Chapter 130 Arrive at Sea God Island

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Lu Yun's words. Since Lu Yun said that he was sure to solve the means left by Sea God, there should be no problem.

In his heart, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King sincerely believed in everything Lu Yun said.

After everything was over, Lu Yun returned to the boat, and together with the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, sailed to the endless sea ahead.

Destination: Sea God Island!
After half a day's journey, he successfully arrived at Sea God Island. A huge island appeared in front of Lu Yun's eyes, and the end could be seen at a glance.

Such a very ordinary island is the place where the gods left behind by the sea god.

It is also the place where Tang San will take part in the Seagod Nine Trials and become the Seagod in the future.

Lu Yun and the others got off the boat and walked towards Sea God Island. On the way, a thought flashed through Lu Yun's mind.

Suddenly remembered, Sea God Island didn't seem to welcome foreign soul masters, unless they were soul masters who came to participate in the Sea God assessment.

Otherwise, outsiders will not let you enter Sea God Island.

Although with their current strength, no one can stop them from entering Sea God Island.

But Lu Yun still held the idea that one thing more is worse than one thing less.

First place the branch of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion in Sea God Island in advance, and no matter what happens, he will have the blessing of the Invincible Domain, so there is no big problem.

"Let's go, temporarily hide our whereabouts, and wait until we enter Sea God Island."

Lu Yun said to the few people beside him, let them use their own strength to hide their figures.

As soon as the words were finished, the time-space God Tower Martial Soul emerged from Lu Yun's right hand, and the majestic power of time-space surrounded his body.

In an instant, Lu Yun's whole body slowly turned into nothingness, and disappeared in this area.

The rest of them obeyed Lu Yun's order, exerted their soul power, and also disappeared in place.

The few people at this time did not completely disappear, but only temporarily hid their figures.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King and the others naturally have great strength and can do this.

Lu Yun was able to do this mainly because his martial soul released the power of time and space and merged into the surrounding time and space.

No matter how outsiders observe, they will not be able to see which time and space he is in.

Like no man's land, Lu Yun and the others walked towards the depths of Sea God Island.

It was only after entering the center of Sea God Island that there were a few people, and there were shouts of hawking everywhere.

Everyone was dressed in blue clothes with patterns of the sea embroidered on them. Without exception, these people were all natives of Sea God Island, and most of the spirits were sea spirit beasts.

Lu Yun's spiritual power spread to all directions, wanting to see the magic of Sea God Island.

But soon his mental strength was blocked by the seven pillars, Lu Yun raised his head and looked at the seven pillars towering like clouds in front of him.

This is Sea God Island, the Seven Sacred Pillars that inherit Sea God's assessment.

Lu Yun roughly understood the current situation of Sea God Island, and the powerhouse that exists here is nothing more than Sea God Island's great priest Bo Saixi, a level 99 Ultimate Douluo.

The rest are only seven titled Douluo powerhouses, and there is no threat to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

Lu Yun has been walking inside the Sea God Island, looking for a suitable place to place the branch of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

The area of ​​Sea God Island is not very large, so it is relatively easy to find it.

At this moment, after some searching, Lu Yun found an open area, which was relatively barren.

A few hundred meters away, there is a busy city.

Originally, Lu Yun planned to put the Xingdou Auction Pavilion in the downtown area, so as to attract more sea soul masters to enter the Xingdou Auction Pavilion to participate in the auction.

But that place is too crowded with people, it is impossible to place the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

I can only make the best of it and put it in this area!
I believe that after word of mouth from all sea soul masters, within a few days, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion will be able to spread throughout the entire Sea God Island.

Lu Yun sank into the system space with his mind, spread his right hand, and took out the miniature version of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion branch from the system space.

Immediately, a miniature version of the ancient building appeared in Lu Yun's right hand, exuding a miraculous and extraordinary aura.

"go with!"

With a twist of his wrist, Lu Yun directly threw the miniature Star Dou Auction Pavilion in front of him.

In an instant, endless soul power poured into this area continuously, causing waves of storms.

The miniaturized version of the attic expanded rapidly, and soon formed a huge Star Dou Auction Pavilion, which was almost exactly the same as the one in the Star Dou Great Forest.

Such ingenious architecture and magical means made Medusa and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King look astonished.

It's hard to imagine, what kind of means is this?

A shrinking building can become so big.

As for Xuanshuang at the side, she didn't show any surprise, after all, she had seen it a long time ago.

"From now on, this will be a branch of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, and the structure inside is exactly the same as the main pavilion."

After all the commotion subsided, Lu Yun said to the people behind him that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion branch has been established.

Next, I plan to find time to spread the news and start organizing the first auction on Sea God Island, hoping to get a good response.

Xuanshuang and Medusa nodded lightly, and walked into the Star Dou Auction Pavilion with light steps.

The two each found a room and began to take a short rest. It was not so much a rest, but a retreat, to recover from the previous fatigue.

As for the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, he entered the Star Dou Auction Pavilion with a curious face, looking east and west.

It's hard to imagine that the structure inside turned out to be that shrunken attic, which is incredible.


The moment Lu Yun and the others entered the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

The Xingdou Auction Pavilion immediately emitted a terrifying halo, instantly filling the entire Sea God Island.

This kind of movement did not attract the attention of other people, but only one person noticed the change in the entire Sea God Island.


Sea God Temple!
This is a resplendent and resplendent hall, and the azure sea forms a scene, densely covering the entire sea god hall, symbolizing peace.

In the depths of the main hall, there is a tall statue of divine power, holding the Sea God Trident, releasing majestic divine power.

The scenes of waves of the sea emerged from behind, which can be described as extremely spectacular.

In front of this tall statue, sat cross-legged a beautiful woman, whose body released a gentle force like the sea.

The aura of Limit Douluo burst out from his body, and this person was Bo Saixi, the great priest of Douluo Continent, known as the limit Douluo who is invincible in the sea: Bo Saixi.

The light of the entire Poseidon statue dimmed a little, and Bo Saixi, who was practicing in seclusion, immediately noticed this change.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and the blue pupils released endless coercion.

After a while, the huge spiritual force enveloped the entire Seagod Hall, and the whole person muttered in bewilderment: "What's going on, why can't I feel the Seagod's power?"

Bo Saixi clearly noticed a change, the Sea God Temple is the place where the Sea God's faith is.

Although the Seagod has left the Douluo Continent, the divine power of the Seagod still remains in this hall.

But just now, she couldn't feel any Seagod's power. This shocking change made Bo Saixi extremely shocked.

For hundreds of years, the Sea God Temple has never found such a situation.

So Bo Saixi stood up, and the scepter in his hand immediately released waves of terrifying blue waves, which spread rapidly towards the surroundings like the sea.

Trying to call out the Seagod's divine sense, want to know what's going on?

After a while, the statue of Seagod didn't change at all, and the light became extremely dim.

This made Bo Saixi tremble to the extreme, what's going on?

Why can't she communicate with Seagod's divine sense?
What kind of weird thing is this?
All these confusions emerged in Bo Saixi's mind, making her unable to recover for a long time.

This is so weird!

What happened to the Sea God Temple?
Could it be that something happened to Sea God Island? Thinking of this, Bo Saixi left Sea God Temple and ordered to go down.

Let the powerhouses of Sea God Island start looking around, wanting to see what happened on Sea God Island, which led to such changes in Sea God Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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