Chapter 85 Yan Ran, Let Me Try
The next day.

Chenfeng left the Misty Cloud Sect, came to the imperial capital again, and headed directly towards the huge mansion of Nalan's family.

Approaching the majestic mansion, Chen Feng saw that there were many people surrounded by the door.

Moreover, these people were all dressed in the robes of alchemists, and the few bright silver ripples on their chests proudly showed their identities and ranks.

On the street where people come and go, all the passers-by who pass by here will turn their envious and awe-inspiring gazes to the group of pharmacists whispering to each other. In their hearts, pharmacists are a kind of noble. A profession like nobility.

As for these powerful alchemists, the Nalan family obviously did not dare to neglect them easily.

At the door, some servants were talking to the alchemist who was waiting outside respectfully, and they didn't let them go until they found out that the other party really had the strength to enter.

And some alchemists whose strength was really questionable could only be rejected by them with smiles.

Although this kind of action dissatisfied those alchemists who were blocked, but thinking about the power of the Nalan family and the relationship between Nalan Yanran and the Misty Cloud Sect, they had no choice but to leave with a little displeasure.

Staring at the door for a while, Chenfeng found that those alchemists who could be allowed to enter seemed to be third-rank alchemists.

And those alchemists who were rejected were second-rank, and there were even some first-rank alchemists who came to join in the fun...

"It seems that Nalan's family has already gone to the doctor in a hurry."

Chenfeng shook his head helplessly, and walked towards the heavily guarded gate of the Nalan family.

Squeezing through the crowd, Chen Feng took a step forward, and an old man who seemed to be a housekeeper hurried up to meet him.

"Young master, I am the steward of the Nalan family, what can I do?"

Seeing that there was no badge on Chenfeng's chest representing an alchemist, the butler was a little puzzled, but said politely.

"Under Mittel~Chenfeng, please inform the housekeeper to Miss Nalan." Chenfeng said with a smile.

"Mittel~ Morrowind? A member of the Mittel family?"

Hearing this, the housekeeper looked at Chenfeng in surprise, then nodded, turned around and gave instructions to a servant.

"Master Chenfeng, follow me to the living room to drink tea first, I have already sent someone to inform our young lady."

Bowing slightly to Chenfeng, the old man's voice, because of Chenfeng's identity, was actually filled with honorifics.

Chen Feng nodded, with a smile on his face all the time, followed the butler slowly into the gate, and disappeared through the gate.

Following behind the butler unhurriedly, Chen Feng glanced across the luxurious mansion, the towering and majestic buildings made him nod secretly.

The Nalan family is indeed worthy of being one of the three major families in the Jia Ma Empire. Such wealth and power are indeed not comparable to that of ordinary families.

Walking on the path paved with blue gravel, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly.

In his induction, ever since Yuejia entered the depths of the Nalan family, a series of hidden gazes and soul perception shot out from some hidden corners, taking every move of Chenfeng into his eyes .

He raised his head inadvertently, and glanced casually over an eaves.

There, some pitch-black shadows, hidden in the gloom, were painted black one after another, covering the sharp arrow points reflected by the sunlight, and they were slowly moving in the mansion. In an instant, the attack arrived.

"The defense is very strict..."

Chenfeng frowned slightly, and shook his head helplessly. Nalan's current situation is indeed very tense. Once something happens to Mr. Nalan, the Nalan family will be ruined.

Therefore, they will naturally be on high alert and not allow other families to take advantage of it.

After a while, Chen Feng followed the butler and came to a side hall.

"Master Chenfeng, you wait here first, I have already sent someone to inform Miss, she should be here soon."

After the housekeeper ordered someone to serve Chenfeng tea, he left the side hall directly.


Chen Feng was drinking tea, and after waiting for a long time, Nalan Yanran hurried over.

"Brother, I miss you so much, why haven't you come to see me for so long."

When Nalan saw Chenfeng, he threw himself into his arms like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

Chenfeng also hugged Nalan Yanran's delicate body tightly, patted her on the back, and comforted her: "I've been busy practicing for the Zongmen Grand Competition these days, it's not like I'll come over as soon as the competition is over. Are you there?"

"Senior brother, I heard that you won the first place in the big competition, and you were also canonized as the young suzerain by the teacher!"

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran had a hint of excitement on her face, her beautiful eyes looked at Chen Feng, and her heart was full of pride.

Her Nalan Yanran man is the best!
She wants to prove to the Nalan family that she has a unique vision, and her senior brother is by no means comparable to that trash like Xiao Yan.

"That's right, from now on, I will be the young lord of the Misty Cloud Sect."

Chen Feng lit up the blue token Liang Yunyun gave him, and pinched Nalan Yanran's Qiong nose.

"By the way, senior brother, didn't you invite Elder Furukawa? With your current status as the young suzerain, he should give you this face, right?"

Nalan Yanran glanced across the hall, but she didn't see the figure of Pill King Furukawa, and suddenly she was a little puzzled.

Last time, Chenfeng promised to invite Pill King Guhe to detoxify her grandfather.

"Yanran, the poison on your grandfather's body even Pill King Guhe can't solve it." Chen Feng said.

"Ah! What then?"

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran's face collapsed, and she said anxiously: "The poison on Grandpa's body can't be delayed any longer."

Chenfeng comforted and said: "Yanran, let me try it, maybe I can undo the branding poison on the old man."

"Let you try?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Nalan Yanran was very puzzled.

"Senior brother, even Pill King Guhe can't do anything, can you do it?"

"You are not a pharmacist, how can you detoxify?"

Chenfeng proposed to detoxify, which surprised Nalan Yanran.

Not everyone can undo this branding poison, even the president of the alchemist guild admitted that there is no way.

How could Morrowind do it?

"Yanran, if you believe me, let me have a try." Chen Feng didn't explain too much, and after he detoxified himself, Nalan Yanran would naturally believe it.

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to believe Chen Feng's words.

"Then senior brother, come with me, and I will take you to see my grandfather."

As Nalan Yanran said that, she pulled Chenfeng away from this side hall.

After a while, Chenfeng followed Nalan Yan and came to a luxurious hall. Through the half-hidden door, he could faintly see a lot of people standing there.

(End of this chapter)

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