Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 117 The Opportunity to Spread the God-Level Martial Soul

Chapter 117 The Opportunity to Spread the God-Level Martial Soul

"I already know your strength very well, and the next auction will be held in less than a month."

"The scale of this small auction should not be much lower than the previous large auctions, so the safety of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion during this period is left to you."

In the end, Lu Yun ignored the matter and started ordering everyone to prepare for the auction in a month.

For this auction, you must do a good job of safety, so as not to cause trouble for other soul masters.

When Lu Yun finished explaining these things, he dodged and disappeared in place in an instant.

Entering the secret realm of chaos, prepare to use the soul power concentration increase card to increase the concentration of soul power in the secret realm of chaos again.

Just like that, Lu Yun floated above the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye, and a golden card appeared in his hand.


With a strong palm, the card shattered with a loud bang, and the golden light spread towards the surroundings in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the concentration of soul power in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi continued to increase at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The soul power in these golden light spots burst out quickly, causing the soul power in the entire chaotic secret realm to begin to rise rapidly.

After a while, the commotion gradually subsided.

"Not bad!"

"Totally unexpected!"

Lu Yun felt the increase in the concentration of the surrounding soul power, and a hint of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect this soul power concentration increase card to increase the soul power in the secret realm of chaos by a full 50 times. It's a surprise."

Lu Yun murmured in disbelief, once again expressing his inner excitement.

That's 50 times the soul power!

Cultivating in the secret realm of chaos is too heaven-defying, maybe in less than three years, he can successfully break through to the realm of Titled Douluo.

It can even completely break through the god level and enter a higher realm.

Feeling the changes in the secret realm of chaos, Lu Yun rubbed his chin with his hand, and immediately made a decision.

Immediately, something was taken out of the system, and a small tree about one meter high suddenly appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

The color of this tree is emerald green to the extreme. On the whole, this small tree is full of strong vitality.

This small tree is the Soul Essence Jade Tree that Lu Yun got in the previous lottery.

At this moment, the mutation protruded!
The moment the Soul Essence Jade Tree appeared, the surrounding soul power gathered towards Lu Yun, forming a chaotic storm of soul power.

Lu Yun, who was in the center, absorbed these soul powers unconsciously, and a happy look appeared on his face.

"Let's keep a treasure like this for your own use."

After a while, after some thought, Lu Yun didn't plan to auction off the Soul Essence Jade Tree, he kept it for himself.

After all, the Soul Essence Yushu can increase the concentration of soul power five times within a radius of [-] meters, coupled with the mystery in the secret realm of chaos.

Lu Yun didn't even dare to imagine how fast his strength would improve when practicing in the secret realm of chaos?

Lu Yun planted the Soul Essence Jade Tree next to the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi.


In an instant, this Soul Essence Jade Tree erupted with terrifying suction.

Constantly absorbing the most original power in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, as well as the surrounding soul power, constantly growing himself.

The volume of the Soul Essence Jade Tree grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally stopped when it reached a height of ten meters.

The branches and leaves on the canopy are so lush that they seem to cover the entire sky.

Lu Yun couldn't help sighing, the growth of the Soul Essence Yushu was too fast.

However, according to Lu Yun's observation, the Soul Essence Jade Tree that has grown to this level has actually increased the surrounding Soul Power by ten times.
It was an unexpected joy, it seems that with the growth of the soul essence jade tree, the surrounding soul power will also increase to more multiples.

Lu Yun is quite happy about this situation. It seems that he will spend a lot of energy in the future to cultivate this jade tree of soul essence.

Only in this way can the soul essence jade tree be able to greatly increase the soul power.

It's a pity that, in order for the Soul Yuan Yushu to grow to such an extent, the power in the eyes of the entire Binghuo Liangyi has been weakened a lot.

This led to the fairy grass in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes, which would mature much slower.

However, it doesn't take too long for the Binghuo Yinyan to recover, just wait quietly.

In the end, he ignored this matter and sat cross-legged on the spot, with the blessing of the Soul Essence Jade Tree.

The surrounding soul power entered Lu Yun's body at an extreme speed.

During the time when Lu Yun was practicing in seclusion, Medusa and the others appeared in the Primal Chaos Realm out of curiosity.

Feeling the concentration of soul power far surpassing that of Douluo Dalu, everyone showed a look of surprise on their faces.

After all, it was the first time for them to enter the secret realm of chaos.

As for Xuanshuang, who assumed the responsibility of guarding the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, she had already taken the God-level Martial Soul Evolution Liquid, and her strength was not stable for the time being.

In a short period of time, there is no need to practice in the secret realm of chaos. As for the rest of them, they went to the secret realm of chaos and fell into a deep retreat.


After the episode of Tang Hao and Haotianzong appeared, in less than a few days, this matter completely subsided.

On the surface of the entire Douluo Continent, the wind and waves are calm, but in the dark it is dark and turbulent.

Less than a few days after the turmoil in the Douluo Continent calmed down, a piece of earth-shattering news quickly spread throughout the Douluo Continent.

This news is the next small auction in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, and the finale auction item will have a chance related to a god-level martial soul.

This news was naturally Dugu Bo, who used some means to spread throughout the Douluo Continent.

As soon as this news appeared, all the top forces in the Douluo Continent, the strong ones heard the news and moved.

Every faction began to collect a large number of soul crystals, preparing to participate in the auction in a month's time.

After all, that is a god-level martial soul!

The top existence in the Douluo Continent naturally knows the existence of a god-level martial soul and what it means.

No powerful soul master is willing to miss this opportunity.

As for whether it is true or false, they did not carefully distinguish it.

Even if it's fake, it's not bad for them to bring a large number of soul crystals, and maybe they can take the opportunity to pick up the leak and get an unexpected treasure.

But if it is true, then their way of doing things can compete with other top forces, the chance related to the god-level martial soul.

For such a temptation, can not refuse!

Just like that, Douluo Dalu was once again in shock.

When the news first came out, it was only circulated among the top forces.

But until the auction was approaching, almost every soul master knew about the auction in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion this month.

The final auction item will appear, something related to the god-level martial soul.


A month later.

All soul masters with some strength rushed towards the Star Dou Forest. Today is also the day when the small auction will start.

When the soul master was rushing to the Star Dou Great Forest, the two giant beasts in front of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion were exactly the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Blue Bull Python, but they showed bored expressions.

"Hey, I didn't expect the monthly small auction to start so soon. I haven't practiced enough yet."

At this moment, the titan great ape made a simple and honest voice, feeling that time passed too fast.

"Indeed, the Secret Realm of Chaos is really a treasure land for cultivation. I have stayed in it for nearly a month, and my strength has greatly improved. If I practice for another month or two, I will completely break through the barrier of 30-year-old soul beasts." .”

Hearing this, the Azure Bull Python agreed with the idea of ​​the Titan Giant Ape.

Before that, Lu Yun gave them two beasts, tokens that allowed them to enter and exit the secret realm of chaos endlessly.

The two beasts took turns to guard the safety of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

One is responsible for guarding the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, and the other enters the chaotic secret realm to practice.

Coming and going, over time, the strength of the two beasts has been greatly improved.

During this period, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape killed two 20 soul beasts, but they were only soul beasts of ordinary blood, which improved their soul beast cultivation base by 2 years.

After a month of hard training, the blood in their bodies was completely stimulated, and their soul beast cultivation base also increased at an extremely fast speed.

There is only one step away from the 30-year limit of the ferocious beast, but just this step has trapped the two beasts for a long time.

Originally, the two beasts already had the idea of ​​breaking through, but unfortunately, the auction of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has already started.

They had no choice but to withdraw from the state of cultivation, and began to concentrate on guarding the order of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

However, when Lu Yun gave them the token, he also told them not to keep hunting the soul beasts evolved in the secret realm of chaos, and let them hunt them in moderation.

It was for this reason that the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape did not dare to wantonly slaughter soul beasts.

During this month, the two beasts each selected a high-life soul beast to hunt and kill it.

If they are greedy and annoy Lu Yun, then the two beasts will be in trouble.

Even if they are forced to leave the Star Dou Auction Pavilion now, they will not leave.

After all, this is a rare treasure land, the two soul beasts are very lucky.

Fortunately, they were forced to join the Star Dou Auction Pavilion before, otherwise they would not have been so lucky.

During this period of time, not only did they break through the confinement of their original soul beast blood, but they were also about to become 30-year soul beasts.

No matter where they started from, the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python were unwilling to leave the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Just when these two soul beasts were bored, all the top forces and powerhouses in Douluo Continent came one after another, and entered the Star Dou Auction Pavilion one after another.

This small auction is about to officially begin.

Just when this small auction started, Xuanshuang came to the auction stage and greeted many soul masters with a smile on her face.

"Welcome everyone to participate in today's small auction at the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. I believe this auction will definitely not let you down."

From the moment Xuanshuang appeared, most of the soul masters showed joy on their faces, hoping that the auction would start soon.

However, the eyes of the top experts in the box on the second floor fell on Xuanshuang, with an extremely serious expression.

Box No. [-] where the Hall of Spirits is located!

Bibi Dong looked at Xuanshuang with a solemn expression, and murmured incredulously: "It seems that her strength has improved again, and this aura seems to have reached the level of Limit Douluo."

Bibi Dong's voice was low enough, but it was still heard by other Spirit Hall personnel in the box.

Unbelievable thoughts emerged in everyone's mind, and they naturally heard that the woman in front of them turned out to be a Limit Douluo expert.

This must be a bit too surprising.

Previously, Xuanshuang's strength was only at the Super Douluo level, but why her strength had risen to Limit Douluo after she disappeared for a short month, made the few people present extremely puzzled.

But when one thinks of the means that Xingdou Auction Pavilion possesses, which can help Xuanshuang quickly increase the level of soul power, it seems that there is nothing surprising about it.

Bibi Dong stared at Xuanshuang with an incomparably serious expression, unable to remain calm.

Although the woman stood on the auction stage without leaking any aura, Bibi Dong still sensed a deadly sense of crisis from her.

Bibidong was sure that if she fought Xuanshuang, maybe she might not be the opponent of the woman in front of her.

Even without the restrictions of the Rakshasa God Test, it would be very difficult to defeat that woman.

Then think of it, there was a Limit Douluo hidden in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion before.

At this time, the Xingdou Auction Pavilion had two Extreme Douluo experts, as well as the Pavilion Master with a mysterious position.

This made Bibi Dong even more afraid of Xingdou Auction Pavilion!
What's more curious is, where did the Star Dou Auction Pavilion attract so many powerful people?

She also knows that there are very few extreme Douluo experts in the Douluo Continent, and every one of them is hidden from the world, and will not appear on the Douluo Continent's bright side.

But at this time, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion blindly appeared top experts!
Bibi Dong was very curious about the origins of these powerhouses, would there really be so many hidden powerhouses in Douluo Continent?

If it really exists, why didn't that guy Qian Daoliu tell her.

All these questions popped up in Bibi Dong's mind, making her unable to recover for a long time.

Afterwards, Bibi Dong didn't care about this matter anymore, her goal this time was the last auction item, the chance related to the god-level martial soul.

If she gets the last auction item, her martial soul can evolve into a god-level martial soul.

At that time, her strength will definitely increase greatly, and the Rakshasa God Test will also be easily completed, so she is bound to win the last auction item.


As for the other top forces, everyone has noticed the increase in Xuanshuang's strength.

The power of ice unintentionally released from Xuanshuang's body, the coldness that penetrated into the bone marrow, made everyone feel a full sense of threat.

Almost all the forces have the same idea as Bibi Dong, and dare not provoke the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

If they got involved in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, wouldn't it be the end of it!
After all, isn't the previous Tang Hao and Haotianzong a precedent?

With this incident, the rest of the forces dare not offend the fate of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion again.

They can only quietly participate in the auction in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, and get their favorite treasures.

(End of this chapter)

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