"This is?"

After the sudden words sounded, countless people's eyes saw that a young man's figure appeared next to the illusory old figure.

"It's the Lord of Gama!"

"Is the Lord of Gama going to fight against the Void Swallowing Flame alone?"

Seeing that figure clearly, everyone below was very shocked. It seemed that even in the previous attack, they still underestimated the strength of Morrowind, the Lord of Garma.

"The late Seven-Star Dou Saint, is this his true strength?"

Yao Dan noticed the true aura revealed by Chen Feng at this moment, and couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

"Damn it, I know this guy is hiding his strength... But, so what if you are in the late stage of the Seven-Star Dou Sage. In today's battle of genocide, even if you are the Eight-Star Dou Sage, it will not help..."

Hun Xuzi looked at Chenfeng with a gloomy look. Although he was a little surprised, he quickly calmed down.

"We can't keep this kid! With such a talent, if he is allowed to practice for more than ten years, I'm afraid this continent will have another top powerhouse."

Even Hunxuzi was extremely dissatisfied with Chenfeng at this moment, and he was extremely eager to devour Chenfeng's bloodline.

Although Morrowind does not have the bloodline of the ancient Dou Emperor, but with such a talent for cultivation, the power of its bloodline will never be worse than the divine bloodline of those ancient races.


When Chen Feng appeared, the illusory remnant soul of the Medicine Emperor also let out a cry of surprise.

Obviously, even a former Dou Emperor like him was shocked by Moro Feng's powerful talent. Now Moro Feng's age seems to be only 23, but he has reached the cultivation level of the late Seven-Star Dou Saint. .

Such an astonishing talent has rarely appeared in the ancient fighting emperors.

"Forget it, this remnant soul of mine has no use in this world. Today, I will relieve you of some pressure!"

After murmuring, the remnant soul of the Medicine Emperor suddenly swept out of the formation and turned into a ray of illusory light. It cut through the black flame clouds at a speed exceeding the speed of light, and finally swept into the void swallower in the sky over there. Inflammation within the body.


When the two collided, it was just a muffled sound that was not loud, but the body of the nothingness swallowed flames trembled violently.

"You... damn old ghost, please disappear between heaven and earth for me!"

Then, for the first time, there was finally some anger in his voice.

Black flames surged out of his body overwhelmingly, and immediately, a subtle sound came out, as if his soul was broken.

The sound was silent, but the bodies of all the people from the Medicine Clan stiffened. They could feel that something was quietly passing away in their blood.

"It seems that some things are destined..." Chenfeng couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he saw that the remnant soul of the Medicine Emperor would rather dissipate to help himself gain an advantage and let the Void Swallowing Flame be seriously injured.


In the sky, Yao Dan stared blankly at the sky with his scarlet eyes, as if a belief was collapsing at this moment.


When those members of the medicine clan were sluggish, the big formation also trembled more and more violently, and finally, under a series of horrified eyes, it exploded with a click.

"The formation is broken..." Faced with the terrifying energy impact that destroyed the heaven and earth, even the Yao Clan's clan-protecting formation finally collapsed completely.

The large formation collapsed and turned into countless light spots, pouring down from the sky. The light spots reflected streaks of luster, illuminating the wooden and sluggish faces below.

Even with all his strength, in the end, he still couldn't change the ending.

In mid-air, Yao Dan, the leader of the Yao Clan, slowly stood up straight. The disappearance of the remnant soul left a large void in their hearts.

However, he was the leader of the clan after all, so he still suppressed that gaffe very quickly, and the low voice rang in the ears of every Yao clan member.

"All the people of the Medicine Clan, now is the time of life and death for our Medicine Clan, and we have the only way out. We must do everything we can to preserve our bloodline!"

"All elders, follow me!"

Following the last shot of the medicine pill, it fell from the top of the shout, and an overwhelming number of figures suddenly flew out of the mountain range.

Among them were not only the elders of the Medicine Clan, but even the younger generation of the Medicine Clan rushed forward with red eyes. They understood that if they could not survive this disaster, the Medicine Clan would completely disappear from history.

The Yao Clan is the root of all the Yao Clan people. Without the ties of their roots, they will also be displaced, and all their former glory and pride will be destroyed.


Looking at the dense figures soaring into the sky, Yao Dan's body was also trembling, and the torrential fighting spirit surged out of his body, and finally turned into a huge fighting spirit of thousands of feet, roaring out, facing the sky with terrifying momentum. The swallowing flames of nothingness swept away violently.


After that Qianzhang Dou Qi training, countless Dou Qi training with different intensities were also swept out at the same time.

These fighting spirit battles, with a sense of determination, swept towards the void and swallowed the flames overwhelmingly.

At the same time, Yao Chen, Cao Ying, Old Shennong, and some other strong men from the sect also took action at this time.

Of course, this also includes Morrowind. His attack is many times more powerful than the Yao Dan, the leader of the Medicine Clan.

In the sky, Hun Xuzi looked at the vast fighting spirit that filled his eyes, and his expression also changed a little.

Such a huge offensive, even if he was contaminated, he would probably be seriously injured on the spot. After all, this was a full-power attack that brought together almost the entire Medicine Clan's strong men.

Next to Hun Xuzi, the Void Swallowing Flame, whose whole body was wrapped in black flames, had some fluctuations in his eyes like black holes because of this scene.

Obviously, facing the counterattack of the entire Yao Clan, even he did not dare to underestimate it easily.

The next moment, the palm covered with strange runes stretched out from the black flames again, and then formed seals as fast as lightning. Suddenly, the black flames that almost covered the entire space violently writhed. stand up.

In the end, behind the Void Devouring Flame, a huge black hole vortex of about tens of thousands of feet was formed. Once the vortex formed, an indescribable and terrifying devouring force burst forth overwhelmingly.


Under such terrible devouring power, the ground within tens of thousands of miles suddenly cracked open, and huge cracks of thousands of feet spread from the ground, like hideous wounds, covering this vast area .


Huge streams of Dou Qi Pilian rushed into the black hole whirlpool continuously, and the low explosion sound resounded in the black hole. Such terrifying impact, even the huge whirlpool, was There were violent fluctuations.

(End of this chapter)

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