"Hmph, some Huo slaves dare to talk nonsense about cleaning up the hall!"

The deputy master of the Soul Palace sneered, but he didn't appear to be in any panic.

With the strength of his three-star Dou Sheng late stage, he is enough to look down upon the strongest fire slaves here, so he is not worried at all about the attack of the ten Dou Sheng fire slaves.

"Deputy Palace Master, there is no need to take the initiative. If any fire slaves come up to you, then take action. If not, then let's watch the show!" Hun Feng, the young leader of the Soul Clan, said calmly.

"Hey, that's okay..."

Hearing this, the deputy master of the Soul Palace also laughed strangely, and glanced in the direction of Chen Feng and others with evil intentions. His eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Facing the attack of Fighting Saint Huo Nu, the rest of the strong men also hurriedly gathered together, looking warily at the ten figures of flames that appeared not far ahead in the blink of an eye.


Ten flaming figures appeared in front of everyone, their empty gazes slowly swept over, and then they suddenly rushed out.

Their directions are different, and they fly directly towards the selected target.

Among them, a fire slave with the strength of a two-star fighting saint rushed directly towards Chenfeng and Cao Ying.

"Go away!"

Seeing this, it was the first time that Chenfeng showed off his skills in public. A thunder spear was held in his hand, and he stabbed the fire slave with the strength of the two-star Dou Sheng very sharply.


Under his attack, the surface of Huo Nu's body was covered with a layer of milky white flame gauze. He directly raised his arms, trying to forcefully resist the morning wind thunder gun.

Unfortunately, even though Morrowind was only using the strength of the Two-Star Fighting Saint, the power was not comparable to that of a Fire Slave of the Two-Star Fighting Saint.

In an instant, intense lightning flashed on the Huo slave's arm, and the lightning spread all over his body, making him look terrifying.

Even with the protection of some milky white flames, the inside of Huo Nu's body was still destroyed by Morrowind's overbearing thunder fighting spirit.


With just one blow, the Huo slave lost his reaction and then fell straight into the magma below.

"This guy!"

On the other side, the young leader of the Soul Clan, Hun Feng, happened to see this scene, and his face instantly turned gloomy. He did not expect that the two-star fighting saint Chenfeng could have such fighting power.

When Chenfeng took action to suppress the Huo Nu, whose strength had reached the late stage of the Two-Star Dou Saint, and was retreating steadily, Gu Xun'er and the Yan Clan also achieved great results.

Both of them are stronger than their respective fire slaves, coupled with their flexible movements and powerful fighting skills.

Although they were a little restrained because they were afraid of the flames on the fire slave's body, they were at least at the upper hand.

The entire sky above the magma sea area is included in an extremely fierce battle circle. Of course, the most heated and terrifying thing is naturally the huge battle circle in the center. Within that, there are six and four people. The battlefield between Star Dou Sheng and Pure Lotus Demon Fire!

After the six four-star fighting saints joined forces with all their strength, Jinglian Demon Fire obviously got into some entanglements.

No matter how powerful he is, after all, there are too many opponents, and all of them have extremely experienced combat experience.

Although it was the first time to cooperate, it was still a tacit understanding. After joining forces, even it had to put some energy into it and treat it with caution.

No one dares to set foot on this huge battlefield in the sky. The terrifying wind is roaring in it. Anyone involved in it will suffer a fatal blow.

(End of this chapter)

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