"Haha, the chief of the medicinal pills really has a lot of them!"

On Hun Xuzi's side, he chuckled slightly, raising the corners of his lips slightly, and a strange smile quickly flashed across his eyes.

The next moment, his body moved and he appeared directly on a stone chair. This position was very close to Morrofeng and the other three.

"You are Chenfeng, right? Your name has been very loud among the top leaders of our Soul Clan during this period..."

Hun Xuzi turned his head and looked at Chen Feng, who was not far away from him. There was a deep murderous intention hidden in his faint words.

Now Morrowind, almost all the soul clan members hate him with gnashing of teeth.

"It is really a great shame for me to be missed by people from the Soul Clan..."

On Chenfeng's side, when he heard Hun Xuzi's words, there was a touch of sarcasm on his lips, and he unceremoniously belittled the people of the Hun clan.

For Chenfeng, although Hun Xuzi is the chief alchemist of the Soul clan, this status is not enough to talk to him.

"I admit that you have some strength, but if you dare to go against my soul clan, you and the people around you will be dead..."

Being so insulted by Chen Feng, Hun Xuzi's temper instantly rose, and the pressure of the late Six-Star Dou Sage was released.

This kind of coercion naturally had no effect on Chenfeng. Even when Lu Chuan was sitting there, Yao Chen and Cao Ying were not affected in any way.

However, people in other directions did not have such good luck. Some people who only had Dou Zun's strength were overwhelmed by Hun Xuzi's pressure, and their faces turned pale on the spot.

The faces of some of the surrounding Medicine Clan elders instantly became very ugly.


Chenfeng snorted softly, and a surge of energy surged from the earth, chasing Hun Xuzi directly.


Seeing this, Hun Xuzi got out of the seat, and the seat was smashed into pieces.

"You junior, you really think I dare not kill you..."

Hun Xuzi's face was ferocious. He had already guessed that Chen Feng was probably hiding his strength. Seeing Chen Feng exposed today, he also wanted to practice with Chen Feng. The next moment, a jet of black energy quickly filled his hands.

"Hun Xuzi, today is the grand ceremony of our medicine clan. Private fights are prohibited. Anyone who violates the rules will be directly expelled from the medicine world!"

At the top of the list, Yao Dan looked gloomy, warning Hun Xuzi.

"Haha, since the leader of the Yaodan clan has spoken, of course he must obey his orders!"

Hearing this, the stern smile on Hun Xuzi's face condensed slightly, and then widened.

They ignored Morrowind's move before, but now they stopped him with words. It was obvious that they were deliberately trying to embarrass Hun Xuzi.

Yao Dan didn't pay attention to Hun Xuzi's expression, his eyes slowly swept around, and then, a dull voice slowly spread, like a muffled thunder, resounding throughout the world.

"The time has come, the Pharmacopoeia begins!"

The Yao Clan, who started out by refining medicine, owns the largest group of alchemists in Dou Qi Continent. Although the Yao Clan will have some arrogance in their hearts when facing the alchemists of Zhongzhou, it must be said that this arrogance , which is indeed supported by confidence.Perhaps because of their blood, the people of the Yao Clan are particularly good at refining medicine, and there are also some people with outstanding cultivation talents in their clan.

Therefore, those medicine refining masters who are quite famous in Zhongzhou cannot be said to be a handful among this medicine clan, but at least they appear to be commonplace.

Of course, this is only talking about the middle level of the alchemist class.

In the part of the real alchemist pyramid, the Medicine Clan has not gained much advantage. After all, although the power of those bloodline makes them very good at refining alchemy, it is impossible for them to rely solely on these. They reached the top of the pharmaceutical world.

Sometimes, this talent can also become an obstacle for them to reach the top level.

This, perhaps, can be regarded as a little disadvantage of the power of blood.

Alchemists are divided into ranks one to nine, the first rank is the lowest, and the ninth rank is the highest, and the ninth rank is divided into three levels, masters of treasure alchemy, masters of mysterious alchemy, and masters of golden alchemy!
Although Bao Dan Grandmaster is difficult, there are still a few people in the mainland.

Master Xuandan is basically the top existence in the alchemy world on this continent, and the number is only a handful.

As for the golden elixir master, no one has been able to achieve it in thousands of years, because in these thousands of years, no one has been able to refine the ninth-grade golden elixir and the nine-grade golden thunder, and no one has been able to refine it in thousands of years. Appear in the world...

For most of the people present, the foreplay in the pharmacopoeia made them watch it with gusto.

Those who came to power from the Medicine Clan are not very old, in their teens or twenties, but all of them are at least a sixth-grade pharmacist or even higher in the medicine refining level. The spectacular.

Of course, for a ninth-grade master, refining medicine at this level is like a group of adults watching children fight.

The foreplay in Pharmacopoeia lasted for several days before it gradually came to an end. Fortunately, none of the people here were ordinary people. For several days, many people didn't even move their bodies.

In the past few days, most of the young people of the Yao Clan, those under 30 years old, were able to refine seventh-grade high-level elixirs, and even many eighth-grade elixirs were refined. Among them, the young clan leader Yaotian, With the cultivation level of a junior semi-saint and the soul power of the middle stage of the heaven realm, he also refined the eighth-grade elixir of nine-color elixir.

This person can be regarded as an outstanding person. If the opportunity is not small in the future, he will be able to have a place in the mainland's medicine refining world.

The people of the Medicine Clan have such bloodline talents suitable for refining medicine and can continue to thrive.

Of course, there is a limit to this. As time goes by, if there are no more powerful Dou Emperors in the Yao Clan, then their bloodline power will gradually dry up like the ancient Xiao Clan.

Yaotian's younger sister, Yaoling, is also very powerful. At the age of 23, she can actually refine the eighth-grade elixir of Seven-Color Danlei. Her soul power is the most surprising, although her cultivation level is only three stars. Dou Zun, but his soul realm has resisted the heaven realm.

Moreover, it is still the perfect state of heaven that countless strong people yearn for.

Given time, if Yao Ling does not die young, Yao Ling will definitely become the No. 1 in the Yao clan.

The moment the younger generation of the Medicine Clan completed the test, the atmosphere in the square not only did not calm down, but suddenly became heated.

Soon, a series of almost scalding gazes jumped across the field, and finally all of them were cast on the highest row of stone chairs.

"Haha, it's finally started!"

"Yes, the next step is to truly compete for the number one alchemist in the mainland!"

(End of this chapter)

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