Chapter 457 Soul Destruction!
I am afraid that from tomorrow onwards, countless strong men will rush to the place where the Pure Lotus Demon Fire comes.

Even though many of them knew that they didn't have the ability to conquer the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire, everyone had that kind of luck mentality.

After all, if anyone can obtain the Pure Lotus Demon Fire and refine it, their strength will undoubtedly improve by leaps and bounds.

When the time comes to fight against others, even opponents whose levels are much higher than their own, they can easily defeat them.

That kind of temptation is not a big one.

"Brother Feng, when do we set off?"

Cao Ying came over and said with great concern that she was practicing Fen Jue and her current strength was extremely strong. If she could refine the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, her strength would be even higher.

"Leave tomorrow!"

Chenfeng replied with a smile.

With his speed, there was no need to be so impatient, not to mention that there were space conversion flags everywhere in Zhongzhou Continent.

When the time comes, using the space conversion flag as a springboard, it will be very easy to go to the place where the demon fire comes to the world.

At this moment, a large number of figures flew across Zhongzhou and within the major sects and forces everywhere.

The figures passed through the sky one after another, and their goals were all surprisingly consistent, pointing to the northwest of Zhongzhou!

Chenfeng didn't set off slowly until the next day. This time, he only took Cao Ying with him, because if others went there, it would have no effect at all, and would instead be a hindrance.

As it continued to approach, waves of terrifying high temperatures also came oncoming.

When Morrowind finally arrived at his destination, what appeared in front of him was a milky white desert.

A terrifying temperature steamed up from the desert, causing the space within thousands of miles to appear distorted.

"Ying'er, the space that sealed the Pure Lotus demon fire has been broken, but the demon fire has not come out. These milky white brilliance are just some of its remaining warmth!"

Looking at this scene, Chenfeng said softly.

"Yu Wen!"

Hearing these words, a deep surprise appeared on Cao Ying's cheeks. A little bit of residual warmth burned the mountains and turned them into a vast desert. What would it be like if she really entered that space? fear?

Shortly after Morrowind and the two appeared in the sky above the desert, the sound of breaking wind was heard from all directions.

Immediately, figures stopped far away from the broken space, looking at the milky white desert with a little shock.

They all know that before tonight, this place was originally a land of high mountains full of vitality...

Soon, this space suddenly squirmed. Immediately, a thick black mist seeped out from the space, and a terrifying and moving aura quietly spread out, immediately covering everything in the world. All eyes were attracted to it.

Under the gaze of everyone, one after another looked towards the place where the black mist emerged.

After a while, the black fog slowly dissipated, and several figures slowly appeared in everyone's sight.

Three figures slowly emerged from the black mist, one of them was dressed in a black robe, his face was not at all attractive, he looked ordinary like an ordinary person, a pair of hands that slipped out of his sleeves were also Slightly rough.

However, such an ordinary figure made most of the people present hold their breath at this moment, and their eyes were solemn and fearful.

(End of this chapter)

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