Chapter 10 Pope Palace

Pope Palace!
This is a resplendent and magnificent hall, full of luxurious atmosphere everywhere.

On the first seat in the main hall, sat a woman, wearing a long purple-gold dress, showing a charming aura.

Wearing a nine-curved crown and holding a scepter, the whole body exudes the aura of a king.

This woman is the Pope of the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong.

At this moment, Bibi Dong is handling the affairs of the Spirit Hall.


Suddenly, there was a burst of spatial fluctuations ahead, and a powerful aura poured out, covering the entire Pope's Palace.

From the moment this breath appeared, Bibi Dong immediately noticed it.


The powerful soul power all over his body blasted forward, his martial soul was released, and nine dazzling soul rings flickered one after another.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, red.

"Who dares to trespass into the Pope's palace!"

Bibi Dong's berserk aura rushed forward all at once, and the resulting explosive aura made the entire Pope Palace tremble slightly.


At this moment, a similarly powerful force in front instantly suppressed Bibi Dong's aura.

A piece of golden paper slowly emerged from the void and landed on the table in front of Bibi Dong.

The master of this breath is Jiuyou.

Following Lu Yun's instructions, he immediately came to the Pope's Palace and sent the invitation letter to Bibi Dong.

After Jiuyou saw that he had sent the invitation letter, he immediately broke through the space, planning to leave the Pope's Palace and go to the next destination.

"Ghost Douluo, Ju Douluo, stop him!"

Bibi Dong naturally sensed that Jiuyou wanted to leave, so she immediately gave instructions to Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo who were hiding in the depths of the void.

"Yes! Your Majesty the Pope!"

Two figures appeared from the void, one was dressed in a golden robe with a feminine aura, and spoke a voice that was neither male nor female.

The other was dressed in a black robe, surrounded by black mist, showing a strange aura.

At this time, the two are the right-hand men of Bibi Dong, the two titled Douluo powerhouses of the Spirit Hall.

The Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum Martial Soul and the Ghostly Martial Soul were released immediately.

The nine soul rings on each of them flickered one after another, and they burst out with the aura of a 95th-level Title Douluo, attacking together with Bibi Dong.

The coercion of the three titled Douluo directly bombarded Jiuyou in front, trying to take Jiuyou down.

Bibi Dong knew exactly how powerful this person was, but she didn't know where this person came from.

In order not to leave any hidden dangers, this person must be taken down, otherwise she does not know what will happen in the future.

"The field of bipolar stillness!"

At this moment, Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo shouted.

The nine spirit rings on his body immediately came out, slowly forming a huge halo condensed by the spirit rings in the air in front of him.

In an instant, the entire time and space of the Pope's Palace seemed to be frozen in half.

Nothing can move half a minute.


But when several people were excited, a cold snort suddenly sounded in the field.

"Just relying on your weak martial soul fusion ability, you still want to stop me, it's just a dream!"

Jiuyou snorted coldly, and with his huge soul power, he instantly shattered the static fields around the two poles.

And this powerful soul power poured out, directly sending Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo flying more than ten meters away, and finally fell heavily to the ground, spitting blood.

"The invitation letter has been sent, please attend the auction held in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion on time!"

Seeing that Jiuyou had already achieved his goal, he didn't stay any longer.

After all, Lu Yun just ordered him to send the invitation letter to the Pope's Palace, and did not ask him to kill.

Otherwise, the three people in front of them would surely die.


There were waves of ripples in the void, and Jiuyou suddenly disappeared in place without leaving even a trace of breath.

"Your Majesty, are you still chasing me?"

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo, who were lying on the ground, stood up slowly, dragging their seriously injured bodies.

He turned his head and asked Bibi Dong if he would continue to chase, but at this moment, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo didn't dare to chase anymore.

The two poles of static domain displayed by the two of them, even a Super Douluo of level 96 or 97, can imprison him, making him unable to move for half a minute.

But when he imprisoned the unknown strong man, he really didn't move a single point at first.

But in the end, the unknown strong man, relying on his own soul power, forcibly broke the static domain of the two poles.

And they suffered the backlash caused by the broken domain skills.

Two more powerful soul powers erupted from the man's body, directly hitting them until they were seriously injured!
They knew that the strong man didn't release the martial soul and soul skills back then, and could do this by relying on his own strength.

If they released their martial spirits again, I'm afraid the two of them would surely die.

Even the Pope was not spared!
(End of this chapter)

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