Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 55: Soul Control Banner Shows Its Power!

Chapter 55: Soul Control Banner Shows Its Power!
"Oh my god, I didn't expect that there would be a Douhuang powerhouse in our Wutan City, and three of them appeared at once!"

"That purple figure seems to be a monster, isn't that a sixth-order monster!"

"It's terrible. Fortunately, they are fighting outside the city. If they were inside the city, I'm afraid Wutan City would be destroyed in an instant!"

In Wutan City, many forces climbed to the heights, watching the great battle in the void outside the city with horror.

On the roof of Xiao's house, Xiao Zhan showed shock on his face.

"How could there be a Dou Huang powerhouse suddenly in Wutan City!"

This was the first time he saw a strong man of this level, feeling the coercion in the void, he felt like an ant, his body trembling unconsciously.

"Miss Yafei, can you recognize the identities of these two fighting emperors?"

On an attic in the manor behind Mittel's auction house, Ya Fei and Master Gu Ni also looked out of the city with solemn expressions.

Hearing this, Ya Fei shook her head slightly, her pretty face also showing surprise.

The Mittel family has collected information on the top ten famous powerhouses in the Jia Ma Empire.

Although Ya Fei has never met these strong men, she knows their information like the back of her hand.

But at this moment, she looked at the two human figures in the void, with a puzzled look on her pretty face.

"In the Jia Ma Empire, when did two more unfamiliar Dou Huang powerhouses appear?"

Douhuang powerhouses, placed in the Jia Ma Empire, no matter where they go, they are all figures in the vertical and horizontal directions.

Now, two strange Dou Huang appeared out of nowhere, which would undoubtedly break the current situation of the Jia Ma Empire.

"Where's Master Chenfeng?"

After looking at it for a while, Ya Fei withdrew her gaze and looked around, but she didn't find Chen Feng's figure, so she couldn't help asking in doubt.

Such a big thing happened, why didn't Brother Chenfeng come out to see?

"Master Chenfeng is not here, and I don't know where he went."

Hearing this, Master Gu Ni said helplessly.

In the past few days, Chen Feng has always been elusive, and he often can't find anyone, he is used to it.

A strange color flashed across Ya Fei's beautiful eyes, and she naturally noticed Chen Feng's abnormality during this period.

"It seems that Brother Chenfeng hides a lot of secrets..."


Outside the city, in the grove.

"It seems that this old guy can't hold on anymore."

Chen Feng hid behind a boulder, watching the great battle in the void, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After all, Yao Chen has just woken up not long ago, and he is still in the state of soul body, so he can't display his strength at all.

At this moment, although relying on Bone Spirit's cold fire to barely resist the attack of Ling Ying and Zidian Sable, it is obviously a little weak to continue.

If the fight continues, Yaochen will definitely lose.

"Since you are not from the Soul Palace, why did you attack this old man!"

In the void, Yao Chen stirred up the bone spirit's cold fire, forcing Ling Ying and Zidian Mink back temporarily, with a gloomy expression.

He is also well aware of his current state, and if he continues to fight, it will be extremely unfavorable to him.

Therefore, he was ready to compromise.

In his view, since the other party came with a purpose, it is naturally negotiable.

At worst, I will suffer a little.

Yao Chen felt a little helpless and aggrieved.

Thinking of him, the majestic and mighty Master Yao in Central Continent, now he is reduced to compromise with two ants of the Douhuang level.

Back then, people of this level didn't even have the qualifications to meet him.

The mere Dou Huang knelt down in front of him to admit his master, and he would not have looked straight at him back then.

But now, he actually succumbed to the existence of the two Douhuang realms.

Although he felt a little humiliated in his heart, the present was not what it used to be, so he could only bow his head obediently.

"Tell me, what is your purpose, as long as it is not too much, I can promise you."

Yao Chen was covered in white flames, and said to Ling Ying in a flat tone.

From his point of view, since the other party knew his identity as the Master of Medicine, it is likely that he was looking for him to refine the medicine.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel angry.

Does refining medicine mean refining medicine?

Why are you being rough?
Can't we all have a good talk?
After Yao Chen finished speaking, he waited for Ling Ying's reply.

As for the sable on the side, he just ignored it.

He wasn't reduced to the point of negotiating with an animal.

However, there was no response to Yaochen, but fierce attacks from Ling Ying and Zidian.

Without Chen Feng's order, how could the two of them listen to Yao Chen's nonsense.

Seeing that the opponent stopped, they seized the opportunity to attack Yaochen violently.


Seeing this scene, Yao Chen felt a little stunned, what happened to these two guys?

I just know how to fight and kill, so why can't everyone stop and have a good talk?

Although it was somewhat unexpected, Yaochen was an old Jianghu after all, so he reacted immediately, motivating Bone Spirit to blast towards Ling Ying and Zidian Diao.

"These two guys really don't like oil and salt."

While resisting, Yaochen groaned in his heart, urging the Bone Spirit to consume a lot of cold fire, if this continues, he will be doomed.

"By the way, that kid from before..."

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Yao Lao's mind, and he thought of Chenfeng.

Just now, the two guys in front of them seemed to be taking orders from that kid.

He clearly heard the man in black calling the kid his master.

Thinking of this, the white flame in Yao Lao's hands suddenly exploded, and after forcing Ling Ying and Zidian Sable back, he headed straight for Chenfeng.

"Capture the thief first and capture the king first. After capturing your master, let's see if you don't use the mouse's trick."

A cold look flashed in Yaochen's eyes, and after sensing Chen Feng's position, he came straight to him.

"This old guy is really treacherous."

Seeing Yao Chen rushing towards him, Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then instantly understood the other party's intentions.

"It came just right!"

Chenfeng held the soul control flag in his hand, looked at Yaochen flying towards him, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

With a thought in his mind, he directly poured fighting energy into the Soul Control Banner.

As the battle energy entered the Soul Control Banner, a strange black mist suddenly came out from the banner, and it vibrated violently.

"What is this?"

Looking at the soul control banner in Chen Feng's hand, Yao Chen frowned, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

However, feeling that Chenfeng was no more than a Caidou master, he felt relieved.

It's just a fighting master, can it be possible to turn the world upside down?
Must be thinking too much.

Thinking of this, he showed a sneer, and quickly approached Chen Feng, ready to grab him and threaten Ling Ying.

Seeing Yaochen getting closer, Chenfeng smiled slightly.

"Almost... let's go!"

As soon as Chen Feng's words fell, the soul control banner in his hand immediately turned into a black awn, carrying a thick black mist, and went straight to the medicine dust.


Seeing the black light attacking towards him, Yaochen was startled.


"What the hell is this!"

"You also said that you are not from the Soul Palace!"

The next moment, Yaochen let out a shrill scream.

(End of this chapter)

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