Chapter 88
Following the silence of the few people, the atmosphere in the room quietly quieted down.

"Your kid is the kid from the Mittel family?"

After a while, Nalan Jie came back to his senses, looked at Chen Feng, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Chenfeng has seen the old man."

Chenfeng hurriedly said respectfully.

This person is of the same generation as his grandfather, so he dare not neglect in the slightest.

"You kid can still detoxify?"

Knowing that the other party is his granddaughter's sweetheart, Nalan Jie couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Grandpa, even Pill King Furukawa can't do anything about the scorching poison in your body? Only those who have mastered the strange fire can detoxify it."

At this time, Nalan Yanran who was on the side couldn't help but stepped forward and said like offering a treasure.

She also knew that her grandfather was very dissatisfied with her resignation, and she was afraid that he would blame Chenfeng for anger, so she wished to expose all the advantages of her senior brother, to prove that Nalan Yanran did not choose the wrong person.

Nalan Yanran wanted the old man to agree to her marriage with Chenfeng.

I really did a lot of hard work these days.

When Chenfeng won the first place in the competition and was canonized as the young master of the Yunlan Sect.

She informed her father and the old man of the news almost immediately.

All she did was to let Nalansu and Nalanjie see the potential of Chenfeng.

It proves that it is right for me to retire and choose my senior brother.

"Different fire?"

Hearing Nalan Yanran's words, Nalan Jie looked at Chenfeng in shock.

"I really didn't realize that even Master Furukawa coveted the strange fire, you would actually have it..."

Nalan Jie looked at Chen Feng with a trace of amazement in his tone.

The strange fire is a treasure that even he has never seen before.

This kid actually got it, and the future is boundless.

"The junior got it by luck."

Chenfeng said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Go on, don't worry, no one will dare to trouble you if something goes wrong."

Nalan Jie showed a smile and nodded to Chen Feng.

If it wasn't for his old face, he would actually have approved of Chen Feng as his son-in-law in his heart.

Whether it is the identity of the young suzerain of the Misty Cloud Sect, or the talent of the other party.

They completely crushed that kid from the Xiao family.

No matter how you look at it, the boy in front of him is indeed more suitable for Yan'er.

Moreover, if this kid becomes the suzerain of Yunlan Sect in the future.

Maybe he can take care of Nalan's family a little bit more, even if the branding poison on his body can't be solved, then Nalan Yanran can be regarded as having a backer.

Hearing this, Chen Feng nodded, and continued to push the forest white flame into Nalan Jie's body.

In the quiet house, Nalan father and daughter did not speak, quietly watching Chen Feng who was detoxifying Nalan Jie.

As time went by, Nalan Yanran and Nalan Su both showed a little anxiety and uneasiness when they saw the sweat rolling down the old man's face and the veins throbbing on his arms.

Chen Feng's expression remained calm, and the finger on Nalan Jie's back trembled slightly.

The faint white flames were constantly surrounded by the power of the soul, and then cautiously rushed into the latter's body, gradually using high temperature to expel the "burning poison" in the body that had invaded the bones.

The white flames are wrapped around the black bones, although the two seem to be close together.

However, if you look at it with your heart, you can find that there is a very small gap in it.

The temperature of the different fire is too terrifying, if it directly touches Nalan Jie's bones, even if the opponent is a fighting king, he will definitely be seriously injured or even die in an instant!
Blazing high temperature seeped out from the flames, and then slowly roasted those black bones.

As the white flames continued to smoke, wisps of black mist quietly emitted from the bones.

Then, before escaping, he was quickly rushed by a cluster of white flames, wrapped them in, and used the terrifying high temperature to gradually smoke the "burning poison" mist that even the Dou Huang strongman had to treat seriously. into nothingness...

At this time, Nalan Jie's whole body was drenched with sweat, his old face was twitching constantly, and the sound of sucking in air-conditioning leaked out from between his teeth.

"Morning Breeze... boy, okay, are you alright?"

Clenching his fist tightly, all the blue veins throbbing on his arm, like a little snake, Nalan Jie's voice was a little hoarse and trembling.

Behind him, Chenfeng's forehead was also covered with sweat.

Such a long time of manipulating the different fire for such high precision use consumes his soul power, which is also a considerable burden.

Hearing Nalan Jie's trembling question, he nodded slightly, and said softly: "Let's call it a day, old man, you have been poisoned far more deeply than I expected. If you want to burn the poison all at once Deportation is obviously impossible, so I can only choose to take it slowly..."

"The branding poison, can you really expel it all?"

Hearing this, Nalan Jie couldn't help being surprised and said, although the old man has lived for so many years, if there is a choice between death and life, everyone will choose the latter.

"According to the current progress, there seems to be no problem." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to possess such abilities at such a young age. You really deserve to be the disciple of Sect Master Yun Yun..."

Nalan Jie nodded hastily, and said with a hoarse smile, "Then I'll leave it to you, kid."

Chenfeng's fingers curled slightly, and the white flames lingering outside the bones began to withdraw slowly, and the last traces were taken back into Chenfeng's body.

"Nephew Chenfeng, what's the matter?"

Looking at the morning breeze that seemed to have stopped detoxifying, Nalansu hurriedly stepped forward and asked with concern.

"Uncle Nalan, let's stop here for today's treatment. According to this progress, it will take at least three days to expel the toxin."

Chen Feng glanced at Nalan Jie who looked better than before, and said in a deep voice.

Looking at Nalan Jie's slightly radiant old face, the heavy stone that weighed on Nalan Su's heart finally fell down.

The importance of Nalan Jie to the Nalan family is like the importance of the royal family Jiaxingtian to the royal family.

Without this pillar of support, although the Nalan family will not be completely helpless, the gap with the other two families will definitely widen gradually.

"Then nephew Chenfeng has been working hard for the past few days. As long as you can heal the old man well, there will be no problem between you and Yanran!"

Nalansu pulled Chenfeng aside, looked at Nalan Yanran, and said with a smile on his face.

Nalansu was satisfied with both Chenfeng's identity and talent.

This time he saved the fate of the Nalan family again, so he naturally has no opinion on this marriage in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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