Chapter 132

She doesn't believe in this soul master, and doesn't know the existence of Sea God Island?

Bo Saixi was extremely jealous of this man at this time, for some reason, she sensed a fatal danger from this man.

His existence seemed to be integrated with the surrounding world, so she couldn't find any breakthrough at all.

Just relying on the barrier outside the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, it was enough to resist her almost full-strength blow, and she probably guessed that the background of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion was even more terrifying than she imagined.

Therefore, until the critical moment, Bo Saixi was unwilling to do anything, lest it would bring unnecessary trouble to Sea God Island.

"Our Star Dou Auction Pavilion is mainly to hold auctions, and will not interfere with any matters of Sea God Island. You can rest assured."

"Furthermore, we hold auctions on Sea God Island, and every auction item is a top-notch treasure. As long as you have enough currency to conduct the auction, you can get your favorite treasure. This will have an unimaginable impact on improving the overall strength of Sea God Island the benefits of."


Immediately, Lu Yun said slowly to Bo Saixi, and introduced the Star Auction Pavilion by the way.

His purpose of coming to Sea God Island was to spread the reputation of Xingdou Auction Pavilion on the one hand, and to complete the tasks assigned to him by the system.

On the other hand, he also wants to obtain a large number of auction points.

After all, Seagod Island belongs to Seagod's territory, if he suppresses everything with absolute strength, it may backfire in the end.

Just in case, use force as little as possible.

After hearing what Lu Yun said, Bo Saixi fell into hesitation.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion is really too mysterious, no one knows whether he will do what he said.

If something unfavorable is done to Sea God Island, it may be difficult to undo it.

Regarding this situation, Bo Saixi was hesitant, wondering whether to let Lu Yun and others leave Sea God Island?

Suddenly, another woman stepped out from inside the Star Dou Auction Pavilion ahead, exuding a powerful icy aura.

The surrounding space produced an endless sense of coldness, and this person was Xuanshuang.


"What a powerful ice power, so possible!"

When Bo Saixi saw Xuanshuang's arrival, the alarm bells rang in his heart, and he regarded this woman as his enemy.

According to her perception, this woman's strength is also extremely powerful, even far surpassing her.

This made Bo Saixi's face extremely heavy. Sure enough, as she expected, there are too many strong people in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

This made Bo Saixi sigh helplessly.

The man and woman in front of them were not idlers, if she acted rashly, the entire Sea God Island might be in danger.

The helpless Bo Saixi had no choice but to agree to let the Star Dou Auction Pavilion be established on Sea God Island.

"Okay, I agree with your Star Dou Auction Pavilion to hold the auction on Sea God Island, but I hope everything will be as you said."

Bo Saixi said with a leisurely sigh.

As soon as the words fell, Lu Yun smiled lightly. He had expected that Bo Saixi would agree.

From Lu Yun's point of view, there are not many rich soul masters in Sea God Island.

If you want to earn a lot of auction points, start with Bo Saixi and the other seven Titled Douluo powerhouses.

Titled Douluo-level powerhouses can gather soul crystals faster, which will be much faster.

In a short period of time, a large number of soul crystals can be brought in, and the final bidding will definitely be very fierce.

He can also converge a large number of auction points.

Bo Saixi walked into the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, looked at it, and sighed again and again.

After all, the small attic in the outside world has such a large space inside. This kind of method is beyond the reach of Bo Saixi, and once again laments the mystery of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

After the visit, Bo Saixi left the Star Dou Auction Pavilion and returned to the Sea God Hall, thinking about how to deal with the Star Dou Auction Pavilion next.

"Three days later, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion will hold its first auction. When the time comes, you should go there and observe the intention of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. What exactly is it?"

Bo Saixi, who returned to Sea God Temple, gave orders to Seahorse Douluo.

Let him go to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion in three days to participate in the auction, it is best to find out the purpose of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

"Okay, big offering!"

Hearing this, Seahorse Douluo nodded lightly, promising to complete this task.

Afterwards, he left the Sea God Temple and waited for his arrival three days later.


Time passed, three days passed, and the first auction of Star Dou Auction Pavilion on Sea God Island officially started.

During these three days, through Lu Yun's means, almost all soul masters on Sea God Island knew about the existence of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

When the auction officially started, most of the soul masters from Sea God Island had arrived. They wanted to take a look at the auction held in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. What was it about?

What treasures will they bring out?
When the time is up, it means that the auction will officially start.

"Welcome everyone to participate in the auction held in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, the auction starts now!"

Xuanshuang walked to the auction stage, and said to everyone with a smile that the Star Auction Pavilion had officially started.

With a wave of Xuanshuang's hand, an ice-blue bead appeared in front of him, releasing the majestic ocean power.

When everyone saw this bead, they were also full of doubts. They didn't understand what this bead was?

too weird!

On the whole, it seems that there is no fluctuation of soul power, and it is also a rare treasure.

As a result, most of the soul masters were unavoidably disappointed. Knowledge, originally thought that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion would bring them a different surprise, but the result...

Xuanshuang naturally saw everyone's disappointment in his eyes, but there was a meaningful smile on his face.

After all, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion took out treasures, which one is not a rare treasure?
It's just that the soul masters present are ignorant.

"First of all, let me introduce to you. This azure blue bead is the first auction item. The name of this bead is: water avoiding bead. As the name suggests, this water avoiding bead is specially born to avoid water."

"The main function of this water avoiding bead is: after you hold the clear water bead, you can go anywhere in the sea area without being affected by the sea water."

"To a certain extent, as long as you hold water-repelling beads, you don't need to consume any of your soul power, and you can live forever under the sea, but you have to endure loneliness..."

Xuanshuang introduced the name and specific function of this bead.


From the moment the effect of avoiding water drops appeared, all the soul masters were in an uproar!
Everyone looked at the water-proof bead in front of them in amazement.

A small bead actually contains such a magical effect, as long as you have it, you can live forever under the sea.

This made the eyes of most of the soul masters light up. The soul masters in Seagod Island almost all had martial souls of the sea soul beast type.

With their backs facing the sea, they naturally make a living by fishing, and they usually use their soul power to dive into the depths of the sea to fish and earn their living.

However, this would consume too much soul power, and it was impossible to stay on the bottom of the sea for too long.

But who knew that this water-repelling bead could have such a powerful effect.

Everyone's breathing became rapid, wanting to compete for this water-repelling bead.

(End of this chapter)

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