Chapter 115 Summoning Again
The earth-shattering event that happened in Douluo Continent spread quickly, but Lu Yun didn't pay attention to it.

Anyway, Tang Hao and Haotianzong's move is their own fault, and they can't blame others.

If you don't take the opportunity to punish them, wouldn't it be that other people followed Tang Hao's example and attacked the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, one or two troubles came one after another.

In order to avoid being deeply disturbed by it, it is better to completely put an end to this idea.

Lu Yun, who was on the third floor of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, relaxed and began to prepare for the auction in a month.

After all, every auction can't be the same as before.

So, Lu Yun began to look for some rare things in the god-level store.

Only in this way can the ideas of Douluo Dalu soul masters be continuously attracted, and they are willing to spend a lot of soul crystals to buy them.

After looking at the dazzling things in the god-level store, Lu Yun couldn't help sighing.

Sure enough, I can't open the god-level store, or I want to buy everything in it.

However, he doesn't have many auction points, so he can't afford such consumption.

What's more, for those top treasures, the casual price is not even a fraction of the price given his net worth.

Lu Yun had to give up buying things from the god-level store, and turned his attention to the lottery system below.

In the lottery system, there are good and bad things drawn, but it is full of uncertainty.

Lu Yun planned to spend [-] auction points for a ten consecutive draw.

After all, the things produced by ten consecutive draws are better than single draws.

At this moment, a huge golden disc appeared in Lu Yun's mind.

After the auction point arrived, it began to spin violently, and a series of cold voices from the system sounded in my mind.

[Congratulations to the host for getting: a pair of flip flops. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a summoning card. 】

[Congratulations to the host for getting: two bottles of god-level martial soul evolution liquid. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: God bestowed soul ring. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Soul Emperor level battle puppet. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Soul Power Broken Mirror Pill (Soul Sage). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Advanced Martial Soul: Cloud Splitting Halberd. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a random ten thousand year soul bone. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a jade tree of soul essence. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a soul power concentration increase card (concentration is random). 】

Ten shiny golden items suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yun, and they were the ten items that were drawn out this time.

Lu Yun looked at the ten items drawn out, with curiosity in his eyes.

Most of the items look ordinary, but there are also a few very precious items among them.

For example, one of the summoning cards, he had drawn a summoning card before, and summoned Medusa, such a beautiful and powerful woman.

It can be said that in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, apart from him who possesses the Invincible Domain, Queen Medusa is the most powerful.

Before Lu Yun noticed that Queen Medusa had fully consolidated her own strength and became more mysterious and powerful.

According to Lu Yun's estimate, Queen Medusa's strength should have reached the level of a god-level powerhouse at this time. As for how many levels of gods she has reached, Lu Yun cannot be sure.

I don't know which plane's powerhouse will be summoned by the summoning card this time?

Hope the strength is not lower than Medusa!

Lu Yun put the summoning card aside, and after he understood other things clearly, he began to summon the strong.

His expectant eyes fell on one of the golden products, and Lu Yun waved his right hand lightly.

The golden light dissipated, and a transparent jade bottle appeared in Lu Yun's hand, filled with seven-colored liquids, which looked miraculous as a whole.

"Is this the god-level martial soul evolution liquid?"

Lu Yun stared at the seven-color liquid in his hand. After seeing this thing, the specific utility of this product suddenly appeared in his mind.

[God-level Martial Soul Evolution Liquid: Whether it is a waste martial soul or a top-level martial soul, if you take the god-level martial soul evolution liquid, the martial soul will definitely evolve into a god-level martial soul in the end, with a [-]% success rate. 】

Looking at this simple one-line introduction, Lu Yun was extremely pleasantly surprised, and he never thought that he would pull out such a thing.

Moreover, two full bottles were drawn out, which really surprised him.

After some thinking, Lu Yun knew where these two bottles of God-level Martial Soul Evolution Liquid were used?
Of course, one of the bottles of god-level martial soul evolution fluid should be absorbed by the staff of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion first.

At present, Jiuyou's martial soul is a god-level martial soul, and Medusa's martial soul is a seven-colored sky-swallowing python, and its level must exceed the god-level.

As for the extent to which it has been achieved, Lu Yun cannot estimate.

Dugu Bo won't be able to use this God-level Martial Soul Evolution Liquid for the time being. After Dugu Bo makes a great contribution to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, he will be rewarded with a bottle.

The only thing left is Xuanshuang. Although the Xuanshuang martial soul contains the power of the ultimate ice, the martial soul is only a top-level martial soul.

If Xuanshuang took the god-level martial soul evolution liquid, her own martial soul would definitely evolve into a god-level martial soul.

Lu Yun is extremely looking forward to what level Xuanshuang's strength will reach at that time.

It's a pity that the god-level martial soul evolution liquid is only effective for the martial souls below the god-level martial soul, as for other god-level martial souls, it doesn't seem to be of much use.

It's nothing more than a bottle of slightly sweet liquid, that's all.

The last bottle of God-level Martial Soul Evolution Liquid is planned to be auctioned in the future.

However, this bottle of God-level Martial Soul Evolution Liquid can definitely be used as the real auction finale.

Lu Yun intends to take advantage of the next small auction or the annual large auction to put it up for auction.

As for when to take it out, Lu Yun still needs to think about it.

You don't need to think about it, if this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid appears, countless soul masters from the entire Douluo Continent will inevitably flock to compete for this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid.

If this bottle of God-level Martial Soul Evolution Liquid is placed in a large auction, the final transaction price will definitely be astonishing.

If it is placed in a small auction, the result may not be satisfactory.

If this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid is really put in a small auction, some news can be released.

Countless top forces in the Douluo Continent know that the finale of the auction is the God-level Martial Soul Evolution Fluid, and they will inevitably attract more powerful soul masters at that time.

As for which method to adopt, Lu Yun needs to think about it.

Lu Yun put aside the matter of the god-level martial soul evolution liquid, and began to focus on several other products.

Among them, the soul power breaking mirror pill is also a rare treasure, but unfortunately, only the soul emperor can take it.

This soul breaking mirror pill, if placed in a small auction, can also attract the attention of most soul masters.

After all, there are not a few soul masters below the soul sage level in the Douluo Continent, and most of them are trapped in the realm of soul emperors all their lives, unable to step into the realm of soul sages.

Therefore, this broken mirror pill can be regarded as giving them hope for the future.

Lu Yun planned to put this soul power broken mirror pill in the next small auction, hoping to get a relatively high transaction price.

Later, Lu Yun noticed a card for increasing the concentration of soul power.

According to the introduction of this card, the multiplier of increasing the concentration of soul power is not certain.

It may be doubled, or it may be a hundred times!
Lu Yun thought of the use of this soul power concentration increase card, of course it is used in his chaotic secret realm.

On the one hand, the secret realm of chaos serves as a medium for earning soul crystals, and on the other hand, it can also be used as a training place for the internal personnel of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

After this matter is over, Medusa and others can enter the chaotic secret realm to retreat and practice. I believe that with their talents, they can definitely increase the level of soul power very quickly.

[Soul Yuan Yushu: Increase the concentration of soul power within a radius of [-] meters by five times. 】

After Lu Yun saw the concrete effect of this soul essence jade tree, a joyful smile appeared on his face.

This jade tree of soul essence is a very rare treasure, which can increase the concentration of soul power within a radius of [-] meters by five times.

It can be said that it is the biggest weapon for a force to improve its overall strength.

However, Lu Yun has a secret realm of chaos, and this jade tree of soul essence is not very useful, so it can be used as an auction item in the future.

I believe that there is no force that can reject this jade tree of soul essence, which can increase the concentration of soul power within a radius of [-] meters by five times.

If things go on like this, the strength of a faction can definitely increase substantially.

As for how to use this soul essence jade tree, Lu Yun will think about it later.

Lu Yun checked most of the products. As for the rest, they are all insignificant things, and you can tell what they are just by listening to their names.

With a wave of Lu Yun's hand, a golden card appeared in front of him, which was the previous summoning card.

"I hope to be able to draw out a strong man!"

Lu Yun is full of anticipation for this summoning card. He wonders what kind of strong man will be summoned this time?


Lu Yun crushed the golden card in front of him, it shattered in the blink of an eye, and a burst of golden light flashed immediately.

A golden portal appeared in front of it, releasing endless power of time and space.

At this moment, Lu Yun kept paying attention to the golden portal ahead.

A faint light flickered, and a woman came out from inside.

This woman is wearing a long red dress, with a hot figure and a charming atmosphere.

The overall look is extremely coquettish. When Lu Yun saw this woman, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

After all, this woman is a bit too beautiful.

Lu Yun thought about it in his mind, and after seeing the specific appearance of this woman, he probably guessed who she was.

I was quite surprised in my heart, I never thought that I would summon her out.

On Blue Star, she was once the No. [-] goddess of Chinese manga.

That's right!

This woman is Yan Ling Ji, from Baiyue, a woman as tender as water and passionate as fire, with the ability to manipulate flames.

Specific information about Yan Lingji and the transformation of her own strength into Douluo Dalu's strength emerged in Lu Yun's mind.

【Name: Flame Lingji】

【Martial Soul: Flame】

[Soul Power Level: Level 97]


After Lu Yun watched the details of Yan Lingji, he didn't have any surprises.

Lu Yun knew that Yan Lingji's previous ability had been transformed into a martial soul, and the function of this flame martial soul could control all fires in the world.

Her weird martial soul is also the top existence among human soul masters.

"Huh? What's going on? Where is this place?"

Yan Lingji looked at the surrounding environment in confusion, and then saw a strange man appearing in front of her out of thin air.

His face was vigilant, and his whole body exuded a dangerous aura.

Before Yan Lingji could continue to think, a steady stream of information suddenly appeared in her mind.

It is a series of information about Douluo Continent, Wuhun and Soul Ring, etc., these are the means of the system.

"I see. Is this world the Douluo Continent? Did you bring me to this world?"

Yan Lingji knew the fact that she came to another world, although she was very surprised by this weird thing.

But more out of curiosity, she walked towards Lu Yun charmingly, and fixed her tender eyes on Lu Yun.

If nothing else happened, it was the man in front of her who made her come to this strange world.

"Ahem, since you have come to Douluo Dalu, you will live here from now on."

"Let me introduce myself. I am the Pavilion Master of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. The rest of the things should be clear after your understanding."

Seeing Yan Lingji's appearance, Lu Yun coughed and told Yan Lingji his identity.

He was very aware of Yan Lingji's character and methods, so he planned to leave, and if he stayed any longer, he might be overwhelmed.

Lu Yun left the room and began to introduce the arrival of Yan Lingji to the rest of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Lu Yun's leaving figure, Yan Lingji laughed lightly, looked at Lu Yun meaningfully, and followed closely.

She wants to see this magical Douluo Continent.


When the two of them arrived at the first floor of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, everyone's eyes were on Yan Lingji.

Some people have cautious eyes, and some people are extremely curious, and they are all surprised by the appearance of this woman.

Yan Lingji's temperament and strength made it impossible for everyone present to ignore her.

"Okay, let me introduce to you, she is Yan Lingji, a titled Douluo level powerhouse, a powerhouse I recruited from other places in the Douluo Continent, and a member of our Star Dou Auction Pavilion. "

Lu Yun introduced the identity of Yan Lingji to everyone present.

Although everyone was puzzled, they still nodded, expressing that they knew that Yan Lingji had joined the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Medusa at the side showed a hint of understanding on her face.

Queen Medusa detected the breath of another world from this woman.

If there is no accident, I am afraid that this woman came to the Douluo Continent in a very strange way like she did back then.

Queen Medusa was very curious, how did Lu Yun do all this?
Without anyone noticing, they brought them to another strange world. These methods are really hard to guard against.

After practicing for a period of time, Medusa knew that Lu Yun had no intention of hurting them, so she could only stay quietly in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Maybe there will be a chance in the future to find a way to return to the world of fighting.

"By the way, take these tokens away."

Suddenly, Lu Yun remembered a previous incident.

The next moment, with a wave of his hand, several tokens appeared in front of him, and a golden light appeared on the surface of each token.

Compared with the tokens sold externally, these tokens seem to be more precious, mysterious and powerful.

These tokens are also tokens for entering the Chaos Secret Realm.

Those tokens sold to the outside world can only be used once before they are scrapped. However, these tokens can be used permanently, and they can freely enter and exit the secret realm of chaos.

"These tokens allow you to permanently enter and exit the Chaos Secret Realm and go anywhere. From now on, you can practice in the Chaos Secret Realm."

"After all, the concentration of soul power in the secret realm of chaos is much higher than that of the outside world."

Lu Yun told everyone that these tokens have an anti-sky effect, so that they can practice in the chaotic secret realm with peace of mind.



Hearing what Lu Yun said, the rest of the people didn't react too much, but Dugu Bo's eyes lit up slightly.

He is very envious of the soul beasts evolved in the chaotic secret realm, and hunting them can increase the lifespan of the soul ring and soul bone. How can this not make Dugu Bo curious?

For his own soul power level, he can only buy level nine tokens, but unfortunately level nine tokens are too expensive, even if he saves for a few years, he can't afford them at all.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yun actually gave him a token, which can permanently enter any place in the secret realm of chaos.

Doesn't that mean that he can also hunt and kill 10-year-old soul beasts in the future to improve his own strength.

However, Dugu Bo is very cautious. He has heard that the soul beasts in the secret realm of chaos are extremely powerful. With his current strength, he may not be able to deal with a 10-year-old soul beast at all.

Therefore, I can only suppress this idea and go to other areas to hunt soul beasts first. This token can go anywhere in the secret realm of chaos.

"By the way, the auction is about to start in a month, so it's time to prepare."

"Dugu Bo, find a way to reveal to the outside world that the finale of the next small auction is an opportunity related to a god-level martial soul."

At this moment, Lu Yun said to Dugu Bo mysteriously, properly revealing the final auction item.

It was the god-level Martial Soul Evolution Liquid that he had obtained in the lucky draw.

No matter what kind of martial spirit it is, taking it will definitely evolve into a god-level martial spirit.

A soul master with a god-level martial soul is almost bound to become a god in the future.

Currently, there are only a few god-level spirits in Douluo Continent, namely the Seraphim spirit, the Seagod spirit...

A soul master took this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid, and it was almost a certainty that he would become a god-level powerhouse in the future.

I believe that no soul master in Douluo Continent can refuse this treasure.

Lu Yun can use this thing to restrain a large number of soul crystals.

"As you order, Pavilion Master, I promise to spread this news throughout the Douluo Continent."

When Dugu Bo heard Lu Yun's words, his pupils constricted, he tried his best to suppress the shock in his heart, and said respectfully.

Afterwards, Dugu Bo left the Star Dou Auction Pavilion with light steps, thinking about how to publicize this matter.

Dugu Bo, who was walking on the road, was extremely restless.

He also knows some god-level martial souls. After all, the enshrined hall of the Wuhun Temple, the inherited martial souls of thousands of families: Seraphim is a god-level martial soul.

It's just that Dugu Bo didn't appreciate the real coercion of a god-level martial soul, so he didn't understand it very well.

But the god-level martial soul is above the top-level martial soul, and the future of a soul master with a god-level martial soul is bound to be unpredictable.

(Ahem, most readers want to summon Yan Lingji, so I will come to Yan Lingji first. If you want to summon other strong people, welcome to comment, or choose the one you want to summon...)
(End of this chapter)

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