Chapter 146 Finale Auction

They also did not expect that this pendant actually has such a strong defense.

Limit Douluo is already the top power among human soul masters, but this pendant can withstand five Limit Douluo's attacks, how can this not be surprising?
"This pendant only needs to be activated with soul power. No matter what level of soul master you are, you only need to inject a little soul power to form a shield that can resist the attack of Ultimate Douluo. It can only be used five times. I still hope to cherish it!"

"The first auction price of this pendant is: [-] soul crystals!"

Xuanshuang told everyone how to use the pendant, and announced the first auction price of the pendant.

"Eighty thousand soul crystals!"

"Eighty-five thousand soul crystals!"


In this way, when this price appeared, some soul masters couldn't bear it anymore and bid for this pendant.

This pendant is a defensive treasure, with this pendant, it is equivalent to having five lives on Douluo Continent.

Today's Douluo Continent does not have god-level powerhouses, and Limit Douluo is already the ceiling.

Therefore, in the hearts of many soul masters, the value of this pendant is much higher than the previous auction item, the Godslayer Sword.

Only in life can there be infinite possibilities.

A treasure like the Godslayer Sword cannot be kept by a powerful soul master, so many soul masters still prefer this pendant.


At this time, the box where the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School was located.

Sword Douluo and the others were also very surprised when they heard the heaven-defying effect of this pendant.

A small pendant can resist five attacks at the Limit Douluo level.


None of the things that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion brought out was disappointing.

However, when Jian Douluo saw the pendant at this time, a smile appeared on his face, and then he said lightly to Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo beside him: "This pendant looks good, I plan to take a picture of it, Give it to Rongrong as a gift."

This is what Sword Douluo thought, this pendant is a defensive treasure, they generally don't need it.

But Ning Rongrong's current strength is still relatively weak, and he is still an auxiliary system soul master. If he has this pendant, his own safety will be guaranteed.

"Let's forget it. The final transaction price of this pendant must be a lot. Under our protection, Rongrong should not be in too much danger. We can't let you bid. Let's auction this pendant."

Hearing that, Ning Fengzhi disagreed with Jian Douluo's idea, he heard the implication of Jian Douluo's words.

Although Ning Fengzhi prefers this pendant, if Ning Rongrong has this pendant, it can indeed increase a certain degree of safety, but it can't cost Sword Douluo.

"It's okay, it's just a mere soul crystal. Besides, with my current strength, it is not difficult to condense a large number of soul crystals."

Afterwards, Jian Douluo shook his head secretly, and once again rejected Ning Fengzhi's proposal.

He insisted on auctioning off this pendant and giving it to Ning Rongrong.

When Ning Fengzhi heard these words, he didn't say anything, but shook his head secretly.

Next, Sword Douluo also joined the competition.

With the passage of time, the price of this pendant has also increased extremely quickly, but the degree of increase is far less terrifying than that of the Godslayer Sword.

"25 soul crystals!"

Sword Douluo called out the price in his heart, and when the price appeared, almost all soul masters silently chose to withdraw from this competition.

The price is still high for this pendant, they can't afford it!

"25 soul crystals once!"

"25 soul crystals twice!"

"25 soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, then this pendant belongs to..."

After Xuanshuang confirmed that no one had raised the price, he announced the final ownership of the pendant, and Jian Douluo got it.

After Jian Douluo gave the soul crystal to Xuanshuang, he also got this pendant.

Sword Douluo put this pendant in his palm.

Take a closer look at this rhombus-shaped object, the overall appearance is transparent, and its appearance is extremely delicate.

There are bursts of pale white halos emitting from the outside, which looks very mysterious.

Sword Douluo injected a ray of soul power into this pendant, wondering why this small object can withstand the attack of Limit Douluo level?
After he injected his soul power into it, he didn't feel anything special.

The only feeling is that it is too hard, and the white energy emanating from the surface cannot be seen through by Sword Douluo.

"Strange, if this pendant is really as described by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, how was it made?"

"With my strength, I can't see any clues. It's too weird."

Jian Douluo murmured softly, his tone full of doubts about this pendant.

Afterwards, Bone Douluo and Ning Fengzhi tentatively checked the pendant, it should be able to resist attacks at the Limit Douluo level as introduced by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

As for its structure, they are very unclear. They have never seen the material of this pendant.

After a while, Ning Fengzhi and the others ignored the matter and began to wait for the last auction item to appear.

"The first four auction items of this small auction are over, and now we will look at the finale auction item."

Xuanshuang announced that the first four auction items had just ended, and was about to reveal the last auction item.

Xuanshuang spread out his right hand, a burst of light flashed, followed by an ancient secret book, suspended in Xuanshuang's right hand.

On the cover of this book, there are six large characters: Guide to Self-Created Soul Skills.

This book is exactly what Lu Yun got out of the lottery last time. He originally planned to use this book as the last auction item.

This copy is just a copy, the real original is in the hands of Lu Yun, this auction is equivalent to prostitution.

He believes that the soul masters present are absolutely willing to spend a lot of soul crystals to obtain this self-created soul skill guide.

For soul masters in Douluo Continent today, self-created soul skills are a mysterious word.

Of the soul masters who can create their own soul skills, which one is not a top genius?
"First of all, this book is the finale item of our auction. The name is: Guide to Self-Created Soul Skills. As the name suggests, this book is to teach you how to create your own soul skills."

Xuanshuang said mysteriously, arousing everyone's curiosity

When everyone heard the four words self-created soul skills, their eyes lit up slightly.

Could it be that this book is really about self-created soul skills.

Thinking of this, most of the soul masters present couldn't keep calm.

That is a self-created soul skill. If it can be created, it is equivalent to having a few more soul skills. This is a huge temptation for every soul master.

(End of this chapter)

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