
On the vast huge hall, the figures of Gu Nanhai, Huo Yao, and Blood Ax flashed at a dizzying speed.

As three figures flashed and emerged, sparks continued to spatter. The unusually hard hall also cracked inch by inch at this moment, and cracks spread.

When three four-star fighting saints fought, it was not easy for others to intervene. Just the aftermath gave them an awe-inspiring feeling.

In the huge palace, facing the joint efforts of Huo Yao and Gu Nanhai, the thin figure holding a huge blood ax did not give in at all.

The giant ax in his hand danced like a whirlwind, and the smell of blood filled the hall. However, although he was strong, Huo Yao and Gu Nanhai were not fuel-efficient lamps after all. As the battle continued, he gradually fell into a disadvantage. , but the occasional counterattack still made the two four-star fighting saints De Huoyao and Gu Nanhai a little embarrassed.

It is conceivable that if they were to fight alone, neither of them would be a match for this mysterious guy.


Soon, a kind of crazy heat suddenly surged into the indifferent eyes of the blood ax figure. A low roar came out from his throat. A strong light suddenly burst out from between his eyebrows. In the light, a rune slowly appeared in everyone's eyes, and when the rune appeared, the person's aura suddenly surged.

"This...is this...the Xiao Clan Clan Pattern?"

When Gu Nanhai saw the clan pattern, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

But soon, he was shocked. He didn't know how many thoughts existed in this Pure Lotus Demonic Fire. Looking back, I'm afraid it couldn't be later than the existence of the Xiao clan.

If it had captured a strong man of the Xiao clan at that time, it would not be impossible.


In the field, a skinny man with a sharp aura slashed out with a fierce axe. The terrifying strong wind instantly tore the space apart, and finally struck directly on the energy barrier in front of Huoyao and Huoyao.


Facing all these terrifying attacks that were powerful enough to split the heaven and earth, the energy shield exploded like tofu in an instant.


The ax slashed Huoyao and Gu Nanhai, but the skinny man did not let go. With a movement of his body, he appeared above the two of them. The surprisingly huge blood-red ax tore through the void, bringing with it a destructive force and killing them head-on. It was a sudden slash at Huoyao and the others!

"Have people from the Xiao clan ever known this person?"

At this moment, Chenfeng's figure flashed out, holding an image crystal, projecting an image of Xiao Yu's clan pattern.


The huge blood-red ax quickly enlarged in Morrowind's eyes. However, just half a foot away from his head, the blood-red ax finally solidified suddenly.

Afterwards, the zombie-like face of the skinny man with an unusually cold face finally felt a surge of emotion.

"Xiao Clan..."

The skinny man's indifferent eyes fluctuated for a while, and he kept mumbling two words.

"What kind of thing is this that can actually project images?"

On the side, Gu Nanhai and Huo Yao saw this strange scene, their eyes full of curiosity.

However, they were even more curious about the identity of the skinny figure. From the looks of it, this skinny man must be a member of the Xiao clan.

"I remembered, he is Blood Ax Xiao Chen, Xiao Xuan's cousin!"

At a certain moment, Gu Nanhai exclaimed in surprise. (End of chapter)

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