Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 479: The remnant image of the Demon Saint appears!

"The mantis is just blocking the car... Although I hate that guy very much, if you three-legged cats can break the formation he set up with his own hands, then will I still be trapped here for thousands of years? "

Seeing some of the actions of Danta Ancestor and others, the Pure Lotus Demon Fire sneered.

The next moment, murderous intent surged in his eyes, and he was too lazy to say anything more.

As soon as the handprints changed, the heaven-refining formation covering the world began to spin like a huge millstone.

As the two large formations slowly rotated, the energy between heaven and earth suddenly became extremely violent. Some strong men who had reached semi-saint strength turned pale on the spot, and even worse, they spurted out a mouthful of blood. come out.

This large formation has not yet launched an attack, but someone cannot bear it. The Pure Lotus Demon Saint is indeed worthy of his reputation...

"Yinger, be careful!"

Chenfeng quickly used his fighting spirit to protect Cao Ying, who was in a somewhat abnormal state.

"Refining the ancient formation, refining the sky as a slave!"

The Jinglian demon fire hangs in the sky, and milky white flames burst out from its body, pouring all of them into the formation.


As soon as the shout fell, the whole world shook violently, and a milky white circle of light spread rapidly from the edge of the formation to the center.

Finally, it gathered into a milky-white light pillar the size of a hundred feet, and the light pillar was filled with destructive power...


A look of forlornness appeared on Jinglian Yaohuo's face, and his finger suddenly pointed downward, making both the sky formation and the earth formation tremble violently.

Immediately, two milky white light pillars, like fountains, flashed out instantly, and their targets were locked on the Danta Ancestor and others.

"Let's do it together!"

Seeing such a ferocious attack, even someone as powerful as the Danta Ancestor's face became extremely solemn.

After a low drink, a drop of blood that was almost half green and half gold flew out from the Danta ancestor's fingertips.

The blood turned into a size of hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye, and astonishing energy fluctuations filled the air with a strong scent of red pepper.

Below, the Soul Demon Old Man and others also used all their skills to create terrifying fighting energy. They combined the power of everyone and slammed into the beam of light that surged up.

"Bang bang!"

The collision was just an instant, and the earth-shattering explosion spread out.

"Haha, stubbornly resist, practice!"

In the sky, the eyes of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire flashed with red light. He looked like he was crazy. He pressed his hands downward fiercely, and everyone who blocked him was destroyed by the formation with a bang!
Of course, Chenfeng did not use his full strength in this. With his current cultivation strength of the Seven-Star Fighting Saint, even the great formation left by the Pure Lotus Demon Saint could not obliterate him.

Because Chenfeng knew that in this case, the consciousness left by the Pure Lotus Demon Saint would wake up, thus preventing the Pure Lotus Demon Fire from killing people like this.

After everyone's obstruction was destroyed by the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire, in the formation, the two beams of light swept across the sky at an extremely astonishing speed. Finally, chasing the Dan Pagoda Ancestor, the Soul Demon Old Man and others in the sky, A crash!

Far away in the sky, Jinglian Yaohuo looked at the flame with the impact as the center of the circle of light and quickly spread thousands of feet away, and couldn't help laughing wildly.

Now, no one can stop him from getting out of trouble!

"Jinglian Demon Saint, do you think you can destroy me like this? I am a divine creature in this world, and I have the protection of heaven and earth, haha!"

The pure lotus demon fire looks like crazy, and it is very proud of itself.


However, the wild laughter did not last long, and Jinglian Demon Fire gradually regained its composure.Suddenly lowering his head sharply, Jinglian Demon Fire looked at the intersection of the light beams below in confusion, because he felt the presence of many auras from there...

"They're all still alive? How is that possible?"

Milky white flames lingered in the sky, and then slowly faded away. As the flames dissipated, a faint circle of light appeared in the gaze of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

In that circle of light, it was Chen Feng, Danta Ancestor, Soul Demon Old Man, and everyone else. Although they looked a little embarrassed, they looked like they had not been seriously injured.

At this time, not only the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, but also the Danta Ancestor and others looked at the aperture outside in astonishment. This aperture seemed weak, but it sent a shock wave that was enough to destroy a six-star fighting saint. Resisted.

"This is?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously not understanding what happened.

"is her?!"

"That Danhui champion is a bit weird!"

Someone noticed something strange about Cao Ying. At this time, she seemed to be in a coma, but her body was emitting a faint halo.

That faint halo slowly condensed on her surface, and finally turned into a somewhat illusory figure.

"Jinglian demon fire?!"

As soon as that figure appeared, everyone was horrified and retreated quickly.

Because the appearance of that figure is exactly the same as the Jinglian demon fire in the sky!
"No, it's not the Pure Lotus Demon Fire! It's the Pure Lotus Demon Saint!"

The ancestor of Danta stared at the figure outside Cao Ying's body in surprise, suddenly noticed something, and said in shock.


Hearing these words, almost everyone's scalps exploded.

While everyone was horrified, Cao Ying, whose eyes were closed, trembled slightly, and then her eyes slowly opened.

However, those pair of pitch-black pupils turned milky white.

Her eyes moved slowly. Except for Chen Feng, everyone caught in Cao Ying's gaze had a feeling of wanting to worship or even tremble deep in their souls.

Demon Saint Jinglian, who claimed to be the closest to Emperor Dou, would reappear in this form!

"How is this going?"

Everyone looked at Cao Ying in astonishment, or in other words, at the phantom wrapped on the surface of his body. How could this legendary Pure Lotus Demon Saint appear on Cao Ying's body?
"Don't panic... he will take action to save us all. He must not have any bad intentions. His target should be the Pure Lotus Demon Fire." Danta Ancestor said solemnly.

"How could this female doll... attract the Pure Lotus Demon Saint?"

"This demon saint does not seem to be in the form of a soul, but more like an afterimage!"

"However, this kind of afterimage actually possesses such powerful energy. The Pure Lotus Demon Saint is indeed worthy of his reputation!"

The eyes of powerful men such as Old Soul Demon, Soul Destroyer, Gu Nanhai, and Huo Yao were also locked on Cao Ying, and their thoughts kept spinning in their hearts.

While everyone was running different thoughts in their minds, Cao Ying, who was possessed by the Pure Lotus Demon Saint, slowly raised her head.

With a gentle wave of his sleeves, the milky-white light shield slowly dissipated, and a pair of white pupils looked at the pure lotus demon fire in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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