"The Soul Emperor is really here? Could it be that they... actually want to take action against the ancient tribe?"

Yan Jin said in a deep voice, even he couldn't help but frown when he said the words.

The ancient race is no better than other ancient races. Even if the soul race comes out in full force, it may be difficult to wipe them out like the spirit race.

What's more, in today's situation, if the people of the Soul Clan choose to attack, they will not only have to face Yan, Lei, and some of the elites of the two tribes, but also the remaining Yao Clan, plus those who are comparable to the late Eight-Star Dou Sheng. The fighting force of Morrowind.

In this case, the Soul Clan should have no chance of winning.

Gu Yuan did not answer at this moment, his eyes were just fixed on that space.

And as he became quiet, this originally noisy mountain range became silent for an instant. Faintly, it seemed that one could hear the rapid beating of the heart. If the Soul Clan really appeared, everyone would understand that today would be What kind of scene occurs.

After the silent world lasted for several minutes, ripples suddenly appeared in the empty space. At the same time, a chuckle slowly came out.

"Haha, Gu Yuan, I haven't seen you for many years, but your perception is still so sharp..."

The appearance of this voice caused the fighting spirit in the bodies of almost all the ancient warriors to roar like a flood. As long as there was any movement from the soul clan, an offensive like a torrential rain would immediately erupt.

The space was undulating, and a vortex slowly formed. Immediately, within the vortex, a slightly slender palm protruded, and against the top of the vortex, a figure stepped out slowly, and finally appeared under everyone's gaze.

The figure who walked out of the whirlpool was dressed in gray and white clothes. He looked to be about thirty years old, with a handsome face and a pair of pupils that were extremely bright, as if he could penetrate people's hearts.

The first impression this person gives people is that of elegance. If he were holding a book in his hand, he would be no different from a scholar.

However, the moment this man, who looked as frail as a scholar, appeared, he made Lei Ying win, and Yan Jin and Yan Jin's expressions became extremely solemn.

"This is the leader of the Soul Clan, the Soul Heavenly Emperor. He is indeed powerful enough..."

Seeing the scholar appear, Chen Feng couldn't help but have some fighting spirit in his eyes. Previously in the Medicine Clan, he had already fought against the Nine Stars Fighting Saint in the early stage of Void Swallowing Flame. This time, it would be great if he had a chance to fight against the Nine Stars Fighting Saint in the late stage. .

After the scholar-like middle-aged man appeared, several more figures emerged from the whirlpool behind him.

The person who was leading one person, covered with black flames, was the Void Swallowing Yan who had appeared in the Medicine Clan that day and fought against Chenfeng. However, on that day, the Void Swallowing Yan's strength was damaged. Not only was he severely wounded by the Medicine Emperor, but also Because he maintained the seal, he could not display his strength, so being defeated by Morrowind at that time was not counted.

Behind the Void Swallowing Flame, the so-called Four Demon Saints of the Soul Tribe, Hun Yan and others were actually following them. With such a lineup, it would be difficult to find the second batch in Dou Qi Continent.

And with the appearance of these people, all the elders of the ancient clan tensed their complexions, and defensive masks rose from the mountains. In an instant, the lights and shadows interlaced, appearing extremely colorful.

"Hehe, today's ancient clan is really lively. Gu Yuan, Lei Ying, Yan Jin, the four of us, maybe we haven't been together for thousands of years, right?"

In the sky, facing the countless defensive shields rising below, the man in white shirt smiled slightly and said in a soft voice.

"Emperor Soul, this is not the place you should come."

Gu Yuan stared at the man in the white shirt and said slowly.

"There is no place in this world that I shouldn't go to." Emperor Huntian smiled, and the two of them seemed to be chatting with each other in a very ordinary way.

"Emperor Soul, the disappearance of the Ling and Stone clans, was it your Soul clan's fault?"

Lei Ying shouted sharply. Although he knew a little, he still wanted to ask. "You just need to know some of the answers in your mind..." Soul Emperor smiled casually, his eyes slowly scanning below. Anyone caught by his gaze would have an uncontrollable chill pouring out from the depths of their souls. .

"Sure enough, you guys did it!"

After hearing Emperor Soul's answer, the expressions of Lei Ying and Yan Jin instantly darkened.

"The last Spirit-Devouring King of the Spirit-Devouring Clan back then was probably swallowed by the Void Swallowing Flame, right? And this should be the reason why the Soul Clan continues to this day, right?"

Gu Yuan suddenly looked at the figure surrounded by black flames behind Emperor Huntian, and said softly: "If I knew this, I should have solved you back then..."

"Hey, Gu Yuan, you think too highly of you. I am a spiritual being from heaven and earth. It is true that you were able to defeat me back then, but if you want to completely destroy me, I'm afraid you don't have the ability yet. And now, I have reached the level of Jiu Xing Dou. Holy Spirit, this is all thanks to you..."

Hearing Gu Yuan's words, the figure's body suddenly started to boil with black flames, and he laughed strangely.

As soon as Void Swallowing Yan said these words, the expressions of almost everyone present changed.

If you put it this way, doesn't the Soul Clan have two Nine-Star Fighting Saints?
  No wonder he dared to lead people alone to destroy the Yao Clan before.

"Since you were able to swallow the Medicine Clan's space into your body, I know this."

Gu Yuan said calmly: "You are only in the early stage of the Nine-Star Fighting Saint. If there is a chance, I will seal you permanently."

"Perhaps you will never wait for this opportunity!"

Soul Emperor chuckled lightly and said.

"Emperor Huntian, if you came here suddenly today with the intention of attacking our ancient clan, maybe these people are not enough." Gu Yuan still looked calm, and the demeanor of the clan leader was undoubtedly revealed.

"Well, it's not enough." Hun Tiandi smiled and nodded, but did not argue.

Below, many people frowned slightly and looked at this scene. Although the Soul Clan appeared today, they showed no signs of taking action.

But everyone understood in their hearts that it was absolutely impossible for these guys from the Soul Clan to do such a useless thing with such a big show of force. They must have their own purpose in doing so.

"Patriarch Gu Yuan, beware of fraud!"

In the sky, Yan Jin also said in a deep voice, obviously understanding that the actions of the Soul Clan must have a purpose that they don't know.

Regarding Yanjin's reminder, Emperor Huntian also smiled slightly, put his hands behind his back, and didn't say much, just led his people to stand in the sky, confronting Gu Yuan and the others.

"No, what are they delaying?" Lei Ying understood the reason, but he couldn't guess the Soul Clan's true purpose.

"Xun'er, is your ancient clan's ancient jade in Uncle Gu's body?"

Chenfeng knew about the Soul Clan's plan, but at this moment, he did not say it outright. Instead, he reminded Xun'er with words so that Xun'er could understand.

(End of this chapter)

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