Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 49 It's All That Old Guy's Fault

Chapter 49 It's All That Old Guy's Fault

Looking at the sable in his hand, Chenfeng was a little surprised.

I didn't expect the system to reward me with such a cute pet.

Moreover, the sound should still belong to the head mother.

Chen Feng remembered that after reaching the seventh level, monsters can transform into forms.

This little guy looks so cute.

It should be cute after being transformed, right?

Thinking of this, Chen Feng felt a little hopeful in his heart.

"Master... this is?"

At this moment, Xiao Xun'er leaned close to Chen Feng, her beautiful eyes stared curiously at the purple electric sable in Chen Feng's hand.

"This is my pet, the sable."

Chenfeng introduced with a smile.

"How could it..."

Xiao Xun'er showed suspicion.

As the proud daughter of the ancient clan, she has extraordinary knowledge, and naturally knows that high-level monsters can speak people's words.

But, could this cute little mink in front of him be a high-level monster?
She couldn't believe it.

"You want to ask why it can talk?"

"Don't underestimate it, it looks cute, but in fact it is a sixth-order monster."

"Let's start, even ordinary high-level fighting emperors are no match for this little guy."

Chen Feng rubbed the sable in his hand, and introduced it to Xiao Xun'er.

Tier [-] Warcraft!

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Xiao Xun'er was shocked.

This guy is actually a sixth-order monster.

Perhaps, to the ancient clan, a sixth-order magical beast is nothing.

But this is the Jia Ma Empire, and the sixth-order monsters can almost walk sideways.

Xiao Xun'er took a deep look at Chen Feng with her beautiful eyes, and a strange color flashed in her eyes.

She suddenly thought of the terrifying power that Chenfeng erupted that night.

Even Uncle Ying, who is in the realm of the Nine Star Douhuang, is not his all-in-one enemy.

With that kind of strength, I'm afraid it has reached the realm of Dou Zong.

At that time, Xiao Xun'er guessed that Chen Feng had used some kind of secret technique.

Only in such a short period of time can such a powerful force erupt.

But Xiao Xun'er himself knows the secret method of improving strength.

Moreover, it is also a rare secret technique that has never been passed on among the ancient clan.

Therefore, Xiao Xun'er knows a lot about this secret method that can burst out powerful strength in an instant.

Every time a secret technique like this is cast, there will be great after-effects.


Xiao Xun'er glanced at the rosy-faced Chen Feng, feeling a little doubt in her heart.

Why didn't this guy have sequelae.

Moreover, when he bullied himself earlier, he acted so fiercely.

It almost destroyed her, and it didn't look like there was a sequelae at all.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xun'er couldn't help showing a blush on her pretty face, which looked very attractive.

"Xun'er, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so red, are you feeling unwell?"

Seeing Xiao Xun'er's blushing face, Chen Feng asked with concern.

"No... nothing..."

Xiao Xun'er quickly shook her head, her beautiful eyes continued to look at the purple electric sable in Chenfeng's hand.

Having a sixth-order monster as a pet, and mastering such a powerful secret technique.

Master... what is his origin?
Xiao Xun'er's beautiful eyes sparkled with curiosity, but then she thought of her current situation, and her expression immediately dimmed.

What is the origin of the master, and what does it have to do with him?

Now she is nothing more than a little slave girl who is at the mercy of others.

Thinking of the picture crystal in Chenfeng's hand, Xiao Xun'er seemed to accept her fate, forcing herself not to think about it anymore.

She put her attention on the cute pet in Chen Feng's hands, and asked curiously, "Master, what's its name?"

"No name yet?"

"Why don't you get one? Didn't you say you want a companion? I'll let it stay with you here in the future, okay?"

Chen Feng doted on Xiao Xun'er.


Hearing this, Xiao Xun'er showed surprise on his face.

She likes purple, and she wears a purple dress on weekdays.

And the little guy not only has purple hair all over his body, but also looks fluffy, like a fur ball, and looks very cute.

She naturally likes such a pet very much.

"When did the master lie to you?"

Chen Feng smiled, and then put Zidian Mink in Xiao Xun'er's hand.

"Little guy, you will stay here with me from now on... this sister."

Chen Feng originally wanted to say "Mistress", but thought that Xiao Xun'er was just his slave girl, and she was not worthy of the role of mistress, so she immediately changed her words.

In Chen Feng's heart, maybe Xiao Xun'er is only eligible to be honored as "Mistress" after she has given birth to a few children for herself.

"Sister! Sister!"

Purple Sable was very obedient, maybe it smelled the smell of the morning breeze on Xiao Xun'er's body, and it didn't make a fuss when it was in Xiao Xun'er's hands, and yelled at Xiao Xun'er obediently.

"So cute, so cute!"

"Master, let's call it Xiao Zi."

Xiao Xun'er hugged the purple electric sable, fondling it again and again, and finally said to Chenfeng.

"As long as you like it."

Chenfeng said casually.

Xiao Xun'er looked at the purple sable in her hand, as if her empty heart had regained some sustenance, and finally a bright smile appeared on her face.

Seeing this, Chen Feng felt relieved. It seems that this woman will not be looking for life in a short time.

Photo crystal plus purple electric sable, this is a double guarantee.

Chen Feng stayed in Zidian Sable not only to find a companion for Xiao Xun'er, but also to monitor Xiao Xun'er.

In case Xiao Xun'er suddenly lost his mind, Zidian Sable could stop it in time.

Afterwards, Chen Feng asked Xiao Xun'er what else she needed, brought her some common daily necessities, and then left the small world.


"Where have you been fooling around again?"

In the manor, Ya Fei had already woken up, looking much better.

She looked at Chen Feng who came back, sniffed the scent on his body, narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, and her plump breasts raised a coveted and proud outline.

"Brother Chenfeng, you really failed at learning, tell me honestly, is there someone outside?"

Smelling the lingering fragrance of Xiao Xun'er's body on Chen Feng's body, Ya Concubine felt somewhat apprehensive.

With her shrewdness, she naturally guessed that Chen Feng was stealing fish outside.

She blamed Chenfeng a little in her heart, is this bastard so energetic?

I haven't been with him for a day, so I can't wait to go out to find other women.

It's not that Yafei can't tolerate other women in her heart, she's just dissatisfied with Chenfeng's fickleness.

It has only been a few days since he came to Wutan City, and he is by his side, and this bastard still went out to fool around, it is simply too bad.

Facing Ya Fei's questioning, Chen Feng felt somewhat embarrassed.

"Sister Yafei, don't think too much, things are not what you think."

"Did that Coney guy egg you on?"

Chen Feng was about to explain, but Ya Fei's face suddenly changed, she clenched her silver teeth.

Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "That's right, if it wasn't for that old fellow tempting me time and time again, I wouldn't have made a mistake..."

"What a Gunny, I'll go to him to settle the score!"

Before Chen Feng finished speaking, Ya Fei left angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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