Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 65 Brother Chenfeng, I'm Waiting for You to Marry Me!

Chapter 65 Brother Chenfeng, I'm Waiting for You to Marry Me!

At noon, Ya Fei's beautiful eyes moved slightly, and then slowly opened her eyes.

The jade arm stretched out, but did not touch anything, Ya Fei sat up suddenly, looking at the empty person beside her, her pretty face suddenly changed.

"Brother Chenfeng...has he left..."

Seeing that there was no figure of Chen Feng in the room, Ya Fei's expression suddenly fell.

"This scoundrel, he won't tell me before he leaves..."

Thinking that Chenfeng might have left Wutan City at this moment, Yafei's heart suddenly became empty and depressed.


Suddenly, Yafei saw the letter on the bedside, she was overjoyed, and quickly opened it to read.

"Sister Yafei, when you read this letter, I have already left Wutan City. Seeing that you are sleeping soundly, I can't bear to wake you up. You won't blame me, will you?"

Yafei pursed her red lips, a little sullenly: "This stinky brother really left, a really heartless man, he just lifted his pants and slipped away..."

She was very upset, and decided to punish this stinky brother well the next time they meet.

Afterwards, Yafei continued to look down.

"Sister Yafei, don't worry, within three months, I will definitely let you return to the imperial capital, and I will hold absolute real power in the family. No one can shake your position."

Looking at the self-confidence revealed in Chenfeng's letter, Ya Fei felt a little puzzled.

Why is Brother Chenfeng so confident that he can let me control the real power of the family.

Ya Fei knew exactly how stubborn those old fellows in the family were.

Letting them delegate power to a back, and she is a woman like her, is simply killing them.

Although Chen Feng's younger brother has a high status in the family, he might not be able to do this, right?

"I hope little brother Chenfeng won't do anything stupid."

A trace of worry appeared on Ya Fei's face, he was afraid that Chen Feng would completely fall out with those old guys in the family for himself.

This will not do him any good, and it will also lose the backer of the Mittel family.

"Brother Chenfeng should not be so impulsive..."

Shaking her head, Ya Fei continued to look down.

"Ya Fei, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you, I hope you don't feel flustered."

"You are pregnant and pregnant with our child. You must pay attention to your body. You don't want our child to be born smoothly, do you?"

Seeing this, Ya Fei's mind went blank.

I am pregnant?

She couldn't believe it.

But after reacting, I felt that it was reasonable.

Chen Feng is physically strong, during this time the two of them...

It's normal if you're pregnant.

After being stunned for a moment, Ya Fei suddenly showed a gleam of joy on her face.

I have a child of Brother Chenfeng.

Yafei suddenly became excited.

She felt that what she was carrying should be the first child of Brother Chenfeng.

After the child was born, Brother Chenfeng would definitely pay more attention to him.

As a shrewd woman, Yafei naturally knew that having a child would strengthen her position in Chenfeng's heart.

Thinking of this, Ya Fei rubbed her belly, showing a trace of kindness on her face.

Son, your mother will depend on you for the rest of her life.

"Sister Yafei, don't worry, I will give you a title, and before the child is born, I will give you a splendid wedding."

Ya Fei tightly held the letter in her hand, as if she regarded it as a treasure, with a hint of sweetness on her face.

Brother Chenfeng, I will take good care of our children.

I wait for you to marry me!


In the sky, a flying monster flew by quickly.

On the body of the flying monster, there is a house made of special wood.

"After seven days, you will be able to reach the imperial capital."

Standing in front of the window of the wooden house, Chen Feng looked at Sombra City, which had gone away, with a smile on his face.

After leaving Mittel's auction house, he left Utan City, and came to Sombra City to contract a flying monster flying to the imperial capital.

Now, he was the only one on this flying monster, and he looked clean.

With a thought, Chenfeng directly entered the small world.

At this moment, Xiao Xun'er was sowing some spiritual grass seeds in an open space.

The small world is empty, not even a flower or grass, it looks too monotonous.

So, when passing by Heijing, Chenfeng bought a batch of spirit grass and spirit flower seeds, and prepared to plant them in the small world.

After they grow out, the small world will no longer look so monotonous, and will have a little more vitality.

On the other side, there are still more than a dozen first-level monsters being imprisoned. Of course, they are not kept for fun.

Xiao Xun'er will stay in the small world for a long time, it is impossible for Chenfeng to bring food in for her every day.

With these magical beasts, she can support herself.

Of course, Chenfeng was also reluctant to let her do it herself.

On the side, Yaochen was urging the flame to roast a whole sheep.

With his eighth-rank pharmacist's skills, it can be said that the heat is controlled to the extreme.

A roasted whole lamb was roasted golden yellow, sizzling and oily, and the rich aroma wafted in the air.

Since he didn't have so many alchemy ingredients in his hand, Chenfeng naturally wouldn't let Yaochen idle all day long, temporarily serving as Xiao Xun'er's royal chef.

Needless to say, with Yaochen's eighth-grade pharmacist's ability to control the heat, the roasted food is extraordinarily good, the outside is charred and the inside is tender, even Chenfeng is full of praise.

Afterwards, a whole roasted lamb was passed the test by Yaochen.

Chen Feng, Xiao Xun'er, and Zidian Mink enjoyed the food.

To Chen Feng's surprise, Zidian Mink may not look big, but his appetite is not small.

More than half of a roasted whole lamb was eaten by it.

But even after eating so much, the sable's belly still looks flat, showing no signs of being full.

"What a waste of food..."

Chen Feng secretly complained in his heart.

In his previous life, what he envied most was those physiques that could not get fat no matter how much they ate.

This kind of physique is simply a waste of food, eating it is the same as not eating it.

"Master, are we still in Wutan City?"

After eating, Xiao Xun'er brewed a cup of hot tea and sent it to Chenfeng.

Having been in this small world for so long, seeing that Chen Feng can come in and out of her at will, Xiao Xun'er probably also understood that this small world should be some kind of space treasure.

"I have already left Wutan City, and now I am heading to the imperial capital in a flying monster."

Shaking his head, Chen Feng said to Xiao Xun'er.

Anyway, he didn't intend to let Xiao Xun'er leave, even if he revealed some information, it didn't matter.

Besides, Xiao Xun'er also knew her identity as a disciple of the Misty Cloud Sect, so there was no need to hide it from her.

"Flying monster...then we are in the air now..."

"Master, can you take me out to have a look?"

Hearing this, Xiao Xun'er hesitated for a moment, and begged Chen Feng.

After staying in this small world for a long time, she felt a little bored. Now that she had left Wutan City, she also wanted to go out for a breath of air.

(End of this chapter)

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