
Gu Nanhai and Huoyao started a battle with Hun Mie Sheng above the magma. The violent fluctuations of the battle made most people afraid to get close. Hun Feng and the deputy master of the Hun Palace wanted to take the opportunity to lead them. Leave with demonic fire.

"Quick, we can't let those two people take away the origin of the demon fire..."

Seeing the actions of the deputy master of the Soul Palace and Hunfeng, Yao Wangui, the elder of the Yao Clan, as well as the elders of the Thunder Clan and the Stone Clan could not help but take action. Although they had not fully recovered, they Three four-star fighting saints are more than enough to deal with the deputy master of the Soul Palace and Hun Feng.

"Where to go!"

Although Yao Wangui was only in the early stage of the Four-Star Fighting Saint, at this moment, standing in front of Hunfeng and the others, he could easily block their way forward, preventing them from making any progress.


Seeing this scene, Hun Mie Sheng's face, who was dealing with Gu Nanhai and Huo Yao over there, suddenly became very ugly.

However, at this time, he was anxious and could not get rid of the entanglement between Gu Nanhai and the two. Even two four-star Dou Sage elders from the Thunder Clan and the Stone Clan intervened in the matter, making the situation very anxious.

Cao Ying was very confused when she saw the chaos there, but Chenfeng never took action, because if this continues, sooner or later someone will take away the source of the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire.


At a certain moment, the elder of the Stone Clan found an opportunity to repel the deputy master of the Soul Palace with one palm and snatched the black beam of light from Soul Wind.

"Mo Lao, are you still planning to watch the show?"

Seeing the black beam of light changing hands, Hun Mie Sheng finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly into the sky.

After hearing the words of the Master of the Soul Palace, everyone's expressions suddenly changed. There is actually a strong person hiding here in this Soul Clan?

"Hey, Hun Mie Sheng, you really disappointed the old man."

As everyone's eyes swept around, an old sigh finally sounded in the void.

In the crowd, an old man in gray, whose strength had only reached the level of a high-level semi-saint, shook his head and slowly walked out with a disappointed look on his face.

As he walked out, his face also changed slightly. A pair of long black eyebrows drooped down, looking extremely strange.

This old man, in the previous melee, was very ordinary. At that time, he was chased by the fire slaves and ran around, and no one paid attention.

But no one had ever imagined that this seemingly ordinary old man could be so secretive.

"Old Soul Demon, it's actually you?! Are you, the Soul Clan, really trying to break the agreement?"

Seeing this black-browed old man, Gu Nanhai and other elders of the excursion race, their complexions became ugly, and there was actually a hint of fear in their eyes.

"Promise. Under the origin of the demon fire, it is actually nothing."

The black-browed old man, known as the Soul Demon Old Man, smiled slightly, then turned his gaze to the void not far away, and said: "Old monster of the Little Alchemy Pagoda, since I have already appeared, why do you have to hide it? "

Hearing what the old soul demon said, everyone present was shocked.

A series of surprised and uncertain eyes were looking at the void. There was actually a powerful person they didn't know was hiding here.

Lu Chuan knew very well that what was hidden here was not only the old soul demon, but also the ancestor of the Danta. However, they did not want to show up at first, but under the current circumstances, they had to show up and take action.

(End of this chapter)

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