Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 47 Hidden dangers of the ancient clan!

Chapter 47 Hidden dangers of the ancient clan!

PS: The previous chapter was blocked... the author is working hard to unblock it.

"Show Brother Xiao Yan..."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Xiao Xun'er was stunned, and then a huge sense of terror enveloped her.


"Master, you can't do this!"

Xiao Xun'er was really in a hurry this time.

Her tender body trembled and hugged Chen Feng, pleading bitterly.

Regarding what Chenfeng said just now.

She was extremely terrified.

Xiao Xun'er couldn't imagine that if Brother Xiao Yan saw this step.

What would he think then?
How would you see yourself?
Just thinking about it, Xiao Xun'er felt icy cold all over, and even showed a look of horror on her pretty face.


Desperate to not let Brother Xiao Yan see this.

Even if you want to die!

Even if he never sees Brother Xiao Yan again.

You have to make a good impression on him.

Xiao Xun'er thought that she had acted in front of Xiao Yan in the past.

Has always been pure and pure, pure and lovely image.

She thought to herself, even if she died now.

In Xiao Yan's mind, he should only remember his best and most perfect self.

This is the only place where Xiao Xun'er feels gratified.

However, if it was the scene in front of him, if Xiao Yan saw it.

Then it's all ruined!
What is pure and pure, what is pure and lovely.

At this moment, even Xiao Xun'er herself felt unworthy!

She is rotten!
Looking at the picture in the void, the scene of being destroyed.

Xiao Xun'er's tears couldn't stop dripping down, her heart filled with despair.

My life is completely ruined.

"Why, now you know you're afraid?"

Seeing Xiao Xun who begged him so hard, a sneer appeared on the corner of Chenfeng's mouth.

Master Ben still can't handle you?
"Aren't you going to seek death?"

"Well, I will fulfill you now."

"When you die, I will send your body to Xiao Yan."

"Then let him enjoy the beautiful scene in front of him."

"how do you feel?"

Chen Feng's words resounded in Xiao Xun'er like the voice of a demon, making her feel as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, her whole body was icy cold, without a trace of warmth.


"I'm not dead!"

"Please master, please don't do this..."

Xiao Xun'er panicked completely.

Pretty face was full of fear.

She hugged Chenfeng tightly and refused to let go, pleading incessantly.

No dignity!

Hearing this, the corners of Chenfeng's mouth rose slightly.

After thinking about it, he decided to add another fire.

"Not only that."

"As long as you dare to die, dare to be disobedient."

"Not only do I want to show Xiao Yan this thing, but I also want to send it to the Gu Clan."

"I really don't know, when people from the ancient clan saw such a beautiful scene of their young lady."

"How would you feel?"

Chen Feng leaned over to Xiao Xun'er, with a trace of teasing on his face, he spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Xiao Xun'er's complexion was pale, and her delicate body kept trembling.

"No, I don't want it!"

"Master, don't do this!"

"I'm good, I will definitely listen to you, and I will never disobey you again..."

Every sentence of Chen Feng's words stuck in Xiao Xun'er's heart.

She felt a burst of heartache, as if she was going to die.

But at this moment, she was extremely afraid of dying.

Because the price was too great, she couldn't bear it at all.

"I won't die, I won't die again!"

"Master, I know I was wrong!"

Xiao Xun'er's face was full of tears, crying heartbreakingly.

Seeing her like this, Chen Feng also felt that it was almost the same.

If the body is anxious, it will be bad for the fetus to be unstable in the future.

So, with a thought in his mind, Chen Feng withdrew his fighting spirit from the photo crystal.

The screen that was playing in the void stopped abruptly.

"Okay, okay, don't cry."

"As long as you are obedient, why would the master share this kind of thing with others?"

"You are the heart of the master, why is it too late for the master to love you?"

"How could it hurt you so much?"

Chen Feng put his arms around Xiao Xun'er's delicate body, and comforted him softly.

In fact, what Chenfeng said was also from the heart.

Xiao Xun'er is now her own woman.

No matter what he did, he would never share this precious "video" with others.

Otherwise, wouldn't you be stricter than yourself?

He's not that perverted yet!
Chenfeng has always been selfish when dealing with his own women.


"Master, you didn't lie to me?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Xiao Xun'er stopped crying, and looked at Chen Feng suspiciously.

Chen Feng slapped Xiao Xun'er's buttocks with a slap.

"When did the master lie to you?"

Xiao Xun'er pursed her mouth.

Do you think you have lied to me less?
However, until now.

She has no choice but to choose to believe in Chenfeng.

"Thank you, master, you... are so kind!"

Xiao Xun'er always felt much better after receiving Chen Feng's guarantee.

However, at this moment, she is even more afraid of Chen Feng.

I'm afraid that if he is not happy, he will turn his face directly.

Expose the scene just now.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xun'er hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help flattering her: "Master... I want one more time."

Hearing this, Chen Feng was taken aback.

Looking at Xiao Xun'er who was blushing and shy.

The feeling came in an instant.


"How is one time enough?"

Chen Feng gave a smirk, and hugged Xiao Xun'er's delicate body tightly.


An hour later, Chen Feng left the small world directly.

At this moment, Xiao Xun'er had already fallen asleep, with a tired face.

Under the maid's puzzled gaze, Chen Feng ordered someone to fetch a bucket of hot water again.

Sweating so much, I smell bad.

Chenfeng naturally wanted to take a good bath.

"Ling Ying."

After taking a bath, Chenfeng gently called Ling Ying.

The next moment, a black shadow slowly emerged, revealing Ling Ying's figure.

"Master!" Ling Ying turned to Chenfeng respectfully.

"Ling Ying, let me ask you, after Xiao Xun'er came to the Xiao family, did she still have contact with people from other ancient clans?"

Since Xiao Xun'er was going to be hidden in the small world forever, Chenfeng naturally had to consider the ancient clan behind him.

If people from the ancient clan find out that Xiao Xun'er is missing, they must do their best to search for it.

With the abilities of the ancient tribe, Chen Feng was not sure whether the other party could find him.

With his current strength, he can't fight against the entire ancient clan.

Therefore, Chenfeng can only try to find out all the dangers one by one and take precautions in advance.

"Reporting to the master, the ancient clan will send a Dou Zun strongman to Wutan City every year to check on the situation of the young lady. This young lady once told me about it."

"Over the years, Miss's cultivation resources have been provided by that person, and the connection between Miss and patriarch Gu Yuan also depends on this person."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Ling Ying spoke directly.

PS: A lot of people scolded me for this book today. In fact, as long as you have a good brain, you can tell what kind of book it is by reading the title. Many children are blessed. I can’t write a eunuch as the protagonist, can I?Those who don't like to watch the stallion leave directly, and don't watch it being pulled down. I'm showing this to serious people.

(End of this chapter)

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