Chapter 467 All forces join forces!

"He wants to refine us all into fire slaves!"

Looking at the fire-curtained prison around him, the elder of the ancient clan, Gun Nanhai, said with a solemn expression.

"The strength of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire is extremely terrifying. Now it is probably equivalent to a peak five-star Dou Sage warrior. Coupled with the magical ability of the Demon Fire, he can fight even against a six-star Dou Sage! "

Xiao Chen, who had never spoken before, slowly said at this time.

He has an extremely good understanding of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, and naturally knows his current strength.

And due to the restrictions of the clan covenants between ancient races, the people they sent out this time were almost all four-star fighting saints, and none of them could reach the five-star fighting saint level.


Just as everyone was on guard, a series of low explosions suddenly came from not far behind.

The figures suddenly exploded into clouds of blood mist. As soon as the blood mist appeared, it was completely evaporated by the terrifying high temperature.

This phenomenon of people dying due to sudden surges due to being unable to withstand the high temperature has made everyone panic.

"Be careful, the Jinglian demon fire is extremely weird. It can use people's emotions as a trigger to set you on fire. If you don't want to die, don't think about it!" When the panic spread, a well-informed person finally shouted.

Hearing this shout, the remaining people finally hurriedly suppressed the emotional fluctuations in their hearts and tried their best to keep themselves calm.

The constant self-destruction gradually weakened a lot.

"These people don't even have the qualifications to become my fire slaves!"


"Bang bang bang bang!"

As soon as the white-robed man finished his last word, the whole sky was instantly in chaos.

More than 80.00% of the powerful Dou Zun's bodies were exploded in an extremely weird explosion at this moment.

"Well, only those who remain are eligible to become Huo Slaves!"

Looking at the much empty sky, a smile appeared on the handsome face of the man in white robe.Then, the man in white robe lightly waved his hand, and ten magma pillars rushed out of the magma sea below. Immediately, the magma exploded, and ten figures in milky white fire armor appeared around the man in white robe.

"Unexpectedly... they are all Fighting Saint powerhouses!"

"One of the strongest fire slaves actually has the strength of a late-stage Three-Star Fighting Saint!"

Facing the grand weapon of Pure Lotus Demon Fire, everyone present was slightly stunned.

"Every time I tear the seal, a lot of guys who think highly of themselves will break in, but unfortunately, in the end they all become my most obedient fire slaves!"

The man in white robe looked at the crowd with a smile, and said softly: "This time, my collection is destined to be much richer."


Hun Mie Sheng's eyes were fixed on the lineup in the distance. There was one Fighting Saint with a strength of nearly six stars, and ten Fighting Saints between one and three stars. This lineup was really powerful.

"Everyone, no matter what grievances we have with each other, but this time, if we want to survive and defeat the Jinglian demon fire, we must join hands!"

Hun Mie Sheng's eyes swept over Gu Nanhai, Huo Yao, Yao Wangui and others in turn.

After hearing the words of the Master of the Soul Palace, the eyes of many powerful men flickered.

The Soul Palace has such a fierce reputation that no one has ever thought of joining forces with these guys.

"Although the Soul Palace is notorious, what you said makes some sense. It seems that the Pure Lotus Demon Fire doesn't want to let us leave easily!"

Elder Huoyao from the Yan Clan hesitated for a moment, and finally was the first to speak. The current situation required him to make this choice.

Seeing the Yan clan nodding in agreement and Yao Wangui, the Dou Sheng elders of the Thunder clan and the Stone clan also nodded after pondering for a while.

In the end, Gu Nanhai of the ancient tribe had no choice. If he didn't agree at this time, it would be too unsociable.

On Morrowind's side, no one paid much attention. After all, he was only showing off his early cultivation of the Two-Star Dou Sage. There were so many Four-Star Dou Sage here, so he was not noticeable.

(End of this chapter)

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