Chapter 1 God-Level Auction System
Douro Continent
Star Dou Great Forest.


In the endless sky, there was a loud noise suddenly, and the indestructible space was instantly smashed by a powerful mysterious force.

A dark vortex appeared in a trance, and a ray of light suddenly flew out from the vortex, and finally landed heavily, making a burst of noise.

When the dust on the ground cleared away, a young man suddenly stood up.

This young man has a handsome face, but he has a dusty temperament all over his body, and he is also an extremely eye-catching existence in the crowd.

"Where is this..."

"Aren't I sleeping at home? Why did I come to this place suddenly? Could it be that someone played a prank and left me here?"

The man rubbed his painful shoulder, and at the same time looked sleepily at the surrounding scenery, his face full of shock.

What is this place?

How does it feel like a virgin forest?

This young man is an ordinary office worker living in Blue Star, named Lu Yun. Because of the exhaustion of the day, he goes to bed early at night.

Who knew that he had just fallen asleep, and when he woke up, he found that he had come to this place.

"Which primeval forest is this?"

Lu Yun couldn't help calming down his flustered emotions, and walking around, he found that there was a damp atmosphere everywhere.

The fresh air rushed in, causing Lu Yun to breathe a sigh of relief unconsciously.

Such an environment...

Could it be some kind of primeval forest? Thinking of this, Lu Yun's heart trembled.

Does he know what kind of giant beasts there are in the primeval forest, if he accidentally falls into the mouth of any wild beast, wouldn't he be dead.

[Ding, the host is detected, the god-level auction system is binding the host, and it is being bound...]

When Lu Yun was confused, a cold voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Nani? System, is it possible that I really traveled to another world like in a fantasy novel, so where is this world?"

Hearing the cold voice in his head, Lu Yun trembled with fright, and then his face showed ecstasy.

He didn't expect the legendary system to come to him.

In Blue Star, he loves to read novels, so he naturally knows that the system is the supreme existence.

Can help you achieve anything!

Such a great opportunity fell on him, but Lu Yun was more curious, which world did he come to?
Is it a fantasy world?
Or the world of cultivating immortals?
[Ding, the binding is successful, please host to receive the specific information of this system and the world...]

At this time, the cold voice of the system continued to sound in Lu Yun's mind.

As soon as the words fell, Lu Yun's mind felt a tingling pain, and a steady stream of knowledge poured into Lu Yun's mind.

After a while, Lu Yun came to his senses, and there was a bright light in his eyes.

"This... I actually traveled to the Douluo Continent!"

That's right!

When Lu Yun came to this world, it was called Douluo Dalu. In his previous life, he had read Douluo Dalu's novels and animations.

Naturally, I hope that one day, I can travel to the Douluo Continent and appreciate the charm of Wuhun.

But who knows, his wish came true.

"God-level auction system, this should be the foundation of my foothold in Douluo Dalu, right?"

Lu Yun understood the function of the system in his mind. The god-level auction system, as the name suggests, can auction items.

The commission from the final auction can be exchanged for auction points, and you can buy some precious treasures in the system store to improve your own strength.

So this system is a very powerful existence, but at this time Lu Yun encountered a dilemma.

"System, my body has been transmigrated. I don't even have any strength. What's the difference between holding an auction and courting death?"

"Besides, I don't have anything else to auction?"

This is the predicament that Lu Yun is currently in, and he doesn't know where he is.

Even a ten-year soul beast, I'm afraid he is no match.

You can't be killed by a ten-year soul beast just after you came to Douluo Dalu. If it spreads, it will be too embarrassing to the traverser.

[In view of the current predicament of the host, a luxurious novice gift package is specially presented! 】

At this moment, the system continued.

"Predecessors do not deceive me, there really is a novice gift package!"

"System, open the luxurious novice gift package!"

Hearing the system's words, Lu Yun poked his palm with a smile, and opened the luxurious newbie gift bag with anticipation.

The word 'luxury' gave Lu Yun endless expectations!

Suddenly, golden lights flashed in front of him, extremely bright.

[One Star Auction Pavilion, one auctioneer, one guardian of the Auction Pavilion, and a set of costumes for the Pavilion Master. 】

Lu Yun couldn't stop the excitement on his face when he looked at the things that came out of the luxurious newbie gift pack with joy.

It's just that when I saw specific things, I was full of doubts in my heart.

what happened?Why is there no such thing as Wuhun?
So how can he improve his own strength?
"System, do I have a martial soul?"

At this time, Lu Yun continued to ask the system in bewilderment.

When others travel to the Douluo Continent, they travel through their souls, but in the end, he travels directly with his body.

And now that he is in his twenties, he naturally missed the age of awakening his martial soul at the age of six.

Where does this allow him to obtain the martial soul?

[There is no martial spirit in the host body, as long as the host completes an auction, he will get a gift package of martial spirit! 】

The cold system sound continued to sound.

Hearing this, Lu Yun's face was full of sadness. He never thought that he would need to conduct an auction in order to obtain the martial soul.

Without strength, how could he hold an auction?

In addition, he has no other precious things to attract the soul masters from Douluo Dalu.

"Forget it, let's see what the rest of the things are?"

Helpless, Lu Yun had no choice but to ignore the predicament in front of him and take a look at what was inside the luxurious novice gift package.

After understanding, Lu Yun knew that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion was a ready-made auction pavilion, and he didn't need to go anywhere for the auction.

Having this Star Dou Auction Pavilion is extremely convenient for Lu Yun.

"Is there any difference between Star Dou Auction Pavilion and Star Dou Great Forest?"

At this time, after Lu Yun noticed the name of the auction pavilion, his brows were frowned, and he was puzzled.

Immediately, he didn't know what to think of, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

"System, I'm not in the Star Dou Forest now, am I?"

Lu Yun talked about his worries, but his tone was full of certainty.

He was sure that the place where he landed was definitely the Star Dou Great Forest, but he didn't know if it was the outer area, the inner area or the core area?

If it is in the core area, wouldn't he be sure to die, after all, there are 10-year soul beasts there.

If someone sneezes casually, how could he bear it with his weak body.

(End of this chapter)

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