand miles!"


Hearing this, some elders hurriedly responded respectfully. Yao Ming already had a strong reputation among the Nether Python Clan in Jiuyou Land.

Although he has been missing for hundreds of years now, the ferocity with which he directly killed Yao Tianxiao before was enough for him to frighten all the clan members.

"Congratulations to Patriarch Yaoming for returning to the throne, we will definitely follow him to the death!"

The senior elders quickly stepped forward and said respectfully to Yao Ming.Yao Ming handles some things very calmly. Although this person has been sealed for so many years, his spirit is still there. If he develops properly in the future, he will also be a heroic existence.

"Thank you sir for this rescue and for giving me the treasure pill that allowed me to be quickly promoted to a three-star fighting saint!"

After settling some matters, Yao Ming thanked Chen Feng very solemnly.

"Haha, you can become the clan leader again because of your own ability. Now, take me to the Huangquan Stone Tablet..."

Chenfeng smiled, and then directly stated the other purpose of this trip.

"The Yellow Spring Stone Tablet, Lord Morrowind, do you also know about this thing?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Yao Ming seemed a little surprised.

The Huangquan Stone Stele has been handed down from ancient times.

The person who left the stone tablet was the Demon Saint of Huangquan in ancient times, who had half a foot stepped into the existence of Emperor Dou.

In this stone tablet, what Huangquan Demon Saint has learned throughout his life is recorded.

It is even said that deep inside the stone tablet, the essence and blood of the Underworld Demon Saint still remains.

Chenfeng had already obtained the famous skill of the Underworld Demon Saint through the system, the Underworld Sky Wrath. The purpose of his trip was the essence and blood of the Demon Saint.

The Demon Saint of Huangquan has half-stepped into the level of Dou Emperor, and his strength has truly reached the level of meritorious deeds.

As for a strong person at this level, the blood in his body has gradually mutated. As long as he can completely take that step, his descendants will also enjoy the power of his blood.

Of course, the Demon Saint Huangquan never successfully took that last step until the day he died.

Although the power of blood cannot come to descendants, the essence and blood of Huangquan Demon Saint itself is undoubtedly very attractive to the strong fighting saints.

If it can be obtained, it will greatly improve the strength of some low-level fighting saints.

(End of this chapter)

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