Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 459: Strong men from the Thunder Clan, Stone Clan, and Medicine Clan arrived one after anoth

Chapter 459: Strong men from the Thunder Clan, Stone Clan, and Medicine Clan arrived one after another!
"The Pure Lotus Demonic Fire is so powerful that it will be a great help to anyone who can subdue it. However, if you only rely on strong men below the Five-Star Fighting Saint, it may be difficult to subdue it. No wonder no one has conquered the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire for thousands of years! "

Cao Ying's eyes flickered after hearing Chenfeng tell them about the clan covenants of those ancient races.

This kind of restriction is actually not of much benefit to these ancient races.

However, they seem to rather be such troublemakers.

The Pure Lotus Demonic Fire is so powerful that even if you can’t get it yourself, you will never let others get it.

"Haha, Elder Huoyao, I didn't expect that the Yan Clan would send you out this time..."

While Chen Feng was chatting with Cao Ying, Gun Nanhai, a strong fighting saint from the ancient tribe, suddenly turned his eyes to the three Fire Tribe people who had been silent since their appearance, and said with a smile.

"The patriarch ordered that it is best to keep the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire in an ownerless state. In that case, it will be good for everyone!"

Gu Nanhai looked enthusiastic, but the attitude of the Yan clan elder named Huo Yao, who was wearing purple robes, was very cold.

"Elder Huoyao, do you also think that the disappearance of the Spiritual Clan was caused by people from my ancient clan?" Gu Nanhai guessed something and asked helplessly.

Hearing this, the Yan tribe elder named Huo Yao fell silent. After a moment, he said: "There is no way to verify this matter, but the ancient tribe and the soul tribe are the most suspicious. It is necessary to keep some vigilance against you. The spirit tribe is This is a bleak ending that we, the Yan Clan, don’t want.”

The Spirit Race disappeared so silently that no one could notice the slightest clue.

Even the many peak experts from the Ancient Clan were unable to discover anything in advance.

But this undoubtedly gave them some suspicion.

After all, only the Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan could manage to wipe out the entire Spirit Clan silently!
In this regard, Gu Nanhai was also very helpless, but without evidence, others would not believe their explanation.

During this waiting, the Thunder Tribe and the Stone Tribe among the eight ancient tribes also arrived. At the same time, the terrifying high temperature continued to spread out from the cracked space in waves.

The milky white brilliance appears more and more frequently.

After arriving, the desert below became faintly thicker, and the sand grains actually gradually melted.


Not long after, there were several more blasting sounds, and there was a faint scent of medicine in the air.

Three people came from the Medicine Clan, one male, one female and one old. The man was dressed in a gorgeous brocade robe, his face was handsome and even had a hint of femininity, and his lips were a little thin, showing a bit of coldness and meanness.

The woman beside him has long blue hair and delicate cheeks, but she is as cold as ice, giving her the feeling of an iceberg beauty.

As for the last old man, he was wearing an alchemist's robe, with his hands in his sleeves, his eyes slightly narrowed, and occasionally a sharp light flashed past him.

Although Chenfeng has never seen these three people, he can guess them.

The old man, named Yao Wangui, is the elder in charge of punishment of the Yao clan, and his cultivation has reached the early stage of the Four-Star Dou Sage.

That young man's name is Yaotian, and he is the most outstanding person among the younger generation of the Yao clan.

His soul power has reached the late stage of the Heaven Realm. In addition, he once swallowed a ninth-grade treasure pill that could almost become a ninth-grade Xuandan. His own strength has reached the middle stage of a one-star fighting saint, which can be regarded as a He is the most brilliant person among the Yao clan.

However, with the strength of Yaotian, even the cultivation level that Chenfeng has shown after hiding now, it is better than him. The young leader of the Soul Clan, Hunfeng, is also far better than this person.

(End of this chapter)

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