Chapter 128 The Liquid of Life
In her opinion, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion will definitely become an extremely powerful existence in the future.

If the strength of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King has been unable to advance, it is not enough to serve as the facade of the Star Auction Pavilion.

Therefore, while restricting the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, Queen Medusa also gave him a chance.

Next, what the Deep Sea Demon Whale King can comprehend depends on his own comprehension.

"Don't worry, becoming the soul beast of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion will definitely be the most correct decision you have made in this life. Maybe after many years, you are not willing to let you leave the Star Dou Auction Pavilion?"

After a long time, Lu Yun whispered to the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, his face full of jokes.

After all, Lu Yun knows very well that the development of Star Dou Auction Pavilion is extremely fast, which is unimaginable.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King was forced to join the Star Dou Auction Pavilion at this time, and he would never want to leave in the future.

In addition, Lu Yun was not worried at all about the Deep Sea Demon Whale King's betrayal of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion in the future. With the mystery and power of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, it would be difficult for any soul beast or soul master to fight against.

Not to mention the Deep Sea Demon Whale King who has been living in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion for the next few years?

As soon as Lu Yun's words fell, a look of hope flashed in the eyes of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, and he quickly restrained himself.

Lu Yun glanced at the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, and found that his injuries were extremely serious, and his thoughts sank into the god-level store, looking at the dazzling products.

Picked out one thing to help the Deep Sea Demon Whale King heal his injuries.

At this time, Lu Yun took a fancy to the liquid of life in it, and the price required 1000 auction points.

【Liquid of Life: The original power of the ancient tree of life can heal all injuries and bring them back to life. 】

Such a simple introduction made Lu Yun look surprised!

Although Lu Yun didn't know about the Ancient Tree of Life, this kind of existence was supposed to be above the god level.

After all, a drop of the essence of the ancient tree of life can heal all injuries.

On the whole, the healing effect was somewhat exaggerated, but it was more than enough to treat the injuries on the Deep Sea Demon Whale King!
"Deep Sea Demon Whale King, this drop of life fluid is given to you. It is a gift for you to join the Star Auction Pavilion in advance."

Lu Yun immediately bought it, and a drop of life liquid emerged from the palm of his right hand, a translucent green liquid that contained vigorous vitality.


From the moment this drop of life liquid appeared, a sudden change occurred, and the continuous soul power in this area rippled towards the surroundings.

Together with this majestic force of life, this sea area is full of vitality.

From this spectacular scene, it is enough to see how huge the power of life contained in this drop of life is, and it can even affect this sea area.

"This is……"

"It's so full of vitality!"

At this moment, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, who was originally full of despair, was shaken in his heart because of Lu Yun's words.

His life is under the control of others, so he has to obey the orders of this human soul master, but at least he has survived now.

Only by being alive can one be qualified to do other things.

However, when the Deep Sea Demon Whale King was worried, he suddenly felt a majestic vitality rippling around.

The injuries in his body before unconsciously absorbed these life forces, and healed up quickly, and even his own soul beast cultivation base has improved a little bit.

What shocked the Deep Sea Demon Whale King the most was that one of his eyes was a little itchy, and the remaining Seagod's divine power gradually dissipated under the healing of this life force.

Even his left eye started to grow back.

For this change, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King was extremely pleasantly surprised.

One of the reasons why he has been unable to step into the million-year soul beast for a long time may be because his left eye was severely injured by the sea god's divine power.

After so many years of making up for it, there is still no way to heal. The residual sea god power in his left eye suppresses his soul beast for a long time, making him unable to break through for a long time.

For so many years, he kept using his own soul power to wear down this Seagod's divine power, but unfortunately the effect was negligible.

Regarding the power of gods, compared with the power of soul masters and soul beasts, the gap between the two is like a natural moat.

This caused him to have the Seagod's divine power left over in his blinded eye, making it impossible for him to step into the realm of the gods.

But now, at the moment when this life force appeared, the Seagod's power gradually spread.

It also means that there is hope for his eyes to recover, and then he will have a greater chance to step into the realm of God.

At this moment, the way the Deep Sea Demon Whale King looked at Lu Yun changed. He couldn't figure out why this human soul master gave him such a top-notch treasure.

Is it just to let him join the Star Dou Auction Pavilion?
The Deep Sea Demon Whale King was extremely puzzled, no matter how he thought about it, it seemed that it was not worth their doing.

Logically speaking, the strength of these human soul masters is stronger than him, and there is no need to give him such a top treasure in order to let him join the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

From the perspective of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King for nearly a million years, he has never seen the vigorous vitality contained in this drop of green liquid.

It even made the Deep Sea Demon Whale King suspect that this drop of liquid might not exist in the Douluo Continent, but something from the God Realm.

Otherwise, it is impossible to contain such a majestic power of life.

"This drop of life fluid can help you, heal all the injuries in your body, and even restore your eyesight."

"As for whether we can do this, it depends on the final effect."

Suddenly, Lu Yun turned his wrist and flicked his fingers, and this drop of green suddenly entered the body of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

The extremely calm tone reached the ears of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

According to the introduction of this drop of life liquid, it is indeed possible to help the Deep Sea Demon Whale King heal his eyes.

Because of Sea God, he blinded one eye of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King with external force. Generally speaking, it was considered a relatively long-term dark injury.

Perhaps this drop of life liquid can help the Deep Sea Demon Whale King heal his eyes and restore their light.

At this moment, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King did not listen to what Lu Yun said just now, and his mind was completely immersed in the drop of life fluid in his body.

It wasn't until this drop of life liquid entered his body that he felt the immensity of this life force was unimaginable.

Thinking of this, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King immediately sat down cross-legged, and began to violently digest the life force in his body.

Quickly absorb the power of life, and don't let these powers go to waste.

The superficial injuries of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King's body recovered in the blink of an eye, as if he had not suffered any injuries.

The violent aura on his body was wrapped by the gentle power of life.

In this way, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King absorbed this drop of life fluid, and his body underwent earth-shattering changes.

(End of this chapter)

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