Chapter 454 Beat Huang Tian!

"This man is actually so strong that not even the Ancient Sky Phoenix Formation can do anything to him!"

Seeing the golden giant that shattered the ancient sky phoenix formation with one punch, the face of Phoenix, the head of the three sky demon phoenixes, suddenly turned pale.

Even the leader of the clan, Huang Tian, ​​was feeling very uneasy at the moment.

Before that, his attitude was still very strong and he wanted to keep Morrowind.

But now, after Chenfeng transformed into a golden giant, his combat power had at least reached the level of a six-star fighting saint. Even the ancient Tianhuang formation was instantly defeated, which immediately made Dehuangtian lose the confidence to fight with him.

"Huangtian, do you still want to save my life now?"

After the golden giant transformed by the morning breeze defeated the phantom of the Heavenly Phoenix, it did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it, but turned its attention to Huangtian.

"The hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable. Although you have the advantage today, there will always be someone who can deal with you!"

Huangtian looked ferocious and spoke fiercely. The next moment, he was vibrating the huge golden wings on his back. In just an instant, Huangtian was far away from a thousand feet away. This kind of speed was the fastest that Chenfeng had ever seen so far. the fastest speed.

"Haha, the speed of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan is really impressive!"

Seeing Huang Tian's movements, Chen Feng smiled and was not in any hurry. He took a step on the spot and then appeared directly in front of Huang Tiandi, less than three feet away from him.

Such a strange scene immediately frightened Huang Tian. This method was no longer pure speed, but a teleportation combined with the power of space.


Just as fear arose in Huangtian's heart, the golden giant transformed from the morning breeze punched him, and the fierce wind caused the entire space to collapse.

Fortunately, at this critical moment of life and death, Huang Tian used his speed to the extreme and narrowly avoided the huge golden fist.


Seeing that his punch was empty, Chenfeng was slightly stunned. There was indeed something about the extreme speed shown by Huang Tian. "I want to see how many attacks you can dodge with your demon phoenix step!"

Chenfeng was not too anxious and punched Huangtian again.


At this moment, Huangtian used his speed to the extreme and got rid of the punch again. After that, the vast fighting energy in his body boiled.

Suddenly, billowing dark clouds appeared in the sky, and a low sound of thunder came from the dark clouds and resounded throughout the earth.

"The holy image of the monster phoenix!"

The dark clouds reappeared, and that Huang Tian fiercely roared up to the sky. Immediately, his body rapidly swelled and opened. In the burst of golden light, a huge monster phoenix with several thousand feet appeared in the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun. Down.

Waves of terrifying coercion spread out like a mountain, making many onlookers tremble with fear.

Huang Tian actually transformed into his true form!
"A few punches have forced the clan leader to this point. The clan leader has no chance of winning in this battle. He just doesn't know if he can escape!"

Fenghuang said solemnly, she knew that in the face of the huge gap in cultivation, Huangtian had no hope of winning. This transformation into the original body was just to increase the chance of escape.

The next moment, Huangtian's huge wings, which were a thousand feet long, suddenly shook.

Suddenly, the sky seemed to dim in an instant.

That huge figure tore apart the space at an astonishing speed, and a huge black space crack hung across the sky in a flash.

The towering peaks below also exploded into ashes under the terrifying impact of the airflow...

(End of this chapter)

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